Famicom expansion port pinout

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Revision as of 21:36, 19 April 2012 by Lidnariq (talk | contribs) (Just using the information at http://nesdev.parodius.com/ffpa.txt)
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Pinout of 15-pin Famicom expansion port

            |   \ 													
        GND | 01  \													
            |   09 | /OE for joypad 2				
      SOUND | 02   |												
            |   10 | out 2 ($4016.2)				
        IRQ | 03   |												
            |   11 | out 1 ($4016.1)				
joypad 2 D4 | 04   |												
            |   12 | out 0 ($4016.0, Strobe)
joypad 2 D3 | 05   |												
            |   13 | joypad 1 D1						
joypad 2 D2 | 06   |												
            |   14 | /OE for joypad 1				
joypad 2 D1 | 07   |												
            |   15 | +5V										
joypad 2 D0 | 08  /													
            |   /														