source code compiles with the CA65 assembler by
Ullrich von Bassewitz. The .NED files are not
used directly by the replay program. Instead, NT2
creates these 2 files when you press ENTER
while your song is loaded:
(pattern, order, and instrument data)
(DPCM samples and DPCM note-table)
You'll then run the temp.ihd file
through the makedtt.exe program. For example:
makedtt temp.ihd temp.dtt
temp.dmc 0
... would take the temp.ihd file
and create temp.dtt (DPCM note-table), temp.dmc (DPCM
sample data) and set up the sample location to
start at ROM address $C000. The NES normally can
only play samples located higher than $C000. (But
it actually wraps-around to $8000. See Brad
Taylor's delta modulation doc for a complete
description of its various features and functions.)
The latest version of the replay
code includes a convenient built-in NSF header so
you can throw it directly into your favorite NES
sound emulator.
If you want to play more than one
song with the program, you probably have the
songs.asm file that Memblers created for Solar
Wars' soundtrack. Simply edit the .incbin
commands to include your own .DAT files. If they
use samples, they must all have the PCM
instruments and note-tables set up in the same
way in each song, because they will all be using
the same note-table.
If you're putting it into a ROM,
put it in at the NSF's load address if it's
without the header, or (load address-$80) if the
NSF header is present. Then to initialize a song,
load the accumulator with the song number to
play, and the X register with 0 if you want NTSC
speed or 1 if you want PAL speed, then do a JSR
to the init address in the NSF header. Then you
JSR to the play address every frame (60hz NTSC or
50hz PAL) to play the music. If you want to stop
the music with silence, stop running the play
code and clear the sound registers (you could
probably get away with only clearing $4015).