User talk:Zzo38/Submappers
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There's a bunch here that seem unnecessary to me. For example:
- Mapper 1, all of these boards are disambiguated just with the PRG-RAM size register, so why allocate submappers?
- That said, SEROM and SHROM are not describable using other details, so there's an argument for why they should.
- Mappers 2,3 submappers should probably also apply to 7 and 34
- Mapper 4 MMC3 vs MMC6 can also be disambiguated using the PRG-RAM size register
- I'm not clear why any of the VRC2x/VRC4x/VRC6x/VRC7x layouts need to be disambiguated.
- That said, using submappers to disambiguate VRC2 from VRC4 is a great idea.
- Mappers 38,79: I think enshrining either behavior as official is a bad idea, especially since Nestopia's implementation is a superset of FCEUX's in both cases. (And FCEUX happens to be on crack with m79's register at $8000)
—Lidnariq 20:13, 10 September 2012 (MDT)