MMC3 pinout
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Nintendo MMC3: 44-pin QFP (Canonically mapper 4)
/ \ / O \ n/c -- /01 44\ -> CHR A16 (r) (r) CHR A10 <- /02 43\ -> CHR A11 (r) (n) PPU A12 -> /03 42\ -> PRG RAM /WE (w) (n) PPU A11 -> /04 41\ -> PRG RAM +CE (w) (n) PPU A10 -> /05 40\ -- GND GND -- /06 \ 39\ <- CPU D3 (nrw) (r) CHR A13 <- /07 \ 38\ <- CPU D2 (nrw) (r) CHR A14 <- /08 \ _\ 37\ <- CPU D4 (nrw) (r) CHR A12 <- /09 \ \| 36\ <- CPU D1 (nrw) (n) CIRAM A10 <- /10 \ \ 35\ <- CPU D5 (nrw) (r) CHR A15 <- /11 \ _\ o 34\ <- CPU D0 (nrw) (r) CHR A17 <- \12 /\ \| 33/ <- CPU D6 (nrw) (n) /IRQ <- \13 \ \ 32/ <- CPU A0 (nrw) (n) /ROMSEL -> \14 / \ 31/ <- CPU D7 (nrw) GND -- \15 |_ / 30/ -> PRG RAM /CE (w) n/c -- \16 | 29/ <- M2 (n) (n) R/W -> \17 |/ 28/ -- GND (r) PRG A15 <- \18 27/ -- VCC (r) PRG A13 <- \19 26/ -> PRG /CE (r) (n) CPU A14 -> \20 25/ -> PRG A17 (r) (r) PRG A16 <- \21 24/ <- CPU A13 (n) (r) PRG A14 <- \22 23/ -> PRG A18 (r) \ O / \ / 01, 16: both officially no connection. sometimes shorted to pin 02, 15 respectively
Note the orientation of the text: "MMC3" when viewed upright specifies pin 1 is bottom face, leftmost.
Mappers 37 and 47 connect pins 42 and 30 to a 74161
iNES Mapper 118 connects pin 12 to CIRAM A10, and pin 10 is n/c.
iNES Mapper 119 connects pin 44 to a 7432 and to the CHR RAM's +CE pin.
Pirate versions (600 mil 40-pin DIP package)
.--\/--. .--\/--. .--\/--. M2 -> |01 40| -- +5V CPU !ROMSEL -> |01 40| -> WRAM !CE (r) CHR A13 <- |01 40| <- PPU A10 (f) WRAM !CE <- |02 39| -- NC PRG !CE <- |02 39| -- +5V (r) CHR A14 <- |02 39| <- PPU A11 (f) CPU D7 -> |03 38| -> PRG !CE WRAM !WE <- |03 38| -> WRAM CE (r) CHR A12 <- |03 38| <- PPU A12 (f) CPU A0 -> |04 37| -> PRG A17 CPU A14 -> |04 37| <- CPU R/!W (f) CIRAM A10 <- |04 37| -> CHR A10 (r) CPU D6 -> |05 36| <- CPU A13 CPU A13 -> |05 36| -> PRG A13 (r) CHR A15 <- |05 36| -> CHR A16 (r) CPU D0 -> |06 35| -> PRG A18 CPU A0 -> |06 35| -> PRG A14 (r) CHR A17 <- |06 35| -> CHR A11 (r) CPU D5 -> |07 34| -> PRG A14 M2 -> |07 34| -> PRG A15 (f) /IRQ <- |07 34| -> PRG RAM /WE (w) CPU D1 -> |08 33| -> PRG A16 PPU A12 -> |08 33| -> PRG A16 (f) /ROMSEL -> |08 33| -> PRG RAM +CE (w) CPU D4 -> |09 32| <- CPU A14 !IRQ <- |09 32| -> PRG A17 GND -- |09 32| -- GND CPU D2 -> |10 31| -> PRG A13 CIRAM A10 <- |10 31| -> PRG A18 (f) R/W -> |10 31| <- CPU D3 (fr) CPU D3 -> |11 30| -> PRG A15 PPU A10 -> |11 30| -- NC (r) PRG A15 <- |11 30| <- CPU D2 (fr) WRAM CE <- |12 29| <- CPU R/!W PPU A11 -> |12 29| -> CHR A17 (r) PRG A13 <- |12 29| <- CPU D4 (fr) WRAM !WE <- |13 28| <- CPU !ROMSEL CPU D0 -> |13 28| -> CHR A16 (f) CPU A14 -> |13 28| <- CPU D1 (fr) CHR A11 <- |14 27| -> !IRQ CPU D1 -> |14 27| -> CHR A15 (r) PRG A16 <- |14 27| <- CPU D5 (fr) CHR A16 <- |15 26| -> CHR A17 CPU D2 -> |15 26| -> CHR A14 (r) PRG A18 <- |15 26| <- CPU D0 (fr) CHR A10 <- |16 25| -> CHR A15 CPU D3 -> |16 25| -> CHR A13 (f) CPU A13 -> |16 25| <- CPU D6 (fr) PPU A12 -> |17 24| -> CIRAM A10 CPU D4 -> |17 24| -> CHR A12 (r) PRG A17 <- |17 24| <- CPU A0 (fr) PPU A11 -> |18 23| -> CHR A12 CPU D5 -> |18 23| -> CHR A11 (r) PRG A14 <- |18 23| <- CPU D7 (fr) PPU A10 -> |19 22| -> CHR A14 CPU D6 -> |19 22| -> CHR A10 (r) PRG /CE <- |19 22| -> PRG RAM /CE (w) GND -- |20 21| -> CHR A13 GND -- |20 21| <- CPU D7 VCC -- |20 21| <- M2 (f) `------' `------' '------' AX5202P #1 AX5202P #2 (NTDEC?) "88"
- Left two versions enables WRAM at $6000-$7fff at power up but protects them from writes (during CPU write cycle to $6000-$7fff when WRAM is protected, WRAM !CE and WRAM CE are not asserted). When RAM is disabled, open bus behavior is observed.
- NC seems to be not connected internally in both versions (multimeter diode test does not show any conducting voltage between NC and any other pins)
- First version is the one you can still buy nowadays (it has AX5202P marking).
- Second version was found in at least one game - Doki Doki Yuuenchi bootleg (the chip does not have any markings)