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NINA-03 and NINA-06 are unlicensed boards produced by American Video Entertainment. They only differ in the nature of the CIC — the former always has a microcontroller, the latter may instead have a charge pump.
- PRG ROM size: up to 64KB (mapper 79) or up to 256 KB (mapper 113)
- PRG ROM bank size: 32 KB
- PRG RAM: None
- CHR ROM capacity: up to 64KB (mapper 79) or up to 128 KB (mapper 113)
- CHR bank size: 8 KB
- Nametable mirroring: hardwired to vertical or horizontal mirroring (mapper 79) or controlled by mapper (mapper 113)
- Subject to bus conflicts: No
- CPU $8000-$FFFF: 32 KB switchable PRG ROM bank
- PPU $0000-$1FFF: 8 KB switchable CHR ROM bank
Control Register
This register is located at addresses:
F bit 0 ---- ---- ---- ---- 010x xxx1 xxxx xxxx
That is, $4100-$41FF, $4300-$43FF, $45xx, $47xx, ..., $5Dxx, and $5Fxx.
7 bit 0 ---- ---- MCPP PCCC |||| |||| |+||-|+++-- Select 8 KB CHR ROM bank for PPU $0000-$1FFF | ++-+----- Select 32 KB PRG ROM bank for CPU $8000-$FFFF +---------- Select mirroring (clear: horizontal, set: verical)
The mirroring bit should only be honored on the board type used by HES 6-in-1, Mind Blower Pak, and Total Funpak (HES), which is mapper 113. On mapper 79, this bit is ignored.