INES Mapper 210

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This mapper represents most of the PCBs using the Namcot 175 and Namcot 340 ICs, such as Famista '92 and Wagyan Land 3. It is very similar to iNES Mapper 019, having a Namco 163-class mapper IC with no N163 expansion sound.

The 175 always has hard-wired mirroring. The 340 has an entirely different and incompatible mirroring control from the 163.

Run-time heuristics can determine how the emulator should act:

  • if $E000.7 is ever set, this should be a Namcot 340.
  • if $E000.6 is set and this isn't a Namcot 163, this is probably a Namcot 340.
  • if the game ever writes to $4800, $5000, $5800, $C800, $D000, $D800, or $F800 this should be a Namcot 163
  • if the game ever writes to $C000 and this isn't a Namcot 163, this is probably a Namcot 175 with external RAM.

Badly behaved software or software that writes to both sets of mirroring control registers will fail these heuristics.

Naruko provided a table of which games used which ICs and what is necessary for accurate emulation, translated here:

Commercially available games using a Namcot 129/163/175/340
hard soft battRAM name transliterated &// translated found mixing resistor
129 163 none 1987.12.04 スターウォーズ Star Wars
163* 163 internal 1988.04.05 独眼竜政宗 Dokuganryuu Masamune 0
163 163 none 1988.05.27 ナムコクラシック Namco Classic
163 163 none 1988.06.24 妖怪道中記 Youkai Douchuuki / Shadow Land
163* 163 external 1988.07.29 三国志 中原の覇者 Sangokushi: Chuugen no Hasha / Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Champion of the Central Plains 4.7k
163* 163 none 1988.08.12 ファイナルラップ Final Lap either 4.7k or 15k
163* 163 none 1988.09.27 えりかとさとるの夢冒険 Erika to Satoru no Yume Bouken / Erika and Satoru's Dream of Adventure 10k
163 163 internal 1988.11.18 貝獣物語 Kaijuu Monogatari / Shell Monsters Story
163* 163 external 1988.12.09 キングオブキングス King of Kings 4.7k
163* 163 internal 1989.02.17 ハイドライド3 Hydlide 3 0
163* 163 none 1989.03.17 ローリングサンダー Rolling Thunder 22k
163* 163 internal 1989.04.18 マインドシーカー Mind Seeker
163 163 none 1989.07.14 ドラゴンニンジャ Dragon Ninja
340* 163 none 1989.07.31 スプラッターハウス Splatterhouse n/a
163 163 internal 1989.12.19 ファミスタ'90 Famista '90 (previous games were "Family Stadium Baseball")
163 163 none 1989.12.22 マッピーキッズ Mappy Kids 10
163* 163 external 1990.04.06 女神転生II Megami Tensei II 4.7k
163* 163 internal 1990.06.23 バトルフリート Battle Fleet
340* 340 none 1990.12.14 ワギャンランド2 Wagyan Land 2 n/a
175 163 none 1990.12.21 ファミスタ'91 Famista '91 n/a
163* 163 external 1991.01.04 じゅうべえくえすと Juvei Quest
175 340 external 1991.07.19 ファミリーサーキット'91 Family Circuit '91 0 (n/a)
175 340 none 1991.10.04 ちびまる子ちゃん Chibi Maruko-chan: Uki Uki Shopping n/a
175* 340 none 1991.12.06 平成天才バカボン Heisei Tensai Bakabon n/a
340 340 none 1991.12.20 ファミスタ'92 Famista '92 n/a
163* 163 none 1992.03.13 ナムコクラシックII Namco Classic II
163* 163 external 1992.06.10 三国志II 覇王の大陸 Sangokushi II: Haou no Tairiku / Romance of the Three Kingdoms II: Overlord of the Continent
340* 340 none 1992.09.22 ドリームマスター Dream Master n/a
340 340 none 1992.10.22 トップストライカー Top Striker n/a
340* 340 none 1992.12.08 ワギャンランド3 Wagyan Land 3 n/a
340 340 none 1992.12.22 ファミスタ'93 Famista '93 n/a
340 340 none 1993.12.01 ファミスタ'94 Famista '94 n/a
  • hard: those marked with * were only found as epoxy: they were determined by connectivity and VRAM /CS behavior
  • soft: The Namcot 175 and 340 are similar enough that they can be emulated together
  • soft: Categorized as 340 if they don't write to $5800 or $c800
  • battRAM:
    • none: Neither external Work RAM nor battery.
    • internal: Battery backup of 163's internal memory.
    • external: External SRAM with battery backup.
  • is the release date.
  • Splatterhouse and Famista '91 are the only games that do not use a 163 that can be correctly emulated as using a 163. (Translator suspects the games perform compatibility writes)
  • The 129 sounds different from the 163: sometimes it's distorted. (translator: This is the most coherent I could get it) RAM and IRQ are the same as the 163. VRAM behavior has not been tested.

The found mixing resistors were reported in this archived thread from 2ch.