NES 2.0 Mapper 329

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NES 2.0 mapper 329 is used for the Education Computer 2000. Its UNIF board name is UNL-EDU2000. It's basically BNROM with 32 KiB WRAM and selectable mirroring.


  • CPU $6000-$7FFF: 8 KiB switchable PRG-RAM bank
  • CPU $8000-$FFFF: 32 KiB switchable PRG-ROM bank
  • PPU $0000-$1FFF: 8 KiB unbanked CHR-RAM

Data Latch ($8000-$FFFF)

Mask: $8000

D~7654 3210
  |||+-++++- Select 32 KiB PRG-ROM bank at CPU $8000-$FFFF
  ||+------- Select nametable mirroring type
  ||          0: Vertical
  ||          1: Horizontal
  ++-------- Select 8 KiB PRG-RAM bank at CPU $6000-$7FFF