User contributions for Lidnariq
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7 March 2014
- 03:5603:56, 7 March 2014 diff hist −156 7402 →7402 Pinout: was wrong ... and use a template
- 03:5603:56, 7 March 2014 diff hist −156 7400 →7400 Pinout: was wrong ... and use a template current
- 03:5503:55, 7 March 2014 diff hist −156 m 7432 use template
- 03:5503:55, 7 March 2014 diff hist +204 N Template:Pinout74xxQuad14pin unify 74xx pinouts using a template current
- 03:5003:50, 7 March 2014 diff hist +276 Category:Pinouts add legend
- 03:2603:26, 7 March 2014 diff hist +439 INES Mapper 206 N108 with 32KiB PRG = no PRG banking
6 March 2014
25 February 2014
- 20:5420:54, 25 February 2014 diff hist −14 Bandai FCG board →External Serial EEPROM Clock ($8000 … $8007): Datach: external I²C SCL is CHR A13, not A10. PPU A12 is not connected.
- 20:5120:51, 25 February 2014 diff hist −20 Bandai LZ93D50 pinout add links to naruko's wiki. Datach: external I²C SCL is CHR A13; PPU A12 is not connected.
24 February 2014
- 01:1601:16, 24 February 2014 diff hist +361 User:Lidnariq/common.css fixup diffs
23 February 2014
- 19:2419:24, 23 February 2014 diff hist +248 N User:Lidnariq/common.css try restyling to match forum
21 February 2014
- 06:2806:28, 21 February 2014 diff hist +382 Talk:APU/current →Glossary entry for "timer": yes
- 02:4102:41, 21 February 2014 diff hist +420 Talk:APU/current →Glossary entry for "timer": apu clock = cpu clock ÷ 2
17 February 2014
- 23:0223:02, 17 February 2014 diff hist +433 INES Mapper 188 Hedge more
- 22:0922:09, 17 February 2014 diff hist −97 m Talk:Game bugs Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Tepples
13 February 2014
- 21:0521:05, 13 February 2014 diff hist +2,773 N INES Mapper 188 Create from enri's notes and the source code of Nestopia and FCEUX
10 February 2014
- 20:5920:59, 10 February 2014 diff hist +32 VRC6 →CHR Select 0…7 ($Dxxx, $Exxx): Make the 2KiB pattern table banks more visually obvious
- 18:1318:13, 10 February 2014 diff hist +375 Talk:VRC6 No edit summary
- 06:0106:01, 10 February 2014 diff hist +80 NES 2.0 submappers →iNES Mapper 068 / Sunsoft 4: make more precise (h/t etabeta)
- 00:5800:58, 10 February 2014 diff hist +174 Talk:VRC6 →Which emulator support?: None
9 February 2014
- 20:2820:28, 9 February 2014 diff hist +63 m INES Mapper 185 add othello
- 01:1701:17, 9 February 2014 diff hist +392 Talk:Mask ROM pinout nintendo-standard
8 February 2014
- 19:5719:57, 8 February 2014 diff hist +1,044 Talk:Mask ROM pinout split into separate headings, reply
6 February 2014
- 08:0808:08, 6 February 2014 diff hist +66 Tengen RAMBO-1 pinout lockout pin directions from frankwdoom
- 07:0307:03, 6 February 2014 diff hist +101 Tengen RAMBO-1 pinout fix per frankwdoom's repro
5 February 2014
- 18:5018:50, 5 February 2014 diff hist −114 User:Lidnariq/Microchip-style PPU documentation of course there's a mediawiki built-in.
2 February 2014
- 00:5800:58, 2 February 2014 diff hist +7 m Hardware pinout →MMC: fix sachen link
1 February 2014
- 06:5306:53, 1 February 2014 diff hist +1,157 INES Mapper 243 incorporate information from nestopia source and Санчез.
- 06:4606:46, 1 February 2014 diff hist +1,182 N Sachen 74LS374N pinout create from Санчез's notes
- 02:3702:37, 1 February 2014 diff hist +75 Sachen 8259 don't know what the pcbs were labeled, but evidence suggests they PCBs did not have the same name as the mapper IC itself.
31 January 2014
- 23:5223:52, 31 January 2014 diff hist +80 m Hardware pinout →MMC: sachen's ASIC mappers
- 23:4823:48, 31 January 2014 diff hist +37 Sachen 8259 →Overview: add link to pinout
- 23:4823:48, 31 January 2014 diff hist +1,842 N Sachen SA8259A pinout create from cah4e3's notes
- 23:0023:00, 31 January 2014 diff hist +579 Talk:Sachen 8259 28 pins, not 24. current
- 20:3320:33, 31 January 2014 diff hist +1,316 N Talk:Sachen 8259 Created page with "==Pins== Whatever this IC looked like, if it was ever not just an epoxy blob, it probably existed in a 24-pin package. For the behavior described here, the following 22 signa..."
30 January 2014
- 07:2507:25, 30 January 2014 diff hist −1,721 m Talk:Projects/current Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Tepples
29 January 2014
- 22:5222:52, 29 January 2014 diff hist +11 Four player adapters →Building new hardware from scratch: braino
28 January 2014
- 21:1721:17, 28 January 2014 diff hist 0 m Four player adapters →Building new hardware from scratch: typo
- 06:4406:44, 28 January 2014 diff hist +665 Talk:Programming with unofficial opcodes →ARR and AXS instructions
27 January 2014
- 22:0622:06, 27 January 2014 diff hist +165 m Talk:INES Mapper 163 13 bit counter is more complicated, but not by much
- 18:3418:34, 27 January 2014 diff hist +212 Talk:INES Mapper 163 Y scroll
26 January 2014
- 23:5023:50, 26 January 2014 diff hist −354 INES Mapper 153 remove musing and snark
24 January 2014
- 00:5700:57, 24 January 2014 diff hist +4,713 Talk:VRC6 should share my data
- 00:3800:38, 24 January 2014 diff hist −79 m User talk:Natt/VRC6 Musings (no, the original writeup didn't mention the registers) current
- 00:3400:34, 24 January 2014 diff hist +1,142 User talk:Natt/VRC6 Musings →Mode 3: i brainoed.
- 00:3400:34, 24 January 2014 diff hist 0 VRC6 →CHR Select 0…7 ($Dxxx, $Exxx): embarssing mistake
23 January 2014
- 21:4021:40, 23 January 2014 diff hist +482 N User talk:Natt/VRC6 Musings Created page with "== Mode 3 == The original VRC6 documents made a big deal about how mode 3 was good for using an extra RAM to get four screens of nametables, by setting up registers 6 and 7 a..."
- 21:1421:14, 23 January 2014 diff hist −24 m Programming with unofficial opcodes →Watermarking instructions: missed replacing one "LDD" with "IGN". Also, I don't think anyone but me ever called it "LDD", so let's just omit that.
- 04:5004:50, 23 January 2014 diff hist +6 m VRC6 pinout ciram a10 = chr a10
22 January 2014
- 08:0208:02, 22 January 2014 diff hist +77 m ExROM →Solder Pad Config: reformat for clarity