INES Mapper 071
iNES Mapper 071 is assigned to games developed by Codemasters and published by Camerica. It's largely a clone of UNROM, and Camerica games were initially emulated under iNES Mapper 002 before 071 was assigned.
- PRG ROM size: 128 or 256 KB
- PRG ROM bank size: 16 KB inner
- PRG RAM: None
- CHR capacity: 8 KB RAM
- CHR bank size: Not bankswitched
- Nametable mirroring: Hardwired H or V (most) or mapper controlled 1-screen (Fire Hawk)
- Subject to bus conflicts: ???
$8000-$BFFF: Switchable $C000-$FFFF: Fixed to last bank $8000-$FFFF: In the "Quattro" games, A16 and A17 are controlled by a separate register, allowing 64 KiB super-banks.
Solder pad config
To do
Outer bank select ($8000-$BFFF)
This register is present only on the Quattro carts, which use the BF9096 IC.
7 bit 0 ---- ---- xxBB XXXX || ++----- Select 64 KB PRG ROM bank for CPU $8000-$FFFF
Mirroring ($8000-$9FFF)
This register is present only on Fire Hawk, which uses the BF9097 IC.
7 bit 0 ---- ---- xxxM xxxx | +----- Select 1 KB CIRAM bank for PPU $2000-$2FFF
Bank select ($C000-$FFFF)
This register is present on all games: BF9093 (most common), BF9096, and BF9097. On BF9096, only the low two bits are implemented.
7 bit 0 ---- ---- xxxx PPPP |||| ++++- Select 16 KB PRG ROM bank for CPU $8000-$BFFF
CIC stun control ($E000-$FFFF)
This register is present on all games. A0 controls a latch going to the CIC stun circuit.
BF9093 BF9096 BF9097 ,-v-. +5V -| |- CPU A14 CPU A14 NES /ROMSEL -| |- A13 A13 PRG /CE -| |- PRG A15 PRG A15 PRG A14 -| |- PRG A16 CIRAM A10 M2 -| |- GND PRG A16 A0 -| |- R/W GND D0 -| |- PRG A17 R/W D1 -| |- CIC CIC D2 -| |- D4 D4 GND -| |- D3 D3 `---'