The noise channel has a 4-bit frequency
range, and that means it can produce only 16
unique tones. The tracker interface doesn't
have an obvious way of letting you know what
notes are what, but if you keep the following
points in mind, you shouldn't have very much
trouble using the noise channel. First,
remember that the lowest noise frequency is
the note C-0,
and the highest frequency is D#1.
Secondly, the tracker will play some noise
when you put a note in; that sound is NOT
the actual pitch. This problem is
only on the noise channel. Play the song to
hear how it actually should sound.
Noise emulation isn't very accurate in
emulation. Especially the 'looped' (metallic)
noise. At this time, the NSF player that
seems closest in that aspect is Festalon for Winamp