Taito TC0690 pinout
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Taito TC0690: 64-pin 1.0mm pitch QFP (Canonically iNES Mapper 048)
_____ n/c -- /01 64\ -- n/c n/c -- /02 63\ -- n/c CHR A15 <- /03 (o) 62\ -> CHR A16 PPU /RD <- /04 61\ -> CHR A11 CHR A18 <- /05 60\ -- n/c CHR A10 <- /06 59\ -- GND PPU A12* -> /07 58\ <- CPU D3 PPU A11 -> /08 57\ -- VCC VCC -- /09 56\ <- CPU D2 PPU A10 -> /10 55\ <- CPU D4 GND -- /11 54\ <- CPU D1 CHR A13 -> /12 53\ <- CPU D5 PPU A13* -> /13 TAITO TC0690FMI 52\ -- n/c CHR A14 <- /14 51/ -- n/c CHR A12 <- /15 50/ -- n/c CIRAM A10 <- /16 49/ -- n/c CHR A17 <- /17 48/ <- CPU D0 n/c -- /18 47/ <- CPU A1 n/c -- /19 46/ <- CPU D6 n/c -- \20 45/ <- CPU A0 /IRQ <- \21 44/ <- CPU D7 /ROMSEL -> \22 43/ -- GND PRG /CE <- \23 42/ -> CHR /CE CPU R/W -> \24 41/ -- VCC VCC -- \25 40/ <- M2 PRG A15 <- \26 39/ -- n/c GND -- \27 38/ -> PRG A17 PRG A13 <- \28 37/ <- CPU A13 CPU A14 -> \29 36/ -> PRG A18 PRG A16 <- \30 35/ -> PRG A14 n/c -- \31 34/ -- n/c n/c -- \32 33/ -- n/c \ / \ /
Pins marked n/c appear to have no internal connection.
PPU A12 and A13 go through a multiplexer serving as a transparent latch, only permitting changes while PPU /RD is high.
Source: krzysiobal on the forum