Bandai EPROM mapper
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Bandai EPROM mapper is an ad hoc designation for a mapper used by Bandai for Dragon Ball and Gundam games. iNES Mapper 016 and iNES Mapper 159
Hardware: PRG ROM, CHR ROM, no PRG RAM, serial EPROM.
The mapper's ports are mirrored at $6000-$FFFF, except for the EPROM I/O register which can only be read at $6000-$7FFF.
- $8000-$8007: Select 1024 byte CHR bank at $0000, $0400, ..., $1C00
- $8008: Select 16384 byte PRG bank at $8000 (the last bank is fixed at $C000)
- $8009: Mirroring (0: vertical; 1: horizontal; 2: 1-screen $2000; 3: 1-screen $2C00)
- $800A: IRQ control (0: pause; 1: count; any write acknowledges)
- $800B: Low 8 bits of IRQ counter
- $800C: High 8 bits of IRQ counter
- $800D: EPROM write
When enabled, IRQ counts down by 1 every CPU cycle. /IRQ goes low when the counter goes from $0001 to $0000, and it goes high when $800A is written. The counter is not reloaded after IRQ; it'll fire once every 65536 cycles unless paused or reloaded with $800B/$800C writes.
Any read from $6000-$7FFF appears to read the EPROM.
EPROM appears to be laid out like this:
7 bit 0 $800D: EPROM control |||' '''' ||+-------- Clock? |+--------- Data in? +---------- Unknown 7654 3210 $6000-$7FFF: EPROM read | +------ Data out
Some patterns observed in the games' save code:
- Start I/O: $00 $40 $60 $20 $00
- Write 0 bit: $00 $20 $00
- Write 1 bit: $00 $40 $60 $40 $00
- Unknown: $00 $20 $A0 Read $00
- Read bit: $60 $E0 Read $40
- Stop I/O: $00 $20 $60 $40 $C0