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- 01:38, 18 December 2024 NES 2.0 Mapper 481 (hist | edit) [873 bytes] NewRisingSun (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DEFAULTSORT:481}}Category:Multicart mappersCategory:Mappers with CHR RAM '''NES 2.0 Mapper 481''' denotes the Subor '''045NN''' PCB, used on at least one educational computer cartridge with two games on it. It's basically 2x128 KiB of UNROM, switched by an outer bank bit. * ''小霸王 2合1꞉ 仓库世家 & 动脑筋'' ==Banks== * CPU 8000-BFFF: Switchable 16 KiB inner bank * CPU C000-FFFF: Fixed 16 KiB inner bank 7 * PPU 0000-1FFF: 8 KiB unbanked CHR-RA...")
- 10:46, 2 December 2024 LH2833 pinout (hist | edit) [1,197 bytes] Krzysiobal (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Pinouts LH2833: custom DRAM chip 28-pin 0.6" DIP .---\/---. (tied to CPU M2) +CS1? -> | 01 28 | -- +5V /RAS -> | 02 27 | <- +CS2? (tied to CPU A13) PRG A0 -> | 03 26 | <- +CS3? (tied to CPU A14) PRG A3/A10 -> | 04 25 | <- +CS4? (tied to CPU /ROMSEL) PRG A2/A9 -> | 05 24 | <- PRG A4/A11 PRG A1/A8 -> | 06 23 | <- PRG A5/A12 CPU A7 ->...")