User contributions for Lidnariq
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15 August 2014
- 06:3706:37, 15 August 2014 diff hist −17 m APU Noise interwiki for LFSR. also, finish my comment from the previous edit: some tonal noise patterns are instead the 3rd harmonic of what's expected.
- 06:3506:35, 15 August 2014 diff hist +27 APU Noise Some Not all tonal
- 01:2201:22, 15 August 2014 diff hist +98 NES 2.0 submappers →004: MMC3: I've (we've) left this as "outline" for too long. Provide a suggestion
13 August 2014
- 00:5000:50, 13 August 2014 diff hist +23 NES 2.0 submappers Undo revision 8933 by Thefox (talk) No reply on talk page, so revert.
11 August 2014
- 23:1523:15, 11 August 2014 diff hist +88 MMC1 →Hardware: should link to mapper 155 somewhere in the mmc1 page; this feels right.
- 18:4818:48, 11 August 2014 diff hist +182 Talk:NES 2.0 submappers →MMC3
8 August 2014
- 18:5818:58, 8 August 2014 diff hist +2 m Overscan →PAL: pedantically use ≈ instead of = for the decimal expansion of the PAR
6 August 2014
- 07:5207:52, 6 August 2014 diff hist +58 m Clock rate dendy tint bits + remove extraneous comma
3 August 2014
- 07:3307:33, 3 August 2014 diff hist −503 m Talk:Projects/current Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Lidnariq
31 July 2014
- 17:0117:01, 31 July 2014 diff hist −182 m Talk:Nesdev/current Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Bregalad
25 July 2014
- 06:4606:46, 25 July 2014 diff hist −30 m Talk:INES Mapper 068 Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Zzo38 current
- 01:2501:25, 25 July 2014 diff hist −1,979 m Talk:Projects/current Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Lidnariq
23 July 2014
- 22:3322:33, 23 July 2014 diff hist +30 m FDS audio interwiki for "wavetable"
- 22:2622:26, 23 July 2014 diff hist +43 JxROM slightly more precise about what "expansion" means
20 July 2014
- 18:4618:46, 20 July 2014 diff hist −251 m Talk:The skinny on NES scrolling Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Tepples current
19 July 2014
- 05:2605:26, 19 July 2014 diff hist −160 m Talk:Projects/current Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Tepples
18 July 2014
- 18:5418:54, 18 July 2014 diff hist −73 VRC6 →CHR Select 0…7 ($Dxxx, $Exxx): Is this clearer? Please edit, tell me on the talk page, or just revert it if you think it isn't.
13 July 2014
- 21:1021:10, 13 July 2014 diff hist +228 PPU pinout →Signal description: add vs/pc10 pinout variations
11 July 2014
- 22:4722:47, 11 July 2014 diff hist −1 m INES Mapper 206 →Variants: remove now-erroneous plural due to previous editing
9 July 2014
- 08:0608:06, 9 July 2014 diff hist +57 Vs. System →Controller 1 data, DIP switches, and watchdog timer ($4017 read): Only the "slave" CPU has the watchdog, but it affects both CPUs
7 July 2014
- 05:0205:02, 7 July 2014 diff hist −23 m User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants now that it's not only MMC3 w/ outer banks, move tepples's multicart mapper to that heading instead
6 July 2014
- 23:3723:37, 6 July 2014 diff hist +700 User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants →ASIC mappers with simple banking: pull out mirroring/irq/ram into separate columns to make comparable/searchable
- 00:0800:08, 6 July 2014 diff hist +143 m User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants →Discrete logic mappers: add m40/50 since they are evidently discrete logic
- 00:0600:06, 6 July 2014 diff hist +323 N INES Mapper 043 Create from source code of Nestopia and FCEUX
4 July 2014
- 21:3521:35, 4 July 2014 diff hist −6 m User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants →Discrete logic mappers: remove parens to facilitate sorting
3 July 2014
- 22:3822:38, 3 July 2014 diff hist +97 User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants use "8" everywhere instead of 1x8 for CHR banking; explicitly call out inner/outer banks among discrete logic mappers
- 10:0710:07, 3 July 2014 diff hist −45 m Talk:Status flags Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Furrykef current
- 03:4303:43, 3 July 2014 diff hist +778 User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants →Legend for bank style: add description for "outer banks" in legend §
- 03:3203:32, 3 July 2014 diff hist +2 m User:Lidnariq/Discrete Logic Table remove confusing over-abbreviation; h/t koitsu
2 July 2014
- 23:0423:04, 2 July 2014 diff hist +828 User:Lidnariq/MMC3 Variants weave MMC3 and non-MMC3 ASIC tables together. add legend. A few other recommendations from koitsu
- 19:2619:26, 2 July 2014 diff hist +395 INES Mapper 033 explicitly note bank oddity
- 16:5216:52, 2 July 2014 diff hist −94 m Talk:Projects/current Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Lidnariq
1 July 2014
- 04:2604:26, 1 July 2014 diff hist −72 m Talk:Projects/current Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Lidnariq
30 June 2014
- 15:4915:49, 30 June 2014 diff hist +37 Clock rate Search youtube for "dendy"; footage of a Dendy being played on an actual TV shows a black overscan at top and bottom in games where $3F00 is not black.
- 02:2402:24, 30 June 2014 diff hist +80 Clock rate Seems better to add the difference (q.v. ) even though it's not a clock thing
- 00:4600:46, 30 June 2014 diff hist +309 m VRC4 VRC4 RAM behavior
18 June 2014
- 02:1802:18, 18 June 2014 diff hist +112 m VRC2 pinout fix from farid
6 June 2014
- 06:4606:46, 6 June 2014 diff hist +2 m Talk:Mask ROM pinout put into its own section
30 May 2014
- 22:0522:05, 30 May 2014 diff hist +2 m INES Mapper 113 oops, bold, not italic
- 22:0422:04, 30 May 2014 diff hist +2 m INES Mapper 148 oops, bold, not italic
- 22:0422:04, 30 May 2014 diff hist −16 INES Mapper 148 remove link to m79
- 22:0422:04, 30 May 2014 diff hist −118 INES Mapper 113 add cat:multicart, remove links to m79
- 22:0122:01, 30 May 2014 diff hist −1,172 INES Mapper 079 become a redirect current
- 22:0122:01, 30 May 2014 diff hist +15 NINA-003-006 The multicart isn't NINA-06, so shouldn't be here.
27 May 2014
- 18:1018:10, 27 May 2014 diff hist +4 m INES Mapper 039 refile
- 18:1018:10, 27 May 2014 diff hist +4 m INES Mapper 035 refile
- 18:1018:10, 27 May 2014 diff hist +19 m INES Mapper 031 refile
- 06:5906:59, 27 May 2014 diff hist +1 m NROM →Overview: mention CHR-RAM in the introduction. also why are we referring to the Variants section in the bank size point? there's nothing there that seems related
23 May 2014
- 21:2921:29, 23 May 2014 diff hist +3 m Errata →Video: don't need to do both workarounds
- 21:1421:14, 23 May 2014 diff hist +47 Errata →Video: Should mention that some nametable arrangements are immune