~ :: nt2 program
questions :: ~
(Last updated: June 18, 2005)
Whenever I run the program, I get an error
that says "BLASTER environment not
found, what the?!...". What's wrong?
A: NT2
requires your soundcard to have DOS drivers.
You can usually find out if you have DOS
drivers by typing "set" at the
command prompt. There should be a line that
says "BLASTER=(your config)". Your
soundcard maker should have DOS drivers on
their website or installation discs (i.e.
Soundblaster PCI / Live! / Audigy users will
have to enable "Soundblaster ISA Legacy
emulation support" in their windows
system properties, in sacrifice of a free
port, IRQ, DMA...).
A: NT2 might
not work on an operating system that doesn't
allow a program to communicate directly with
the hardware. Full DOS compatibility is
However, for people with Windows 2000 / XP (and
shoddy OEM legacy emulation drivers for newer
sound cards), a possible solution is to
execute NT2 with VDMSound.
NT2's output might have a bit of latency (although
user-adjustable), but will nevertheless sound
flawless on the newer OS' enviroments if
configured correctly.
Furthermore, virtualization software
that is able to decently emulate an ISA
Soundblaster-compatible soundcard should also work.
For example: Any Mac user who's adventurous enough to go
cross-platform will be glad to know that NT2 has been
confirmed to run decently
on OS X with a 1.2GHZ
PowerPC G4, using Virtual PC 7 running Windows 98
(just be aware that you'll need to use Command+Shift
to play your song, and make sure that your Expose
F-key shortcuts doesn't interfere with NT2's own
A: If you're
running Windows, make sure a program isn't
already using your soundcard at the moment (i.e.
Winamp playing in the background, or a
software MIDI wavetable driver idling around).

NT2 is running, but i'm not hearing any sound...?
A: Did you
give your instrument a volume level, and
enable "hold note" or "note
A: Many DOS
programs run into trouble when the
soundcard's IRQ is set to a high number. Try
the Soundblaster "default" settings
of Address=220 IRQ=5 DMA=1, or IRQ=7. If your
soundcard is a "Plug-n-Pray", you
can change these settings fairly easily in
windows system properties, but beware of

I'm using Windows 2000 / XP, and NT2's audio
output stutters & is unlistenable.
What's wrong?
A: NTVDM (2000
/ XP's DOS subsystem) & NT2 usually have
a hard time cooperating when it comes to
audio output, unfortunately. Again, using VDMSound
(and a usable latency setting) may correct
this problem.

When I try to load a *.NED file (Ctrl+L), no
filerequestor pops up! All I see is some
weird letter roulette thingy that cycles
quickly on the top-left area of the screen,
and when I press return, all I get is "Apa!".
What gives?
A: NT2
doesn't have a real filerequestor implemented.
Don't let that confuse you too much, though.
When you hit Ctrl+L to load your *.NED, just
type out the full filename. Same thing when
you save.

Can I load my favorite NSF into NT2?
A: Nope, you
rips into NT2; you can only load NT2's native
NED format. Even compiled NSF's originally
composed by NT2 can't be loaded.
Keep in mind that NSF's are
actual 6502 program code (with its own replay
engine & all), not simply a work-file
that's fed into a music editor. Even if you
were able to snip out the NSF header &
replay code portion of your favorite NES
soundtrack & slap a NED header in place,
you still wouldn't be able to load it up in
NT2 -- due to the simple fact that every game
company's music data structure is different
from each other.

Is there any cut & paste shortcuts?
A: Sadly,
there's no cut/copy/paste feature implemented.
Remember that official development has been
discontinued, so we can't magically make the
feature appear.
One ad-hoc trick I use to
workaround this (when using NT2 in a
"windowed" environment) is just
have my windows clipboard display ready,
click my desktop, press the "Print Scrn" button, and
use the newly-copied image of NT2's windowed
display on the clipboard as a reference when
attempting something that would normally
require those commands.
Bear in mind, though, that
cut/copy/paste commands in NT2 wouldn't be
too vital as they used to be in other
trackers, since each sound channel has their
own unique patterns/order list.

What are the maximum instruments, patterns,
et cetra for NT2?
A: For amount
of instruments: 16 different instruments, 32
unique patterns for each individual channel
(16 unique patterns only for DPCM).
For amount of pattern rows: 61 ($3D) rows total
in the pattern table. Although the tracker itself
will allow up to 127 ($7F), an NSF compiled with
the current replay code will refuse to play if
the number of rows exceed $3D).
For DPCM: A ~16KB ceiling of space is allotted
using the standard replay code (any more than that
will require bankswitching features implemented
to the code). Within those limits, the theoretical
maximum amount of samples is 112. However, there are
reports that using a certain high amount of DPCM
samples will crash the tracker when you attempt to
create TEMP.* files with the Return key (erasing the
samples apparently doesen't remedy the situation,
either). This issue will be investigated further as
time comes by. In the meantime: If you plan to use a
lot of DPCM samples (or already have a lot in your
current NED project), please save a seperate backup
copy of your song before each time you attempt to
load an additional DPCM sample.

I was composing my music, when all of a
sudden the playback just completely halts on
me! I can't get it to play again, what should
I do?
A: You
accidentally inputted command F00 at the
wrong place, and when you played the song,
command F00 halted playback (see "Bugs!" section
for more info). The only workaround for this
is to correct/omit the command, save your
work, and restart NT2.

What's the use of having such a fine volume
range ($00 - $3F) on NT2 when the actual 2A03's
volume range of the square and noise channels
have only 16 different volume levels? Wouldn't
this be a waste?
A: Having such
a fine volume range actually does serve a purpose.
Actual PSG volume is calculated from the nearest
whole number of the Cxx value divided by 4. So
when using volume slides, the audio fades
proportionally on frame, giving a sense of more
amplitude depth for each fine Cxx command level
specified. For instance, try inputting multiple
squarewave notes of an instrument with a 'Volume
Fade' value of $01, coupled with the Cxx volume
command with successive volume changes in values
of 1 (i.e. C04, C05, C06, C07, etc...), and you'll
probably hear the differences between them.
Also, it can be particularly useful
for tremolo purposes, especially with the instruments
utilizing tremolo with a speed of $F and depth of $1,
where the resultant volume output serves as a
pseudo-dither for perceptually better amplitude
depth -- depending on the fine volume levels used
with the Cxx command.

I'm running NT2 in pure DOS mode. I quit, and
after scrolling past the Nerds 'R' Us ANSI
splash screen, I no longer can see anything!
The screen is pitch black, and I'm lost!
Please help...!?!?
A: Type
"cls" to reset the screen... (^^;;