A multicart is a Game Pak containing several independent games, generally with some menu to switch among them and a mapper to choose one or the other.
Nintendo officially discouraged multicarts because of their "shovelware" cachet and association with piracy. Instead, developers were supposed to tie numerous play styles into one plot line (like in Battletoads for NES, Mario Party for Nintendo 64, and WarioWare for Game Boy Advance).
Multicarts authorized by the games' copyright owners have been released on these boards:
- CNROM (Donkey Kong Classics)
- MHROM (Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt)
- NES-EVENT (Nintendo World Championships)
- The board of Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet
- The board of Super Mario Bros./Tetris/Nintendo World Cup
- The board of Nintendo World Cup/Super Spike V'Ball, iNES #47
- Color Dreams board (Sunday Funday, etc.)
- Codemasters Quattro series
Most pirate multicarts have several NROM games because it's really easy to switch them, even in mappers as simple as GNROM or the Color Dreams board.
- iNES Mapper 015 (100-in-1 Contra Function 16)
- SNROM (Forbidden Four)
After the NES's commercial era, some homebrew games were released in limited quantities on multicarts.
- Garage Cart series
- Action 53, a work in progress using a BxROM compatible board