User contributions for Lidnariq
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20 September 2015
- 19:3419:34, 20 September 2015 diff hist 0 VRC2 pinout how did I not notice the absence of mirroring control?
14 September 2015
- 23:5023:50, 14 September 2015 diff hist +4 m User:Lidnariq/Microchip-style PPU documentation →REGISTER: PPUMASK: PPU rendering modifications: braino current
- 23:4623:46, 14 September 2015 diff hist +299 User:Lidnariq/Microchip-style PPU documentation →REGISTER: PPUCTRL: PPU properties: explicitly call out sprite tile location bit irrelevance when using 8x16 sprites
- 23:3723:37, 14 September 2015 diff hist +1,250 User:Lidnariq/Mapper thoughts →Oversize PRG for some ASIC mappers: new thought
10 September 2015
- 22:0322:03, 10 September 2015 diff hist 0 m GxROM fix redlink current
- 03:3503:35, 10 September 2015 diff hist +498 N Talk:INES Mapper 144 →Alternative interpretation: new section current
9 September 2015
- 08:0108:01, 9 September 2015 diff hist +550 Talk:Myths →Some Facts that not many people knew (or mention at least): really goofy way to use bus conflicts? current
8 September 2015
- 07:5007:50, 8 September 2015 diff hist +1,554 Talk:Myths →Some Facts that not many people knew (or mention at least)
6 September 2015
- 23:4823:48, 6 September 2015 diff hist −8 m INES Mapper 086 →Hardware: i had implicitly already mentioned R/W, clean it up current
- 23:3523:35, 6 September 2015 diff hist +16 INES Mapper 086 →Hardware: other prerequisite condition for decoding
5 September 2015
- 05:2805:28, 5 September 2015 diff hist +364 INES Mapper 086 bonus accidental register location!
- 04:4204:42, 5 September 2015 diff hist −1 m GxROM →Bank select ($8000-$FFFF): tiny grammar fix
4 September 2015
- 00:3300:33, 4 September 2015 diff hist 0 m NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals →034: BNROM / NINA-001: typo fix
3 September 2015
- 23:0223:02, 3 September 2015 diff hist +215 NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals →034: BNROM / NINA-001: submapper 0 really ought to mean "decide based on CHR size", not "implement the unified definition"
- 21:1021:10, 3 September 2015 diff hist −18 m NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals →002, 003, 007: UxROM, CNROM, AxROM: if describing hardware rather than ABI, rephrase submapper 2 to match.
- 20:2820:28, 3 September 2015 diff hist +375 Talk:NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals No edit summary
- 20:0520:05, 3 September 2015 diff hist +392 Talk:NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals No edit summary
- 06:5406:54, 3 September 2015 diff hist +89 m Talk:NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals +sign
- 06:5206:52, 3 September 2015 diff hist +1,262 Talk:NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals No edit summary
2 September 2015
- 18:2718:27, 2 September 2015 diff hist +470 Talk:NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals No edit summary
1 September 2015
- 02:4102:41, 1 September 2015 diff hist +485 Talk:NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals No edit summary
- 00:3100:31, 1 September 2015 diff hist +624 Talk:NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals →Bus conflict submapper 0
31 August 2015
- 01:0301:03, 31 August 2015 diff hist +53 NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals →002, 003, 007: UxROM, CNROM, AxROM: 0 is "game doesn't try to produce a bus conflict"
- 01:0001:00, 31 August 2015 diff hist +172 NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals →002, 003, 007: UxROM, CNROM, AxROM: Codify bus conflicts as requiring AND behavior, since there are other options
16 August 2015
- 21:2621:26, 16 August 2015 diff hist +111 INES Mapper 222 two games, not just one current
- 21:2321:23, 16 August 2015 diff hist −1 Mapper →iNES 1.0 mapper grid: m222 Generic → pirate
- 21:2121:21, 16 August 2015 diff hist +514 N INES Mapper 222 Created page with "iNES Mapper 222 reportedly represents the pirate port of [ Namco's Dragon Ninja] on the PCB '''CTC-31'''. It appears to..."
15 August 2015
- 02:4802:48, 15 August 2015 diff hist −179 NES 2.0 submappers →001: MMC1: when two rational people disagree on what the right thing to do is, don't change things. So put MMC1 back to where it was.
14 August 2015
- 02:5702:57, 14 August 2015 diff hist +761 NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals Copy Cony submappers from kevtris, since I mentioned that "submappers should be allocated"
13 August 2015
- 02:4702:47, 13 August 2015 diff hist −1,529 VRC2 same summary format of CHR banking as VRC4
12 August 2015
- 18:0218:02, 12 August 2015 diff hist +251 User:Lidnariq explicitly mark agreement to the same licensing terms as tepples current
11 August 2015
- 23:4723:47, 11 August 2015 diff hist −18 NES 2.0 →Byte 13 (Vs. hardware): 2C04-000x all have the same master palette, just different orders
- 18:4618:46, 11 August 2015 diff hist +237 NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals No edit summary
- 18:3918:39, 11 August 2015 diff hist +479 Talk:MMC1 No edit summary
10 August 2015
- 06:4706:47, 10 August 2015 diff hist +338 INES Mapper 027 extra bonus obnoxious definition? current
- 06:0906:09, 10 August 2015 diff hist +343 Talk:MMC1 sgtm
9 August 2015
- 01:5301:53, 9 August 2015 diff hist −1,962 NES 2.0 submappers/Proposals No edit summary
- 01:5301:53, 9 August 2015 diff hist +2,748 NES 2.0 submappers move VRC2 and VRC4 back from proposals; VRC2 clearly needs it, and both Kevtris and Nestopia's original author decided that VRC4 did too.
29 July 2015
- 19:0119:01, 29 July 2015 diff hist −49 PowerPak →Offical Mappers V1.34: m76 is not the canonical Namco108; m112 isn't particularly related to Namco or Tengen at all.
- 18:5218:52, 29 July 2015 diff hist −11 m PowerPak iNES Mapper 096 are the two ''Oeka Kids'' games, which happen to use the Oeka Kids tablet as an input device... so referring to the mapper as the input device is kinda confusing.
- 18:4718:47, 29 July 2015 diff hist −10 Cartridge connector →Signal descriptions: combine PowerPak and MMC5 points on EXP6.
27 July 2015
- 23:1523:15, 27 July 2015 diff hist +427 User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants Add Sachen 8259 variants
25 July 2015
- 20:1920:19, 25 July 2015 diff hist +219 Errata →Video: mention DMC DMA affects 2007 too. state precisely which revisions have unreadable OAM
22 July 2015
- 22:3222:32, 22 July 2015 diff hist −14 m RAMBO-1 didn't notice wrammax/wrampage behavior when previewing
- 22:3122:31, 22 July 2015 diff hist −38 RAMBO-1 add infobox, nesdbox, and remove pointless bitfields (i.e. those where all eight bits are the same, or all ignored)
18 July 2015
- 03:5203:52, 18 July 2015 diff hist −63 m MMC5 →PRG RAM bank ($5113): fix nescartdb link
16 July 2015
- 20:3320:33, 16 July 2015 diff hist −331 Namco 163 avoid referring to things by mapper # in the text. Rewrite for fluidity. Remove horribly verbose "here's a whole slew of possible mirroring" example table.
- 08:2808:28, 16 July 2015 diff hist −28 m Cartridge and mappers' history forgot to preview
- 08:2608:26, 16 July 2015 diff hist +72 Cartridge and mappers' history Pin·Bot preceded both Videomation and the Oeka Kids games, so gets the "first clearly banking CHR-RAM" credit.
15 July 2015
- 23:4423:44, 15 July 2015 diff hist +164 Cartridge and mappers' history rewrite a little, + one more first