User:Zzo38/Famicom Z-machine
This file contains a copy of the working in progress for the Famicom Z-machine interpreter program.
You are free to review it, question/comment, and even to modify it if you have improvements to make. It is placed here mainly in order to improve reviewing of the software, but you can use it for other purposes too.
The assembler in use is Unofficial MagicKit (a modified version of NESASM).
This program is being written by User:Zzo38, and is using the Famicom keyboard. It is not yet complete (and likely contains errors).
Main file
; Famizork II ; Public domain debug = 1 ; change this to 1 to enable breakpoints 0 to disable ; set a breakpoint on opcode $1A in the debugger inesmap 380 ; Famizork II mapper ineschr 1 ; 8K CHR ROM inesmir 3 ; horizontal arrangement with battery ; Zero-page variables: ; $02 = data stack pointer ; $03 = call stack pointer ; $04 = temporary ; $05 = temporary ; $06 = temporary ; $07 = temporary ; $09 = current temporary shift state ; $0A = current permanent shift state ; $0B = saved permanent shift state ; $0D = number of locals ; $0E = bit16 of program counter ; $10 = bit7-bit0 of program counter ; $11 = low byte of first operand ; $12 = low byte of second operand ; $13 = low byte of third operand ; $14 = low byte of fourth operand ; $15 = temporary ; $16 = low byte of text address if inside fword ; $17 = low byte of packed word ; $18 = temporary ; $19 = low byte of packed word if inside fword ; $20 = bit15-bit8 of program counter ; $21 = high byte of first operand ; $22 = high byte of second operand ; $23 = high byte of third operand ; $24 = high byte of fourth operand ; $25 = temporary ; $26 = high byte of text address if inside fword ; $27 = high byte of packed word ; $28 = temporary ; $29 = high byte of packed word if inside fword ; $30 = output buffer pointer ; $31 = low byte of nametable address of cursor ; $32 = high byte of nametable address of cursor ; $33 = Y scroll amount ; $34 = lines to output before <MORE> ; $35 = saved high byte of return address for text unpacking ; $36 = bit16 of current text address ; $37 = bit16 of current text address if inside fword ; $38-$39 = return address for text unpacking ; $3A = current background color ; $3B = current foreground color ; $3C = remember if battery RAM is present (255=yes 0=no) ; $3D = ARCFOUR "i" register ; $3E = ARCFOUR "j" register ; $40-$4F = low byte of locals ; $50-$5F = high byte of locals ; $E2-$FF = output buffer code datasp = $02 callsp = $03 locall = $40 localh = $50 dstackl = $200 dstackh = $300 cstackl = $400 cstackm = $480 cstackh = $500 ; bit4-bit1=number of locals, bit0=bit16 of PC cstackx = $580 ; data stack pointer arcfour = $600 ; use for random number generator bank intbank+0,"Interpreter" bank intbank+1,"Interpreter" bank intbank+2,"Interpreter" bank intbank+3,"Interpreter" bank intbank org $8000 macro breakpoint if debug db $1A ; unofficial NOP endif endm macro breakpoint2 if debug db $3A ; unofficial NOP endif endm macro make_digit_table macset 4,4,0 macgoto make_digit_table_0 endm macro make_digit_table_0 db ((\4*\2)/\1)%10 macset 4,4,\4+1 macset 5,4,\4=\3 macgoto make_digit_table_\5 endm macro make_digit_table_1 ; Empty macro endm globodd = global&1 macro make_global_table macset 2,4,16 macgoto make_global_table_0 endm macro make_global_table_0 db \1(global+\2+\2-32) macset 2,4,\2+1 macset 3,4,\2=256 macgoto make_global_table_\3 endm macro make_global_table_1 ; Empty macro endm macro make_object_table macset 2,4,0 macgoto make_object_table_0 endm macro make_object_table_0 db \1(object+(\2*9)+62-9) macset 2,4,\2+1 macset 3,4,\2=256 macgoto make_object_table_\3 endm macro make_object_table_1 ; Empty macro endm instadl ds 256 instadh ds 256 globadl ds 16 make_global_table low globadh ds 16 make_global_table high objadl make_object_table low objadh make_object_table high multabl ds 256 ; x*x/4 multabh ds 512 ; x*x/1024 digit0l make_digit_table 1,1,256 digit1l make_digit_table 10,1,256 digit2l make_digit_table 100,1,256 digit0h make_digit_table 1,256,128 digit1h make_digit_table 10,256,128 digit2h make_digit_table 100,256,128 digit3h make_digit_table 1000,256,128 bit1tab db 0, 1, 3, 3, 7, 7, 7, 7, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 db 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31 db 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63 db 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 63 db 127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127 db 127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127 db 127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127 db 127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127,127 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 db 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255 zchad ds 256 ptsizt db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 db 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 db 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 db 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6 db 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 db 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 flagad if smalend db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 db 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 else db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 db 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 endif fwordsl = *-32 ds 96 fwordsh = *-32 ds 96 flagbit db 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 db 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 db 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 db 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 flagbic db 127,191,223,239,247,251,253,254 db 127,191,223,239,247,251,253,254 db 127,191,223,239,247,251,253,254 db 127,191,223,239,247,251,253,254 digit4h make_digit_table 10000,256,128 ; Z-character-decoding assigning macro macro def_zchars if \#=1 macset 2,4,\1 else macset 2,4,\2 endif macset 1,4,\1 macset 3,4,* macset 4,4,?B bank bank(zchad) macgoto def_zchars_0 endm macro def_zchars_0 macset 5,4,\1=\2 org zchad+\1 db low(\3-1) if \3<$FE01 fail "Z-character routine out of range" endif if \3>$FF00 fail "Z-character routine out of range" endif macset 1,4,\1+1 macgoto def_zchars_\5 endm macro def_zchars_1 bank \4 org \3 endm ; Instruction assigning macro macro def_inst macset 2,4,* macset 3,4,?B bank bank(instadl) org instadl+(\1) db low(\2-1) org instadh+(\1) db high(\2-1) bank \3 org \2 endm macro def_inst_2op def_inst (\1)+$00 def_inst (\1)+$20 def_inst (\1)+$40 def_inst (\1)+$60 def_inst (\1)+$C0 endm macro def_inst_2op_eq def_inst (\1)+$00 def_inst (\1)+$20 def_inst (\1)+$40 def_inst (\1)+$60 endm macro def_inst_1op def_inst (\1)+$00 def_inst (\1)+$10 def_inst (\1)+$20 endm macro def_inst_0op def_inst (\1)+$00 endm macro def_inst_ext def_inst (\1)+$00 endm ; Fetch next byte of program ; Doesn't affect carry flag and overflow flag macro fetch_pc inc $1010 bne n\@ inc $1020 if large bne n\@ inc <$0E n\@ ld\1 <$0E \2 $5803,\1 else n\@ \2 $5803 endif endm ; (Bytes of above: 17) ; (Cycles of above: 16 or 25 or 27) ; Initialization code reset ldx #0 stx $2000 stx $2001 ; Wait for frame bit $2002 vwait1 bit $2002 bpl vwait1 txa stx <$0E ; bit16 of program counter stx <$0D ; number of locals stx <$33 ; Y scroll amount stx <$3C ; battery flag dex stx <$03 ; call stack pointer ldy #27 sty <$34 ; lines before <MORE> ldy #$0F sty <$3A ; background ldy #$20 sty <$3B ; foreground ldy #low(start-1) sty <$10 ldy #$E2 sty <$30 ; output buffer pointer ldy #$61 sty <$31 ; low byte of cursor nametable address ldy #$27 sty <$32 ; high byte of cursor nametable address ; Wait for frame bit $2002 vwait2 bit $2002 bpl vwait2 ; Clear the screen tax lda #32 sta $2006 ldx #9 stx $2006 reset1 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 inx bne reset1 ; Initialize palette lda #$FF sta $2006 stx $2006 lda <$3A sta $2007 sta $2007 ldy <$3B sty $2007 sty $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sty $2007 sty $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sty $2007 sty $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sty $2007 sty $2007 ; Check if F8 is pushed (erases save data) ldx #5 stx $4016 dex stx $4016 lda $4017 and #2 beq reset2 ; Check battery ldx #0 stx $1011 stx $1021 lda $5800 cmp #69 bne reset2 inc $1011 lda $5800 cmp #105 beq reset3 ; No save file exists; try to create one reset2 stx $1011 lda #69 sta $5800 inc $1011 lda #105 sta $5800 inc $1011 stx $5800 lda #$FF sta $1022 ; Initialize ARCFOUR table reset2a txa sta arcfour,x sta $1012 sta $5800 inx bne reset2a ; Copy header from ROM into RAM stx $1021 reset2b stx $1011 lda $5805 sta $5803 inx bne reset2b ; Copy ROM starting from PURBOT into RAM lda #high(purbot) sta $1021 lda #low(purbot) sta $1011 reset2c lda $5805 sta $5803 inc $1011 bne reset2c inc $1021 if large=0 if maxaddr<$FF00 lda <$21 cmp #high(maxaddr)+1 endif endif bne reset2c ; Check if save file still exists stx $1011 stx $1021 lda $5800 cmp #69 bne zrest inc $1011 lda $5800 cmp #105 beq reset3 jmp zrest ; Battery is OK reset3 lda #255 sta <$3C ; Load and permute saved ARCFOUR table sta $1021 ldy #0 reset3a sty $1011 lax $5800 sta arcfour,y inx stx $5800 iny bne reset3a ; fall through ; *** RESTART def_inst_0op 183 zrest ldx #0 stx <$0E ; bit16 of program counter stx <$0D ; number of locals stx $1021 dex stx <$03 ; call stack pointer ; Load data from 64 to PURBOT from ROM into RAM lda #64 sta $1011 zrest1 lda $5805 sta $5803 inc $1011 bne zrest1 inc $1021 if purbot<$FF00 lda <$21 cmp #high(purbot)+1 endif bne zrest1 ; Initialize program counter lda #low(start-1) sta <$10 lda #high(start-1) sta $1020 jmp zcrlf ; *** USL def_inst_0op 188 ; fall through ; *** SPLIT def_inst_ext 234 ; fall through ; *** SCREEN def_inst_ext 235 ; fall through ; *** NOOP def_inst_0op 180 ; fall through ; Decode the next instruction ; For EXT instructions, number of operands is in the X register nxtinst fetch_pc y,ldx lda instadh,x pha lda instadl,x pha txa bmi not2op ; It is 2OP ldx #0 asl a sta <4 arr #$C0 fetch_pc y,lda bcc is2op1 jsr varop0 fetch_pc y,lda bvc is2op2 jmp is2op3 is2op1 stx <$21 sta <$11 bit <4 fetch_pc y,lda bvc is2op3 is2op2 inx jmp varop0 is2op3 stx <$22 sta <$12 rts ; It isn't 2OP not2op cmp #192 bcc notext ; It is EXT fetch_pc y,lda ldx #0 isext0 sec rol a bcs isext1 bmi isext3 ; Long immediate sta <4 fetch_pc y,lda if smalend sta <$11,x else sta <$21,x endif fetch_pc y,lda if smalend sta <$21,x else sta <$11,x endif inx lda <4 sec rol a jmp isext0 ; Variable or no more operands isext1 bpl isext2 ; No more operands rts ; Variable isext2 sta <4 jsr varop inx lda <4 sec rol a jmp isext0 ; Short immediate isext3 sta <4 lda #0 sta <$21,x fetch_pc y,lda sta <$11,x inx lda <4 sec rol a jmp isext0 ; It isn't EXT; it is 1OP or 0OP notext asl a asl a asl a bcs notext1 bpl notext2 ; 1OP - short immediate fetch_pc y,lda ldx #0 stx <$21 sta <$11 rts notext1 bmi notext3 ; 1OP - variable ldx #0 jmp varop ; 1OP - long immediate notext2 fetch_pc y,lda if smalend sta <$11,x else sta <$21,x endif fetch_pc y,lda if smalend sta <$21,x else sta <$11,x endif ; fall through ; 0OP notext3 rts zcall0 jmp val8 ; *** CALL def_inst_ext 224 stx <4 lax <$11 ora <$21 beq zcall0 ; calling function zero ; Save to call stack inc <callsp ldy <callsp lda <$10 stx <$10 sta cstackl,y lda <$20 sta cstackm,y lsr <$0E lax <$0D rol a sta cstackh,y lda <datasp sta cstackx,y ; Save locals txa beq zcall2 clc adc <datasp tay zcall1 lda <locall,x sta dstackl,y lda <localh,x sta dstackh,y dey dex bne zcall1 lda <$0D adc <datasp sta <datasp ; Read function header (number of locals) zcall2 asl $1010 lda <$21 rol a sta $1020 rol <$0E ldy <$0E lda $5803,y sta <$0D ; Load initial values of locals beq zcall4 ; Load arguments ldx <4 dex beq zcall3 lda <$12 sta <$41 lda <$22 sta <$51 cpx #1 beq zcall2a lda <$13 sta <$42 lda <$23 sta <$52 cpx #2 beq zcall2a lda <$14 sta <$43 lda <$24 sta <$53 zcall2a txa asl a ; now clears carry flag adc <$10 sta <$10 lda #0 adc <$20 sta $1020 if large bcc zcall3 inc <$0E endif ; Load default values zcall3 fetch_pc y,lda if smalend sta <locall+1,x else sta <localh+1,x endif fetch_pc y,lda if smalend sta <localh+1,x else sta <locall+1,x endif inx cpx <$0D bne zcall3 zcall4 jmp nxtinst ; *** RFALSE def_inst_0op 177 lda #0 ; fall through ; Return a 8-bit value (from A) ret8 pha ldy <callsp dec <callsp lda cstackx,y sta <datasp lda cstackl,y sta <$10 lda cstackm,y sta $1020 lda cstackh,y lsr a sta <$0D tax rol a anc #1 sta <$0E ; Restore locals txa beq ret8b adc <datasp tay ret8a lda dstackl,y sta <locall,x lda dstackh,y sta <localh,x dey dex bne ret8a ret8b pla ; fall through ; Value of instruction is 8-bits (from A) val8 fetch_pc y,ldx bne val8a ; Push to stack inc <datasp ldy <datasp sta dstackl,y txa sta dstackh,y jmp nxtinst val8a cpx #16 bcs val8b ; Local variable sta <locall,x lda #0 sta <localh,x jmp nxtinst ; Global variable val8b ldy globadl,x sty $1014 ldy globadh,x sty $1024 if smalend sta $5801 else ldy #0 sty $5801 endif inc $1014 if globodd bne val8c inc $1024 endif val8c if smalend lda #0 endif sta $5801 lda $1020 jmp nxtinst ; Read the variable using as an instruction operand ; X is operand number (0-3) varop fetch_pc y,lda varop0 bne varop1 ; Pop from stack ldy <datasp dec <datasp lda dstackl,y sta <$11,x lda dstackh,y sta <$21,x rts varop1 cmp #16 bcs varop2 ; Local variable tay lda locall,y sta <$11,x lda localh,y sta <$21,x rts ; Global variable varop2 tay lda globadl,y sta $1015 lda globadh,y sta $1025 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$11,x else sta <$21,x endif inc $1015 if globodd bne varop3 inc $1025 endif varop3 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$21,x else sta <$11,x endif lda $1020 rts ; *** RSTACK def_inst_0op 184 ldx <datasp lda dstackl,x sta <$14 lda dstackh,x jmp ret16 ; *** RETURN def_inst_1op 139 lda <$11 sta <$14 lda <$21 ret16 sta <$24 ldy <callsp dec <callsp lda cstackx,y sta <datasp lda cstackl,y sta <$10 lda cstackm,y sta $1020 lda cstackh,y lsr a sta <$0D tax rol a anc #1 sta <$0E ; Restore locals txa beq ret16b adc <datasp tay ret16a lda dstackl,y sta <locall,x lda dstackh,y sta <localh,x dey dex bne ret16a ret16b ; fall through ; Value of instruction is 16-bits (from $x4) val16 lda <$14 fetch_pc y,ldx bne val16a ; Push to stack inc <datasp ldy <datasp sta dstackl,y lda <$24 sta dstackh,y jmp nxtinst val16a cpx #16 bcs val16b ; Local variable sta <locall,x lda <$24 sta <localh,x jmp nxtinst ; Global variable val16b ldy globadl,x sty $1015 ldy globadh,x sty $1025 if smalend sta $5801 else ldy <$24 sty $5801 endif inc $1015 if globodd bne val16c inc $1025 endif val16c if smalend lda <$24 endif sta $5801 lda $1020 jmp nxtinst ; *** RTRUE def_inst_0op 176 lda #1 jmp ret8 ; *** EQUAL? (EXT) def_inst_ext 193 lda <$11 ldy <$21 cmp <$12 bne zequal1 cpy <$22 beq tpredic zequal1 cpx #2 beq fpredic cmp <$13 bne zequal2 cpy <$23 beq tpredic zequal2 cpx #3 beq fpredic cmp <$14 bne fpredic cmp <$24 beq tpredic jmp fpredic ; *** GRTR? def_inst_2op 3 lda <$12 cmp <$11 lda <$22 sbc <$21 bvc zgrtr1 and #128 jmp predic1 zgrtr1 bmi tpredic jmp fpredic ; *** LESS? def_inst_2op 2 lda <$11 cmp <$12 lda <$21 sbc <$22 bvc zgrtr1 and #128 jmp predic1 ; *** EQUAL? (2OP) def_inst_2op_eq 1 lda <$11 eor <$21 bne fpredic lda <$12 eor <$22 beq predic1 jmp fpredic ; *** ZERO? def_inst_1op 128 lda <$11 ora <$21 beq tpredic ; falls through ; Predicate handling fpredic lda #128 jmp predic1 tpredic lda #0 predic1 fetch_pc x,eor tax arr #$C0 bcs predic8 ; If it should branch txa bvs predic3 ; Long offset eor #$20 anc #$3F adc #$E0 if large bpl predic2 dec <$0E endif predic2 clc adc <$20 sta $1020 if large bcc predick inc <$0E endif predick fetch_pc y,lax jmp predic4 ; Short offset predic3 and #$3F cmp #2 bcc predicq predic4 sbc #2 bcs predic5 if large ldy <$20 dey sty $1020 cpy #255 bne predic5 lsr <$0E else dec $1020 endif predic5 sec adc <$10 sta <$10 bcc predic9 inc $1020 if large bne predic9 inc <$0E endif jmp nxtinst ; If should not branch predic8 bvc predic9 inc <$10 bne predic9 inc $1020 if large bne predic9 inc <$0E endif predic9 jmp nxtinst predicq jmp ret8 ; *** IGRTR? def_inst_2op 5 ldx <$11 jsr xvalue inc <$14 bne zigrtr2 inc <$24 zigrtr1 jsr xstore lda <$14 cmp <$11 lda <$24 sbc <$21 bvc zigrtr2 and #128 jmp predic1 zigrtr2 bmi zigrtr3 jmp fpredic zigrtr3 jmp tpredic ; *** DLESS? def_inst_2op 4 ldx <$11 jsr xvalue ldy <$14 dey sty <$14 cpy #255 bne zdless1 dec <$24 zdless1 jsr xstore lda <$11 cmp <$14 lda <$21 sbc <$24 bvc zigrtr2 and #128 jmp predic1 ; *** PTSIZE def_inst_1op 132 lda $1021 ora #255 dcp $1011 bne zptsz1 dec $1021 zptsz1 ldx $5801 lda ptsizt,x jmp val8 ; *** PUT def_inst_ext 225 lda <$12 asl a rol <$22 clc adc <$11 sta $1011 lda <$22 adc <$21 sta $1021 if smalend lda <$13 else lda <$23 endif sta $5801 inc $1011 bne zput1 inc $1021 zput1 ds 0 if smalend lda <$23 else lda <$13 endif sta $5801 bit $1020 jmp nxtinst ; *** PUTB def_inst_ext 226 lda <$12 clc adc <$11 sta $1011 lda <$22 adc <$21 sta $1021 lda <$13 sta $5801 bit $1020 jmp nxtinst ; *** GET def_inst_2op 15 lda <$12 asl a rol <$22 clc adc <$11 sta $1011 lda <$22 adc <$21 sta $1021 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$14 else sta <$24 endif inc $1011 bne zget1 inc $1021 zget1 ds 0 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$24 else sta <$14 endif bit $1020 jmp val16 ; *** GETB def_inst_2op 16 lda <$12 clc adc <$11 sta $1011 lda <$22 adc <$21 sta $1021 lda $5801 bit $1020 jmp val8 ; *** ADD def_inst_2op 20 clc lda <$11 adc <$12 sta <$14 lda <$21 adc <$22 sta <$24 jmp val16 ; *** SUB def_inst_2op 21 sec lda <$11 sbc <$12 sta <$14 lda <$21 sbc <$22 sta <$24 jmp val16 ; *** BAND def_inst_2op 9 lda <$11 and <$12 sta <$14 lda <$21 and <$22 sta <$24 jmp val16 ; *** BOR def_inst_2op 8 lda <$11 ora <$12 sta <$14 lda <$21 ora <$22 sta <$24 jmp val16 ; *** BCOM def_inst_1op 143 lda <$11 eor #$FF sta <$14 lda <$21 eor #$FF sta <$24 jmp val16 ; *** BTST def_inst_2op 7 lda <$11 and <$12 eor <$12 sta <4 lda <$21 and <$22 eor <$22 ora <4 bne zbtst1 jmp predic1 zbtst1 jmp fpredic ; *** MUL def_inst_2op 22 lax <$11 clc adc <$12 bcc zmul1 eor #255 adc #0 zmul1 tay txa sec sbc <$12 bcs zmul2 eor #255 adc #1 sec zmul2 tax lda multabl,y sbc multabl,x sta <$14 php lda <$11 clc adc <$12 tay bcc zmul3 lda multabh+256,y jmp zmul4 zmul3 lda multabh,y zmul4 plp sbc multabh,x sta <$24 ; low*high lax <$11 clc adc <$22 bcc zmul5 eor #255 adc #0 zmul5 tay txa sec sbc <$22 bcs zmul6 eor #255 adc #1 sec zmul6 tax lda multabl,y sbc multabl,x clc adc <$24 sta <$24 ; high*low lax <$21 clc adc <$12 bcc zmul7 eor #255 adc #0 zmul7 tay txa sec sbc <$12 bcs zmul8 eor #255 adc #1 sec zmul8 tax lda multabl,y sbc multabl,x clc adc <$24 sta <$24 jmp val16 ; *** PUSH def_inst_ext 232 inc <datasp ldx <datasp lda <$11 sta dstackl,x lda <$21 sta dstackh,x jmp nxtinst ; *** POP def_inst_ext 233 ldx <datasp dec <datasp lda dstackl,x sta <$12 lda dstackh,x sta <$22 ldx <$11 jsr xstore jmp nxtinst ; *** FSTACK def_inst_0op 185 dec <datasp jmp nxtinst ; *** SET def_inst_2op 13 lda <$12 sta <$14 lda <$22 sta <$24 ldx <$11 jsr xstore jmp nxtinst ; *** VALUE def_inst_1op 142 ldx <$11 jsr xvalue jmp val16 ; *** INC def_inst_1op 133 ldx <$11 jsr xvalue inc <$14 bne zinc1 inc <$24 zinc1 jsr xstore jmp nxtinst ; *** DEC def_inst_1op 134 ldx <$11 jsr xvalue ldy <$14 dey sty <$14 cpy #255 bne zinc1 dec <$24 jsr xstore jmp nxtinst ; Store value from <$x4 into variable labeled X xstore lda <$14 cpx #0 bne xstore1 ; Top of stack ldy <datasp sta dstackl,y lda <$24 sta dstackh,y rts xstore1 cpx #16 bcs xstore2 ; Local variable sta <locall,x lda <$24 sta <localh,x rts ; Global variable xstore2 ldy globadl,x sty $1014 ldy globadh,x sty $1024 if smalend sta $5801 else ldy <$24 sty $5801 endif inc $1014 if globodd bne xstore3 inc $1024 endif xstore3 if smalend lda <$24 endif sta $5801 lda $1020 rts ; Read from variable labeled X into <$x4 xvalue txa bne xvalue1 ; Top of stack ldy <datasp lda dstackl,y sta <$14 lda dstackh,y sta <$24 rts xvalue1 cpx #16 bcs xvalue2 ; Local variable lda <locall,x sta <$14 lda <localh,x sta <$24 rts ; Global vaiable xvalue2 ldy globadl,x sty $1015 ldy globadh,x sty $1025 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$14 else sta <$24 endif inc $1015 if globodd bne xvalue3 inc $1025 endif xvalue3 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$24 else sta <$14 endif bit $1020 rts ; *** IN? def_inst_2op 6 ldx <$11 clc lda objadl,x adc #4 sta $5010 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $5020 lda $5801 bit $1020 eor <$21 bne zin1 jmp predic1 zin1 jmp fpredic ; *** FSET? def_inst_2op 10 ldx <$11 ldy <$12 clc lda objadl,x adc flagad,y sta $5010 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $5020 lda $5801 and flagbit,y bne zfsetp1 bit $1020 jmp predic1 zfsetp1 jmp fpredic ; *** FSET def_inst_2op 11 ldx <$11 ldy <$12 clc lda objadl,x adc flagad,y sta $5010 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $5020 lda $5801 ora flagbit,y sta $5801 bit $1020 jmp nxtinst ; *** FCLEAR def_inst_2op 12 ldx <$11 ldy <$12 clc lda objadl,x adc flagad,y sta $5010 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $5020 lda $5801 and flagbic,y sta $5801 bit $1020 jmp nxtinst ; *** LOC def_inst_1op 131 ldx <$11 clc lda objadl,x adc #4 sta $5010 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $5020 lda $5801 bit $1020 jmp val8 ; *** FIRST? def_inst_1op 130 ldx <$11 clc lda objadl,x adc #6 sta $5010 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $5020 lda $5801 bit $1020 jmp valp ; *** NEXT? def_inst_1op 129 ldx <$11 clc lda objadl,x adc #5 sta $5010 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $5020 lda $5801 bit $1020 ; fall through ; Value of instruction is 8-bits (from A) ; Predicate is then if value is nonzero valp fetch_pc y,ldx bne valpa ; Push to stack inc <datasp ldy <datasp sta dstackl,y sta <4 txa sta dstackh,y lda <4 jmp valpd1 valpa cpx #16 bcs valpb ; Local variable sta <locall,x ldy #0 sty <localh,x jmp valpd ; Global variable valpb ldy globadl,x sty $1014 ldy globadh,x sty $1024 if smalend sta $5801 else ldy #0 sty $5801 endif inc $1014 if globodd bne valpc inc $1024 endif valpc if smalend ldy #0 sty $5801 else sta $5801 endif bit $1020 valpd tax valpd1 beq valpe jmp fpredic valpe jmp tpredic ; Macro to do one step of ARCFOUR ; Result is stored in accumulator macro do_arcfour inc <$3D ldx <$3D lda arcfour,x pha clc adc <$3E sta <$3E tay sta arcfour,y pla sta arcfour,x clc adc arcfour,y tax lda arcfour,x endm ; *** RANDOM def_inst_ext 231 ldx <$21 beq zrand1 lda bit1tab,x sta <$23 lda #$FF jmp zrand2 zrand1 ldx <$11 lda bit1tab,x zrand2 sta <$13 zrand3 do_arcfour and <$23 sta <$24 cmp <$21 beq zrand4 ; exactly equal bcs zrand1 ; try again; out of range jmp zrand5 ; low byte doesn't need to check zrand4 do_arcfour and <$13 cmp <$11 bcs zrand1 ; try again; out of range adc #1 sta <$14 jmp zrand6 zrand5 do_arcfour sec adc #0 sta <$14 zrand6 lda #0 adc <$24 sta <$24 jmp val16 ; *** JUMP def_inst_1op 140 lda <$11 sec sbc #2 tax lda <$21 sbc #0 tay bpl zjump1 dec <$0E zjump1 txa clc adc <$10 sta <$10 tya adc <$20 sta $1020 bcc zjump2 inc <$0E zjump2 jmp nxtinst ; Macro to find a property, given object and property number ; Object in <$11, property in <$12, branch to \1 if found ; If \1 is with # at front then assume always will be found ; X contains property size only in high 3-bits if found ; X contains property number if not found ; Output is $1014 and $1024 with address of property id macro propfind ; Find the property table ldx <$11 clc lda objadl,x adc #7 sta $1015 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $1025 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$14 else sta <$24 endif inc $1015 bne n\@a inc $1025 n\@a lda $5801 if smalend sta $1014 bit $1024 else sta $1024 bit $1014 endif ; Skip the short description lda $5801 sec rol a bcc n\@d inc $1024 clc n\@d adc <$14 sta $1014 bcc n\@b inc $1024 ; Find this property n\@b lda $5081 if '\<1'!='#' beq n\@c endif eor <$12 tax and #$1F if '\<1'='#' beq n\@c else beq \1 endif lda ptsizt,x sec adc <$14 sta $1014 bcc n\@b inc $1024 jmp n\@b n\@c ds 0 endm ; *** GETPT def_inst_2op 18 propfind zgetpt1 lda $1020 and #0 jmp val8 zgetpt1 lda $1020 inc <$14 bne zgetpt2 inc <$24 zgetpt2 jmp val16 ; *** GETP def_inst_2op 17 propfind zgetp2 ; Use default value asl <$11 rol <$21 ;clears carry lda #low(object-2) adc <$11 sta $1015 lda #high(object-2) adc <$21 sta $1025 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$14 else sta <$24 endif inc $1015 if object&1 bne zgetp1 inc $1025 endif zgetp1 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$24 else sta <$14 endif bit $1020 jmp val16 ; Use actual value zgetp2 inc $1014 bne zgetp3 inc $1024 zgetp3 cpx #$20 bne zgetp5 ; Long property lda $5801 if smalend sta <$14 else sta <$24 endif inc $1014 bne zgetp4 inc $1024 zgetp4 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$14 else sta <$24 endif jmp val16 ; Short property zgetp5 lda $5801 bit $1020 jmp val8 ; *** PUTP def_inst_ext 227 propfind # inc $1014 bne zputp2 inc $1024 zputp2 cpx #$20 bne zputp4 ; Long property if smalend lda <$13 else lda <$23 endif sta $5801 inc $1014 bne zputp3 inc $1024 zputp3 if smalend lda <$23 else lda <$13 endif sta $5801 lda $1020 jmp nxtinst ; Short property zputp4 lda <$13 sta $5801 lda $1020 jmp nxtinst ; *** NEXTP def_inst_2op 19 ldx <$11 bne znextp4 ; Find first property clc lda objadl,x adc #7 sta $1015 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $1025 lda $5801 if smalend sta <$14 else sta <$24 endif inc $1015 bne znextp1 inc $1025 znextp1 lda $5801 if smalend sta $1014 bit $1024 else sta $1024 bit $1014 endif ; Skip the short description lda $5801 sec rol a bcc znextp2 inc $1024 clc znextp2 adc <$14 sta $1014 bcc znextp3 inc $1024 znextp3 lda $5801 and #$1F bit $1020 jmp val8 znextp4 propfind # lda ptsizt,x sec adc <$14 sta $1014 bcc znextp5 inc $1024 znextp5 lda $5801 bit $1020 and #$1F jmp val8 ; *** REMOVE def_inst_1op 137 lda #0 sta <$12 ; fall through ; *** MOVE def_inst_2op 14 ; Find the LOC of first object, see if need to remove ldx <$11 clc lda objadl,x adc #4 sta $1013 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $1023 lda $5801 ldy <$12 sty $5801 tay beq zmove2 ; Look at the NEXT slot too inc $1013 bne zmove1 inc $1023 zmove1 ldy $5801 ldx #0 stx $5801 ; Find it in the FIRST-NEXT chain of the parent object tax lda objadl,x adc #6 sta $1014 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $1024 lax $5801 ; not adjust carry flag eor <$11 bne zmove3 ; It is the first child object ; Let First(Parent)=Next(Child) sty $5801 jmp zmove2 ; It is not the first child object zmove3 lda objadl,x adc #5 sta $1014 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $1024 lax $5801 eor <$11 bne zmove3 ; It is found sty $5801 ; Now insert the object into the new container (if nonzero) zmove2 ldx <$12 beq zmove4 lda objadl,x adc #6 sta $1014 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $1024 ldy $5801 stx $5801 bit $1013 bit $1023 sty $5801 zmove4 lda $1020 jmp nxtinst ; Print a space space lda <$30 cmp #$E2 bne space1 lda <$31 and #$1F bne space1 jsr bufout lda <$31 and #$1F bne space2 space1 inc <$31 space2 rts ; Output and clear the buffer bufout lda <$31 anc #$1F adc <$30 bcc bufout0 jsr addlin1 bufout0 ldx #0 lda <$32 ldy <$31 bufout1 bit $2002 bpl bufout1 stx $2001 ; render off sta $2006 sty $2006 ldx #$E2 cpx <$30 beq bufout3 bufout2 lda <0,x sta $2007 inx cpx <$30 bne bufout2 bufout3 tya anc #$1F bne bufout4 ; Blank the bottom row (just scrolled in) lda <5 sta $2006 lda <4 sta $2006 lda #32 sta $2007 ;1 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 ;10 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 ;20 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 ;30 bufout4 lda #$F8 sta $2005 ldx <$33 stx $2005 anc #$08 sta $2001 sta $2000 lda <$30 sbc #$E1 clc adc <$31 sta <$31 lda <$32 adc #0 sta <$32 lda #$E2 sta <$30 bufout5 rts ; Skip to the next line addline sec addlin1 lda <$33 adc #7 sta <$33 cmp #$F0 bcc addlin2 anc #0 sta <$33 addlin2 lda <$31 and #$E0 adc #$20 sta <$31 lda <$32 adc #0 sta <$32 cmp #$27 bne addlin3 lda <$31 cmp #$C0 bne addlin3 lda #$24 sta <$32 lda #0 sta <$31 ; Prepare address to blank out the line addlin3 lax <$31 clc adc #$40 sta <4 lda <$32 adc #0 sta <5 cmp #$27 bcc addlin4 cpx #$80 bcc addlin4 lda #$24 sax <4 sta <5 addlin4 dec <$34 bne addlin5 lda #27 sta <$34 jmp more addlin5 rts ; Display the <MORE> prompt more ldx #0 lda <$32 ldy <$31 more1 bit $2002 bpl more1 stx $2001 ; render off sta $2006 sty $2006 lda #'<' sta $2007 lda #'M' sta $2007 lda #'O' sta $2007 lda #'R' sta $2007 lda #'E' sta $2007 lda #'>' sta $2007 ; Blank the bottom row (just scrolled in) lda <5 sta $2006 lda <4 sta $2006 lda #32 sta $2007 ;1 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 ;10 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 ;20 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 ;30 ; Re-enable rendering lda #$F8 sta $2005 ldx <$33 stx $2005 anc #$08 sta $2001 sta $2000 ; Wait for keyboard not pushed more2 ldx #5 stx $4016 dex ldy #9 more3 stx $4016 lda $4017 ora #$E1 eor #$FF bne more2 lda #6 sta $4016 lda $4017 ora #$E1 eor #$FF bne more2 dey bne more3 ; Wait for space-bar pushed ldx #5 lda #4 ldy #6 more4 stx $4016 ;reset sta $4016 ;0/0 sty $4016 ;0/1 sta $4016 ;1/0 sty $4016 ;1/1 sta $4016 ;2/0 sty $4016 ;2/1 sta $4016 ;3/0 sty $4016 ;3/1 sta $4016 ;4/0 sty $4016 ;4/1 sta $4016 ;5/0 sty $4016 ;5/1 sta $4016 ;6/0 sty $4016 ;6/1 sta $4016 ;7/0 sty $4016 ;7/1 sta $4016 ;8/0 sty $4016 ;8/1 and $4017 bne more4 ; Erase <MORE> lda #0 sta $2001 lda <$32 sta $2006 lda <$31 sta $2006 lda #32 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 sta $2007 rts ; *** PRINTC def_inst_ext 229 lda <$11 beq zprntc2 cmp #32 beq zprntc1 cmp #13 beq zcrlf ldx <$30 beq zprntc2 sta <0,x inc <$30 zprntc1 jmp nxtinst zprntc2 jsr space jmp nxtinst ; *** CRLF def_inst_0op 187 zcrlf jsr bufout lda <$31 ora #$1F sta <$31 zcrlf2 jmp nxtinst ; *** PRINTN def_inst_ext 230 lda <$30 beq zcrlf2 ; ensure there is room in the buffer ldy <$11 lax <$21 anc #$FF bcc znum01 eor #$FF sta <4 ldx <$30 inc <$30 lda #'-' sta <0,x tya eor #$FF tay ldx <4 znum01 lda digit0l,y adc digit0h,x pha cmp #10 lda digit1l,y adc digit1h,x pha cmp #10 lda digit2l,y adc digit2h,x pha cmp #10 lda #0 adc digit3h,x pha cmp #10 lda #0 adc digit4h,x ldx <$30 tay ; make the flag according to accumulator beq znum02 ; Five digits sta <0,x pla sta 1,x pla sta 2,x pla sta 3,x pla sta 4,x txa axs #-5 stx <$30 jmp nxtinst znum02 pla beq znum03 ; Four digits sta <0,x pla sta 1,x pla sta 2,x pla sta 3,x txa axs #-4 stx <$30 jmp nxtinst znum03 pla beq znum04 ; Three digits sta <0,x pla sta 1,x pla sta 2,x txa axs #-3 stx <$30 jmp nxtinst znum04 pla beq znum05 ; Two digits sta <0,x inx pla sta <0,x inx stx <$30 jmp nxtinst znum05 pla ; One digit sta <0,x inc <$30 jmp nxtinst ; *** PRINTI def_inst_0op 178 jsr textpc jmp nxtinst ; *** PRINTR def_inst_0op 179 jsr textpc jsr bufout lda <$31 ora #$1F sta <$31 lda #1 jmp ret8 ; *** PRINTB def_inst_1op 135 jsr textba jmp nxtinst ; *** PRINT def_inst_1op 141 asl <$11 rol <$21 lda #0 rol a sta <$36 jsr textwa jmp nxtinst ; *** PRINTD def_inst_1op 138 ldx <$11 clc lda objadl,x adc #7 sta $1012 lda objadh,x adc #0 sta $1022 if smalend lda $5801 else ldy $5801 endif inc $1012 bne zprntd1 inc $1022 zprntd1 if smalend adc #1 sta <$11 lda $5801 else lda $5801 adc #1 sta <$11 tya endif adc #0 sta <$21 jsr textba jmp nxtinst ; *** VERIFY def_inst_0op 189 jmp tpredic ; there is no disk, so just assume it is OK ; *** QUIT def_inst_0op 186 jsr bufout lda <$31 ora #$1F sta <$31 jsr bufout zquit jmp zquit ; *** READ jsr bufout ;TODO zread jmp zread bank intbank+3 ; Z-character decoding ; high 3-bits = state, low 5-bits = value org $F100-12 ; Text starting from program counter textpc lda #0 sta <$38 sta <$27 ldx #$A0 stx <$09 stx <$0A org $F100 lda <$27 bmi textpc1 lda #$F2 sta <$39 lda #$FE pha fetch_pc y,lda if smalend sta <$17 else sta <$27 endif if smalend fetch_pc y,lda sta <$27 else fetch_pc y,ldx stx <$17 endif lsr a lsr a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha textpc1 rts org $F200 lda #$FE pha inc <$39 ldx <$17 stx <4 lda <$27 asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts org $F300 lda #$F1 sta <$39 lda #$FE pha lda <$17 anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts org $F400-12 ; Text from byte address textba lda #0 sta <$38 sta <$27 ldx #$A0 stx <$09 stx <$0A org $F400 lda <$27 bmi textba1 lda #$F5 sta <$39 lda #$FE pha lda $1011 lda $1021 lda $5803 if smalend sta <$17 else sta <$27 endif inc $1011 bne textba2 inc $1021 textba2 if smalend lda $5803 sta <$27 else ldx $5803 stx <$17 endif inc $1011 bne textba3 inc $1021 textba3 lsr a lsr a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts textba1 bit $1020 rts org $F500 lda #$FE pha inc <$39 ldx <$17 stx <4 lda <$27 asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts org $F600 lda #$F4 sta <$39 lda #$FE pha lda <$17 anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts org $F700-12 ; Text from word address (aligned) textwa lda #0 sta <$38 sta <$27 ldx #$A0 stx <$09 stx <$0A org $F700 lda <$27 bmi textwa1 lda #$F8 sta <$39 lda #$FE pha lda $1011 lda $1021 ldy <$36 lda $5803,y if smalend sta <$17 else sta <$27 endif if smalend inc $1011 lda $5803,y sta <$27 else ldx $5803,y stx <$17 endif inc $1011 bne textwa4 inc $1021 bne textwa4 inc <$36 textwa4 lsr a lsr a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts textwa1 bit $1020 rts org $F800 lda #$FE pha inc <$39 ldx <$17 stx <4 lda <$27 asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts org $F900 lda #$F7 sta <$39 lda #$FE pha lda <$17 anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts org $FA00-20 ; Text from frequent word textfw lda #0 sta <$38 sta <$29 lda <$0A sta <$0B ldx #$A0 stx <$09 stx <$0A lda <$39 sta <$35 org $FA00 lda <$29 bmi textfw1 lda #$FB sta <$39 lda #$FE pha ldy <$37 lda $5803,y if smalend sta <$19 else sta <$29 endif inc $1016 if smalend lda $5803,y sta <$29 else ldx $5803,y stx <$19 endif inc $1016 bne textfw2 inc $1026 bne textfw2 inc <$37 textfw2 lsr a lsr a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts textfw1 bit $1020 lda <$35 sta <$39 lda <$0B sta <$0A sta <$09 jmp [$38] org $FB00 lda #$FE pha inc <$39 ldx <$19 stx <4 lda <$29 asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a asl <4 rol a anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts org $FC00 lda #$FA sta <$39 lda #$FE pha lda <$19 anc #31 ora <$09 tax lda zchad,x pha rts ; States can be: ; 0 = Second step of ASCII escape ; 1-3 = Fwords ; 4 = First step of ASCII escape ; 5-7 = Shift states 0,1,2 ; These subroutines are entered with X set to the state. ; Also has carry flag cleared. org $FE01 ; ** Emit a space def_zchars $A0 def_zchars $C0 def_zchars $E0 zch32 jsr space jmp [$38] ; ** Second escape def_zchars $00,$1F txa ora <5 beq zch1 cmp #32 beq zch32 cmp #13 beq zch13 ldx <$30 beq zch1 sta <0,x inc <$30 lda <$0A sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** First escape def_zchars $80,$9F txa asl a asl a asl a asl a asl a sta <5 anc #0 sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Frequent words def_zchars $20,$7F lda fwordsl,x sta $1015 lda fwordsh,x sta $1025 lda $5801 if smalend asl a sta <$16 else sta <$26 lda #0 rol a sta <$37 endif inc $1015 bne zfw1 inc $1025 zfw1 lda $5801 if smalend rol a sta <$26 else asl a sta <$16 rol <$26 endif lda #0 adc #0 sta <$37 jmp textfw ; ** Begin escape def_zchars $E6 lda #$80 sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Direct character code def_zchars $A6,$BF def_zchars $C6,$DF def_zchars $E8,$FF ldy <$30 beq zch1 stx <$E0,y inc <$30 zch1 lda <$0A sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Emit a line break def_zchars $E7 zch13 jsr bufout lda <$31 ora #$1F sta <$31 lda <$0A sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Begin frequent words state 0-31 def_zchars $A1 def_zchars $C1 def_zchars $E1 lda #$20 sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Begin frequent words state 32-63 def_zchars $A2 def_zchars $C2 def_zchars $E2 lda #$40 sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Begin frequent words state 64-95 def_zchars $A3 def_zchars $C3 def_zchars $E3 lda #$60 sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Temporary shift 1 def_zchars $A4 lda #$C0 sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Temporary shift 2 def_zchars $A5 lda #$E0 sta <$09 jmp [$38] ; ** Permanent shift 1 or 2 def_zchars $C4 def_zchars $E5 and #$F0 sta <$0A jmp [$38] ; ** Permanent shift 0 def_zchars $C5 def_zchars $E4 lda #$A0 sta <$09 sta <$0A jmp [$38] ; Reset vector bank intbank+3 org $FFFA dw 0,reset,0 ; Pattern tables bank intbank+4 org $0000 incbin "pc.chr" ; Cursor icon org $07F0 defchr $00000000, \ $03030300, \ $00303030, \ $03030300, \ $00303030, \ $03030300, \ $00303030, \ $00000000 ; Postprocessor emu org $0000 lda 0 sta $2012 inc <1 rts org $0040 db "0123456789012345" db "6789012345678901" org $0080 db " " ; $80-$9F db " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ; $A0-$BF db " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ; $C0-$DF db " **0123456789.,!?_#'\"/\\-:()" ; $E0-$FF org $8000 cld ; Make duplicates of ASCII characters as Z-characters lda #1 sta $200D lda #0 sta $200E lda #8 sta $200F ldx #$80 pp1 lda #4 sta <2 lda <0,x asl a rol <2 asl a rol <2 asl a rol <2 asl a rol <2 sta <1 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 inx bne pp1 ; Make duplicate of digits for use with PRINTN ldx #0 stx $200E stx $200F pp2 lda #4 sta <2 lda <$40,x asl a rol <2 asl a rol <2 asl a rol <2 asl a rol <2 sta <1 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 jsr 0 inx cpx #32 bne pp2 ; Finished hlt org $FFFC dw $8000 code bank intbank+4
C program
This program is generating a stub file and story ROM for its use.
/* This file is part of Famizork II and is in the public domain. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> static FILE*fp; static int c; static int d; static int gamesize; static char endian; static unsigned char mem[0x20000]; static char buf[256]; #define OUTHEADER(x,y) fprintf(fp,"%s\t= %u\n",x,(mem[y*2+endian]<<8)|mem[y*2+1-endian]) int main(int argc,char**argv) { if(argc<2) return 1; fp=fopen(argv[1],"rb"); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); gamesize=ftell(fp); if(gamesize>0x20000 || gamesize<0) return 1; fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); fread(mem,1,gamesize,fp); fclose(fp); if(*mem!=3) return 1; sprintf(buf,"%s.asm",argv[1]); fp=fopen(buf,"w"); endian=mem[1]&1; mem[1]&=3; mem[1]|=16; c=(gamesize>0x10000?16:gamesize>0x8000?8:gamesize>0x4000?4:2); fprintf(fp,"\tnes2prgram 0,131072\n"); fprintf(fp,"\tinesprg %d\n",(c>>1)+2); fprintf(fp,"intbank\t= %d\n",c); fprintf(fp,"smalend\t= %d\n",endian); fprintf(fp,"large\t= %d\n",gamesize>=0x10000); if(gamesize<0x10000) fprintf(fp,"maxaddr\t= %u\n",gamesize-1); OUTHEADER("start",3); OUTHEADER("vocab",4); OUTHEADER("object",5); OUTHEADER("global",6); OUTHEADER("purbot",7); OUTHEADER("fwords",12); fprintf(fp,"\tcode\n\tbank 0\n\tincbin \"%s.rom\"\n\tinclude \"famizork2.asm\"\n",argv[1]); fprintf(fp,"\n\tbank %d\n\torg fwordsl\n",c); d=(mem[24+endian]<<8)|mem[25-endian]; for(c=0;c<192;c+=2) fprintf(fp,"\tdb %d\n",(d+c)&255); for(c=0;c<192;c+=2) fprintf(fp,"\tdb %d\n",((d+c)>>8)&255); fprintf(fp,"\torg multabl\n"); for(c=0;c<255;c++) fprintf(fp,"\tdb %d\n",((c*c)>>2)&255); for(c=0;c<512;c++) fprintf(fp,"\tdb %d\n",((c*c)>>10)&255); fprintf(fp,"\tbank intbank+4\n"); fclose(fp); sprintf(buf,"%s.rom",argv[1]); fp=fopen(buf,"wb"); if(gamesize>0x10000) { fwrite(mem+0x10000,1,0x10000,fp); fwrite(mem,1,0x10000,fp); } else { fwrite(mem,1,gamesize,fp); } fclose(fp); return 0; }
The explanation of the mapper is User:Zzo38/Mapper_I.
The pattern table is arranged in this way (although $7F is the cursor picture, not shown here):
0123456789012345 6789012345678901 !"#$%&'()*+,-./ 0123456789:;<=>? @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ `abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ abcdefghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ **01234567 89.,!?_#'"/\-:()
As you can see there are many duplicates, in particular each digit occurs five times, except 0 and 1 which occur six times each. Many other characters also occur twice. These will improve the speed of the program, since it does not have to convert Z-characters and numbers into ASCII before displaying them.
Many things are precomputed at compile-time in order to improve speed (also improves size of the interpreter):
- The mode byte is set to indicate that the status bar is unavailable
- Address of objects, global variables, and frequent words table
- Starting address of execution of program
- Endianness and various calculations related to it
- The size of the story file, which can be used to determine needed ROM sizes and optimizing of the interpreter
- Self-inserting-breaks
- Stuff to optimize the vocabulary (not yet)
- Multiplication tables
A custom mapper is used, which bankswitches only one byte at a time. This makes much of the logic for addressing the story file much simpler than it otherwise would be. It also overlaps bankswitching registers with mirrors of the RAM internal to the console, and since they respond to multiple addresses, this means you can save the bankswitched value at the same time as bankswitching, that you can store multiple bank numbers at once (even though the mapper can only remember one at once), and that reading from the RAM mirrors will also bankswitch (allows you to restore a saved bankswitch in four cycles; with other mappers it is usually seven).
There is an instruction decoding table, which is one table for all instructions and contains duplicates for the different forms of the instruction (such as EXT forms of 2OP instructions, the different variable/immediate combinations for 2OP, and the different operand types for 1OP). However, a different opcode is used when EQUAL? is encoded as EXT than as 2OP, in order to improve the speed in the 2OP case. The code can just use "jmp nxtinst" to begin decoding the next instruction; it doesn't use return from subroutine.
Instruction decoding tables, as well as the Z-character decoding tables, both use the RTS trick, although in the case of Z-character decoding, the table contains only the low byte of the address since the code is small enough in this case.
Also it is using several stable unofficial opcodes.