Family Computer Disk System: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Sound ($4040-$4089): adjust range to be the same as on linked page)
(Move ccovell's tools to "See Also", link asm6f example, and add extra info to the FDS & BIOS summaries.)
(65 intermediate revisions by 16 users not shown)
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The '''Famicom Disk System''' was a Japan-exclusive storage device for the Famicom, designed to reduce Nintendo's cost of making copies of games by switching from mask [[ROM]] chips to a storage medium based on Mitsumi's Quick Disk.
[[File:Nintendo-Famicom-Disk-System.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Famicom, FDS RAM adapter, and FDS disk drive]]
Unfortunately for Nintendo, it also reduced the pirates' cost of making copies of games.
<div class="infobox">
<div style="text-align: center">'''FDS'''</div>
== .FDS format ==
{| class="oddf0 floatright"
'''fwNES''' was an [[NES emulator]] developed by Fan Wan Yang.  Its most lasting contribution to the NES scene was its disk image file format, an image of the Quick Disk media.
| '''Company'''
| Nintendo
The FDS format (file name suffix <code>.fds</code>) is a way to store Famicom Disk System disk data. It consists of the following sections, in order:
# Header (16 bytes)
| '''Complexity'''
# Disk data (65500 * ''x'' bytes)
The format of the header is as follows:
| '''Pinout'''
* 0-3: Constant $46 $44 $53 $1A ("FDS" followed by MS-DOS end-of-file)
| [[RP2C33 pinout]]
* 4: Number of disk sides
* 5-15: Zero filled
| '''BIOS PRG ROM size'''
| 8K
Note: Most games are an even number of sides. Ports from NROM were one side. No commercial FDS game had an odd number of sides greater than 1.
Disk sides comes in the following order :
| '''PRG RAM capacity'''
* Disc 1 Side A
| 32K
* Disc 1 Side B
* Disc 2 Side A
| '''CHR capacity'''
* Disc 2 Side B
| 8K
* etc...
| '''Disk capacity'''
== Overview ==
| ~64K per side
* PRG ROM : 8 KB BIOS at $E000-$FFFF
* PRG RAM: 32 KB at $6000-$DFFF
| '''Mirroring'''
* CHR capacity: 8 KB RAM
| H or V, switchable
* Storage capacity : ~64 KB per disk side
* Nametable [[mirroring]]: Controlled by mapper
| '''Bus conflicts'''
* Subject to [[bus conflict]]s: No
| No
Games are stored on one or multiple disk sides. The FDS BIOS is used to load data from disks to PRG RAM or VRAM, and games can execute from there.
| '''IRQ'''
| Yes
| '''Audio'''
| Yes
The '''Famicom Disk System''' is a Japan-exclusive storage device for the Famicom, designed to reduce Nintendo's cost of making copies of games by switching from mask [[ROM]] chips to a storage medium based on Mitsumi's Quick Disk.
Unfortunately for Nintendo, it also reduced the pirates' cost of making copies of games. Games are stored on one or multiple disk sides. The [[FDS BIOS]] is used to load data from disks to PRG RAM or VRAM, and games can execute from there. Additional hardware features include a timer [[IRQ]] and a [[FDS audio | wavetable channel]].

== Hardware ==
== Hardware ==

The Famicom disk system comes in two parts : The disk drive and the RAM adapter.
The Famicom disk system comes in two parts: The disk drive and the RAM adapter.
The RAM adapter is a special shaped cartridge that contains the RAM chips, IRQ hardware, sound generation hardware, a serial interface for the disk drive and another (rarely used) serial port.
The Disk Drive has to be powered separately and is only connected to the Famicom/NES through the serial cable to the RAM adapter.
Most disk drives contains two motors: a rotation motor that spins the disk at a constant rate, and a tracking motor. However, the FDS only contains a single motor that does both at once. There is some mechanism that detects when the head reaches the end of the disc and make it return to the start, which makes a click sound.
Because of this limitation, random access to the disc is not possible, you can only spin the disc and wait until you detect the head is at the start of the disc, then wait until it reaches the desired access place. A complete cycle through the entire disc takes about 7 seconds.
The disc drives only contains basic electronics, there is no "intelligence" in it; therefore, the serial interface almost directly represents what is stored on the disc.
== FDS Disk Side format ==
Each disk side must be structured into block as follows :
1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, ...., 3, 4
The 3, 4 pattern should be repeated once per file present on the disk.
From the last file, fill the side with all 0 so that the side has exactly 65500 is reached.
== Data not stored in the FDS image ==
In addition to data stored in the FDS image, there is other data stored on the disc, but removed when the disc is dumped because such data wasn't meaningful for emulation.
=== Gaps ===
Physically on the disc, there are "gaps" of 0 recorded between blocks and before the start of the disc.
Length of the gaps are as follows:
* Before the start of the disc : At least 26150 bits, 28300 typical.
* Gap between blocks : At least 480 bits, 976 bits typical.
Gaps are teminated by a single '1' bit. In terms of bytes, it would be $80, as the data is stored in little endian format.
=== CRCs ===
At the end of each block, a 16-bit CRC is stored. On loading, the CRC is *not* calculated by the 6502 in the BIOS, but by the RAM adapter, which monitors disc transfers and calculates the CRC. It will automatically send an error code if both CRCs doesn't match.
=== True disc capacity ===
Even if the FDS disc side image is always 65500 bytes, one WILL have to subtract all the bits taken by the gaps and CRCs to find the actual disc capacity. In this regard, the way the FDS image is made is not smart because all the bits that were saved by not dumping useless data should be wasted in zeroes at the end of the disc side. In addition to this, the programmer should be very careful for not using the whole disc side in FDS format, otherwise, the data might not fit the disc.
The actual disc capacity in bytes is (N = number of files):
65500 - 28300/8 - (2*N + 1)*(16 + 976)/8
For example, if you use 8 files, there's room for only 59854 bytes instead of the supposed 65500.
== Block format ==
=== Disk info block (block 1) ===
1      $01
14    FC disk String *NINTENDO-HVC*
1      Manufacturer code 
        Same code as used in GameBoy(?)
4      Game name code
1      Game version number (starts with $00, increases in each revision)
1      Side number 
          $00: Side-A 
          $01: Side-B
1      Disk number (first disk is actually $00)
1      Extra disk data #1 (indicates disk # ?, usually $00)
1      Extra disk data #2 (indicates disk # ?, usually $00)
1      Boot read file code
5      Unknown
3      Manufacturer permit date
        Recorded in BCD, in the year of "showa"(+1925)
        For example, 21 march 2010 becomes $85, $03, $21 (because 2010-1925 = 85)
10    Unknown
3      Created date 
        Recorded in BCD, in the year of "showa"(+1925)
9      Unknown
The '''*NINTENDO-HVC*''', stored in ASCI standard strings proves that this is a FDS disk. If the string doesn't match, the BIOS will refuse to read the disk further.
If the FDS is started with a disk whose side number and disk number aren't both $00, it will be prompted to insert the first disk side. However, some games make this number $00, even for the second disk to make it bootable too.
All files with IDs smaller or equals to the ''boot read file code'' will be loaded when the game is booting.
The FDS also has a trademark security system similar to what Sega used on some of its consoles.[]
The 224-byte text at PPU $2800-$28DF must match the data in the BIOS, starting at $ED37.
This data roughly translates into "produced by or under license from Nintendo" in the SMB1/Zelda character encoding.
Traditionally, the first file on a disk is a nametable type file loaded into $2800, which is named <code>KYODAKU-</code> (きょだく or [[wiktionary:許|許]][[wiktionary:諾|諾]] means approval).
=== File amount block (block 2) ===
This block contains the total number of files recorded on disk.
1        $02
1      File Amount

More files might exist on the disk, but the BIOS load routine will ignore them, those files are called "hidden" files.
The RAM adapter is a special shaped cartridge that contains the RAM chips and an ASIC with DRAM controller, IRQ hardware, sound generation hardware, serial interface for the disk drive, and parallel port. The Disk Drive has to be powered separately and is only connected to the Famicom/NES via a [[FDS RAM adaptor cable pinout|serial cable]] to the RAM adapter.
Some games have a simple copy protection this way : They have their own loading routine similar to the one from the BIOS but hard-code the file amount to a higher number, which will allow for loading hidden files. This also allows the game to load faster because the BIOS will stop reading the disc after the last non-hidden file.

=== File header block  (block 3) ===
Most disk drives contain two motors: a spindle motor that spins the disk at a specific speed, and a stepper motor which moves the read/write head between each circular data track. By comparison, the FDS only contains a single motor that does both at once, so it instead stores the data in a single spiral-shaped track. There is a mechanism that detects when the head reaches the end of the disc and makes it return to the start (making an audible click). Because of this limitation, random access to the disc is impossible, making FDS disk drive data access behave similarly to a reel of tape (but ''much'' faster). Data can only be accessed by spinning the disc, waiting for the head to reach the inner edge of the disc, then waiting again until the desired data file is reached. A complete cycle through the entire disc takes about 7 seconds.

The disc drive only contains basic electronics, there is no "intelligence" in it; therefore, the serial interface almost directly represents what is stored on the disc.
1        $03
1        File Number 
1        File Indicate Code (file identification code) 
          ID specified at disk-read function call
8        File Name
2        File Address (16-bit little endian)
          the destination address when loading
2        File Size (16-bit little endian)
1        Kind of File 
          0:Program (PRAM) 
          1:Character (CRAM) 
          2:Name table (VRAM)

The file Number must go in increasing order, first file is 0.
=== Disks ===
File IDs can be freely assigned, and this is the number which will decide which file is loaded from the disk (instead of the file number). An ID smaller than the boot number means the file is a boot file, and will be loaded on first start up.

File names are uppercase ASCII.
The FDS disk is a modified version of the Mitsumi Quick Disk.

=== File data block (block 4) ===
* [[FDS disk format]] - the disk data format and file structure
* [[FDS file format]] (.FDS) - an archival file format for storing and emulating FDS disks

== Banks ==
1        $04
All Banks are fixed
--       disk data
* PPU $0000-$1FFF: 8k CHR RAM
* CPU $6000-$DFFF: 32k PRG RAM

== Registers ==
== Registers ==

$402x registers are write-only
$402x registers are write-only,
$403x registers are read-only
$403x registers are read-only

=== Timer IRQ reload value low ($4020) ===
=== IRQ timer low ($4020) ===

  7  bit  0
  7  bit  0
Line 169: Line 74:
  |||| ||||
  |||| ||||
  ++++-++++- 8 LSB of IRQ timer
  ++++-++++- 8 LSB of timer IRQ reload value

=== IRQ timer high ($4021) ===
=== Timer IRQ reload value high ($4021) ===

  7  bit  0
  7  bit  0
Line 177: Line 82:
  |||| ||||
  |||| ||||
  ++++-++++- 8 MSB of IRQ timer
  ++++-++++- 8 MSB of timer IRQ reload value

=== IRQ timer enable ($4022) ===
Unlike $4022, $4020 and $4021 are not affected by the $4023.0 (disk registers enabled) flag - the reload value can be altered even when disk registers are disabled.
=== Timer IRQ control ($4022) ===

  7  bit  0
  7  bit  0
  xxxx xxEx
  xxxx xxER
         +-- Enable IRQ timer
        |-- Timer IRQ Repeat Flag
         +-- Timer IRQ Enabled

Each CPU clock cycle the timer is decremented by one if the enable flag is set.
When $4022 is written to with bit 1 (IRQ enabled) set, the reload value is copied into the IRQ's counter.
When the counter reach 0, an IRQ is generated. Read $4030 to acknowledge the IRQ.
Each CPU clock cycle the counter is decremented by one if the enable flag is set.

Note : Since the disk transfer routine also uses IRQs, it's very important to disable timer IRQs before doing any access to the disk.
When the counter's value is 0 and the IRQ enable flag is on, the following happens on every CPU cycle:
* An IRQ is generated.
* The IRQ counter is reset to its reload value (contained in $4020+$4021)
* If the IRQ repeat flag is NOT set, the IRQ enabled flag is cleared and the counter stops.
* This register is affected by the $4023.0 (Enable disk I/O registers) flag - if disk registers are disabled, it is impossible to start the IRQ counter (writing to $4022 has no effect).
* Clearing $4023.0 will immediately stop the IRQ counter and acknowledge any pending timer IRQs.
* Writing to $4022 with bit 1 (IRQ enabled) cleared will stop the IRQ counter and acknowledge any pending timer IRQs.
* Enabling timer IRQs when the reload value is set to 0 will cause an IRQ immediately. Doing this with the repeat flag enabled will cause an infinite loop of IRQs on every CPU cycle.
* Since the disk transfer routine also uses IRQs, it's very important to disable timer IRQs before doing any access to the disk.
There are only 3 known ways to acknowledge the timer IRQ:
* Read $4030
* Disable timer IRQs by writing to $4022
* Disable disk registers by writing to $4023

=== Master I/O enable ($4023) ===
=== Master I/O enable ($4023) ===
Line 201: Line 124:
         +-- Enable sound I/O registers
         +-- Enable sound I/O registers

This register sounds obscure. FDS bios just writes $00 then $83 to it.
The FDS BIOS writes $00, then $83 to it during reset. The purpose of bit 7 is unknown.
Disabling disk registers disables both disk and timer IRQs.

=== Write data register ($4024) ===
=== Write data register ($4024) ===

The data that this register is programmed with will be the next 8-bit quantity to load into the shift register (next time the byte transfer flag raises), and to be shifted out and appear on pin 5 of the RAM adapter cable (2C33 pin 52).
The data that this register is programmed with will be the next 8-bit quantity to load into the shift register (next time the byte transfer flag raises), and to be shifted out and appear on pin 5 of the RAM adapter cable (2C33 pin 52).
Writing to this register acknowledges disk IRQs.{{Citation needed}}

=== FDS Control ($4025) ===
=== FDS Control ($4025) ===
  7  bit  0
  7  bit  0
  |||| ||||
  |||| ||||
  |||| |||+- Drive Motor Control 
  |||| |||+- Transfer Reset
  |||| |||    0: Stop motor
  |||| |||    0: Reset transfer timing to the initial state.
|||| |||    1: Turn on motor
  |||| ||+-- Drive Motor Control (0: start, 1: stop)
|||| ||+-- Transfer Reset
  |||| |+--- Transfer Mode (0: write; 1: read)
|||| ||        Set 1 to reset transfer timing to the initial state.
  |||| +---- Mirroring (0: vertical; 1: horizontal)
  |||| |+--- Read / Write mode
  |||+------ CRC Transfer Control (1: transfer CRC value)
  |||| |     (0: write; 1: read)
  ||+------- Unknown, always set to '1'
  |||| +---- Mirroring (0: horizontal; 1: vertical)
  |+-------- CRC Enabled (0: disable/reset, 1: enable)
  |||+------ CRC control (set during CRC calculation of transfer)
  +--------- Interrupt Enabled
  ||+------- Always set to '1'
               1: Generate an IRQ every time the byte transfer flag is raised.
  |+-------- Read/Write Start 
|            Turn on motor.  Set to 1 when the drive becomes ready for read/write
  +--------- Interrupt Transfer 
* Disabling the CRC resets its state. The FDS BIOS disables the CRC between file blocks, then enables it before accessing each file block to calculate/verify their CRC values.
               0: Transfer without using IRQ
* To change the mirroring on the fly, a read-modify-write of its [[FDS BIOS#Zero-page variables|mirror]] should be done to prevent altering unrelated bits.
              1: Enable IRQ when the drive becomes ready for

A FDS game that wants to change mirroring probably don't want to touch motor related bits, so it should do a read-modify-write from the pseudo registers (see below).
Writing to this register acknowledges disk IRQ.

=== External connector ($4026) ===
=== External connector ($4026) ===
Line 234: Line 160:
Output of expansion terminal where there's a shutter on the back of the ram card. The outputs of $4026 (open-collector with 4.7K ohm pull-ups (except on bit 7)), are shared with the inputs on $4033.
Output of expansion terminal where there's a shutter on the back of the ram card. The outputs of $4026 (open-collector with 4.7K ohm pull-ups (except on bit 7)), are shared with the inputs on $4033.

=== Disk Status Register 0 ($4030) ===
=== Disk Status register ($4030) ===
  7  bit  0
  7  bit  0
  IExB xxTD
  IExB xxTD
  ||||  ||
  || |  ||
  ||||  |+- Timer Interrupt (1: an IRQ occurred)
  || |  |+- Timer Interrupt (1: an IRQ occurred)
  ||||  +-- Byte transfer flag. Set every time 8 bits have been transfered between the RAM adaptor & disk drive (service $4024/$4031).  
  || |  +-- Byte transfer flag. Set every time 8 bits have been transferred between the RAM adaptor & disk drive (service $4024/$4031).  
  ||||      Reset when $4024, $4031, or $4030 has been serviced.
  || |      Reset when $4024, $4031, or $4030 has been serviced.
  |||+------ CRC control (0: CRC passed; 1: CRC error)
  || +------ CRC control (0: CRC passed; 1: CRC error)
  |+-------- End of Head (1 when disk head is on the most inner track)
  |+-------- End of Head (1 when disk head is on the most inner track)
  +--------- Disk Data Read/Write Enable (1 when disk is readable/writable)
  +--------- Disk Data Read/Write Enable (1 when disk is readable/writeable)
Reading this register acknowledges timer and disk IRQs.
=== Read data register ($4031) ===
=== Read data register ($4031) ===

This register is loaded with the contents of an internal shift register every time the byte transfer flag raises. The shift register receives it's serial data via pin 9 of the RAM adapter cable (2C33 pin 51).
This register is loaded with the contents of an internal shift register every time the byte transfer flag raises. The shift register receives its serial data via pin 9 of the RAM adapter cable (2C33 pin 51).
Reading this register acknowledges disk IRQs.

=== Disk drive status register ($4032) ===
=== Disk drive status register ($4032) ===
Line 256: Line 186:
       ||+- Disk flag  (0: Disk inserted; 1: Disk not inserted)
       ||+- Disk flag  (0: Disk inserted; 1: Disk not inserted)
       |+-- Ready flag (0: Disk read; 1: Disk not ready)
       |+-- Ready flag (0: Disk readу; 1: Disk not ready)
       +--- Protect flag (0: Not write protected; 1: Write protected or disk ejected)
       +--- Protect flag (0: Not write protected; 1: Write protected or disk ejected)
*The Ready flag corresponds to the drive head's position. It is set to 1 when the head reaches the end of the disk, and cleared once it returns to the beginning of the disk.
*The Protect flag corresponds to the write protect tab present on the upper-left corner of the inserted disk side. It is set to 1 if the tab is broken.
Reading this register acknowledges disk IRQs.{{Citation needed}}

=== External connector read ($4033) ===
=== External connector read ($4033) ===
Line 265: Line 201:
  |||| ||||
  |||| ||||
  |+++-++++- Input from expansion terminal where there's a shutter on the back of the ram card.
  |+++-++++- Input from expansion terminal where there's a shutter on the back of the ram card.
  +--------- Battery status (0: Good; 1: Voltage is low).
  +--------- Battery status (0: Voltage is low; 1: Good).

When a bit is clear in $4026 port it will read back as '0' here (including battery bit) because of how open collector input works.
When a bit is clear in $4026 port it will read back as '0' here (including battery bit) because of how open collector input works. Battery bit should be checked when the motor is on, otherwise it always will be read as 0.

=== Sound ($4040-$4092) ===
=== Sound ($4040-$4092) ===
Line 273: Line 209:
For details on sound information, see [[FDS_audio|FDS audio]].
For details on sound information, see [[FDS_audio|FDS audio]].

== Pseudo-registers ==
== BIOS ==
Those registers are used by the FDS bios and FDS programs. They are used to overcome the problem that NES/FDS registers are write only, so it is effectively possible to modify only one bit of them without affecting other bits.

[$FF]:  value last written to [[PPU_registers#Controller_.28.242000.29_.3E_write|$2000]]  $80 on reset.
The FDS contains a fixed 8KB BIOS at $E000-FFFF. This controls the Famicom at power-on and reset, dispatches the NMI and IRQ, and offers an API for accessing the [[FDS disk format|data on disk]]. Routines for common tasks including controller reading and PPU handling are also provided for programmer convenience.
[$FE]:  value last written to [[PPU_registers#Mask_.28.242001.29_.3E_write|$2001]]  $06 on reset
[$FD]:  value last written to [[PPU_registers#Scroll_.28.242005.29_.3E.3E_write_x2|$2005]]#1 0'd on reset.
[$FC]:  value last written to [[PPU_registers#Scroll_.28.242005.29_.3E.3E_write_x2|$2005]]#2 0'd on reset.
[$FB]:  value last written to [[Controller_port_registers|$4016]]  0'd on reset.
[$FA]:  value last written to $4025  $2E on reset.
[$F9]:  value last written to $4026  $FF on reset.
$F5..$F8 : Used by controller read routines
$00..$0F is used as temporary memory for the BIOS. The main program can use it as temporary memory too.

Those values are used by the BIOS to determine action on interrupt.
See: [[FDS BIOS]]
($0102): PC action on reset
[$0101]: PC action on IRQ. set to $80 on reset
[$0100]: PC action on NMI. set to $C0 on reset
($DFFE): disk game IRQ vector    (if [$0101] = 11xxxxxxB)
($DFFC): disk game reset vector  (if ($0102) = $5335, or $AC35)
($DFFA): disk game NMI vector #3 (if [$0100] = 11xxxxxxB)
($DFF8): disk game NMI vector #2 (if [$0100] = 10xxxxxxB)
($DFF6): disk game NMI vector #1 (if [$0100] = 01xxxxxxB)

A few important notes :
== See Also ==
* After loading the boot files, $102 is set to $35 so that the ($DFFC) vector is used and the BIOS is skipped.
* [[FDS BIOS]]
* $103 indicate reset type : $AC = first boot of the game, $53 = the game was soft-reseted by the user
* [[FDS disk format]]
* To use your own IRQ routine, you must manually write $c0 to $101
* [[FDS file format]] ('''.FDS''')
* There is 3 possible NMI vectors, #3 is used by default.
* [[FDS audio]]
* On first start, the mirroring is set to horizontal, the stack pointer is $ff, and the I flag is ''clear''. System RAM is filled with values used by the BIOS, and PRG RAM is uninitialized, except for parts of it which has files loaded in.
* [[FDS RAM adaptor cable pinout]]
* [[RP2C33 pinout]]
* [[iNES mapper 020|iNES mapper 20]] - Reserved for FDS dumps, but not widely used for it.
* [[TNES]] - Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console ROM format with support for FDS disk images.
* [ GitHub repository:] Simple FDS example for ca65
* [ GitHub repository:] Simple FDS example for asm6f
* [// Forum post:] Skipping the FDS license screen
* [ FDS List] by ccovell - command line utility to inspect FDS disk image contents.
* [ FDS Lister] by ccovell - utility to inspect FDS disk contents that runs on an FDS.

== BIOS calls ==
== References ==
* [// FDS technical reference.txt] by Brad Taylor (old/outdated)
=== Disk access routines ===
* [ Enri's Famicom Disk System page] (Japanese)
* [ Enri's Famicom Disk System page] (Japanese) (old/outdated)
* Routines takes one or two pointers as arguments. Those are placed directly after the JSR instruction: the subroutines uses the return address in stack to fetch the pointers and fix the return address.
* [// fds-nori.txt] - FDS reference in Japanese by Nori (old/outdated)
* Memory at $00-$0f will be affected by those routines
* [// Forum post]: .fds format: Can checksums be heuristically detected? - Includes a CRC implementation in C.
* Unlike the vast majority of disk drives, the FDS lacks any kind of intelligent tracking system. All BIOS load and save functions will do access to the whole disk, no matter which data they load/save. A simple way to overcome this problem is to have your own loading routine, similar to the BIOS one but forcing the # of files to a smaller number than it actually is. That way the later files are not accessed at all and the earlier files load faster. Of course the maximal time is still taken when you have to load the files that are late on the disk.
* [// Forum post]: FDS IRQ reload flag/value
* All non-disk IRQ sources (timer, DMC and APU frame) should be properly disabled before calling any of these routines. The value at [$0101] however, is preserved on entry, and restored on exit.
* On return of those routines, A = $00 means no error occurred, other number is error #. Main program should test if an error occurred with the BEQ or BNE instruction, BEQ will branch if no error, and BNE will branch if there is an error.
* The structures defined below are used to identify files & disks in the access routines. The argument pointers should point to these structures in the program.
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"
| Adress || Name || Input parameters || Output parameters || Description
| $e1f8 || LoadFiles || Pointer to Disk ID, Pointer to File List || A = error #, Y = # of files loaded || Loads files specified by DiskID into memory from disk. Load addresses are decided by the file's header.
| $e237 || AppendFile || Pointer to Disk ID, Pointer to File Header || A = error # || Appends the file data given by DiskID to the disk. This means that the file is tacked onto the end of the disk, and the disk file count is incremented. The file is then read back to verify the write. If an error occurs during verification, the disk's file count is decremented (logically hiding the written file).
| $e239 || WriteFile || Pointer to Disk ID, Pointer to File Header, A = file # || A = error # || Same as "Append File", but instead of writing the file to the  end of the disk, A specifies the sequential position on the disk to write the file (0 is the first). This also has the effect of setting the disk's file count to the A value, therefore logically hiding any other files that may reside after the written one.
| $e2b7 || CheckFileCount || Pointer to Disk ID, A = # to set file count to || A = error # || Reads in disk's file count, compares it to A, then sets the disk's file count to A.
| $e2bb || AdjustFileCount || Pointer to Disk ID, A = number to reduce current file count by || A = error # || Reads in disk's file count, decrements it by A, then writes the new value back.
| $e301 || SetFileCount1 || Pointer to Disk ID, A = file count minus one = # of the last file || A = error # || Set the file count to A + 1
| $e305 || SetFileCount || Pointer to Disk ID, A = file count || A = error # || Set the file count to A
| $e32a || GetDiskInfo || Pointer to Disk Info || A = error # || Fills DiskInfo up with data read off the current disk.
=== Exemple code how to load files ===
    jsr LoadFiles
    .dw DiskID
    .dw LoadList
    bne _Error        ;Check if there is an error
    jsr PrintError      ;If so print the error number and message to screen (include side/disk changing prompts)
    lda $4032
    and #$01
    beq _sideError    ;Wait until disk is ejected
    lda $4032
    and #$01
    bne _instert      ;Wait until disk is inserted
    jmp Load
    .db $01        ;Manufacturer code
    .db "NAME"    ;4-letter code of game
    .db $00        ;Version
    .db $01        ;Disk side
    .db $00        ;Disk number
    .db $00, $00  ;Extra disk IDs
LoadList          ;In this example the files with IDs equal to $02, $03 or $04 will be loaded into memory
    .db $02, $03, $04, $ff
=== Error list ===
Message in bold is the official BIOS message (if there is one) followed by an explanation
*$00: no error
*$01: '''disk set''', ($4032.0) disk not set
*$02: '''battery''', ($4033.7) power supply failure
*$03: ($4032.2) disk is write protected
*$04:  Wrong maker ID
*$05:  Wrong game
*$06:  Wrong game version
*$07:  '''a,b side''', wrong side number
*$08:  '''disk no.''', wrong disk number
*$09:  wrong additional disk ID 1
*$0a:  wrong additional disk ID 2
*$20:  '''disk trouble''', approval check failed
*$21: '''disk trouble''', '*NINTENDO-HVC*' string in block 1 doesn't match
*$22: '''disk trouble''', block type 1 expected
*$23: '''disk trouble''', block type 2 expected
*$24: '''disk trouble''', block type 3 expected
*$25: '''disk trouble''', block type 4 expected
*$27: '''disk trouble''', ($4030.4) block failed CRC
*$28: '''disk trouble''', ($4030.6) file ends prematurely during read
*$29: '''disk trouble''', ($4030.6) file ends prematurely during write
*$30: '''disk trouble''', ($4032.1) disk is full
=== Disk ID structure ===
This is a commonly used string. It consists of 10 bytes which are all compared directly against bytes 15..24 (right after the '*NINTENDO-HVC*' string) of the disk's header block (block type 1; always the first one on the disk). If any of the bytes fail the comparison, an appropriate error # is generated. Comparisons of immaterial data can be skipped by placing an $FF byte in the appropriate place in the DiskID string (for example, when the ROM BIOS boots a disk, it sets all the fields in the DiskID string to -1, except disk side #, and disk #, which are set to 0 (so these fields have to match 0)). The following chart describes the DiskID structure, and the error #'s returned when a comparison fails.
offset size error# description
------ ---- ------ -----------
0 1 $04 game manufacturer code
1 4 $05 game ASCII name string
5 1 $06 game version
6 1 $07 disk side #
7 1 $08 disk #
8 1 $09 extra disk # data
9 1 $10 extra disk # data
A -
=== File list structure ===
This is a list of 1-byte IDs of files to load. All files that matches any ID in the list are loaded. A list of up to 20 IDs is possible at a time, smaller lists should be terminated by a $ff byte (this implies a file ID can never be $ff).
Multiple files are loaded in the order as they exist on the disk, not in the order of the list.
=== File header structure ===
This structure is specified when a file is to be written to the disk. The first 14 bytes of this structure directly specify the data to use for generating a file header block (type 3, bytes [2..15]) to write to disk. The last 2 entries concern the file data to be written to disk (block type 4). The following is a table describing the FileHeader structure.
offset size description
------ ---- -----------
00 1 file ID code
01 8 file name
09 2 load address
0B 2 file data size
0D 1 file type ($00 : Program; $01 : Character; $02 : Nametable)
0E 2 source address of file data (NOT written to disk)
10 1 source address type ($00 : RAM, $01 : VRAM)
11 -
=== Disk information structure ===
This is a data structure returned by a subroutine, of collected information
from the disk (list of files on disk, disk size, etc.). The following table
is a description of that structure.
offset size
------  ----
0 1 game manufacturer code
1 4 game ASCII name string
5 1 game version
6 1 disk side #
7 1 disk #
8 1 extra disk # data
9 1 extra disk # data
A 1 # of files on disk
(the following block will appear for as many files as the "# of files on
disk" byte indicates)
B 1 file ID code
C 8 file name (ASCII)
(the following is present after the last file info block. Disk size is equal
to the sum of each file's size entry, plus an extra 261 per file.)
x 1 disk size high byte
x+1 1 disk size low  byte
x+2 -
== Other BIOS calls ==
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"
| Address || Name || Input parameters || Output parameters || Affected RAM/Registers || Description
| $e149 || Delay132 || || || || 132 clock cycle delay
| $e153 || Delayms || || || X, Y || Delay routine, Y = delay in ms (approximate)
| $e161 || DisPFObj || || || A, $fe || Disable sprites and background
| $e16b || EnPFObj || || || A, $fe || Enable sprites and background
| $e170 || DisObj || || || A, $fe || Disable sprites
| $e178 || EnObj || || || A, $fe || Enable sprites
| $e17e || DisPF || || || A, $fe || Disable background
| $e185 || EnPF || || || A, $fe || Enable background
| $e1b2 || VINTWait || || || $ff || Wait until next VBlank NMI fires, and return (for programs that does it the "everything in main" way). NMI vector selection at $100 is preserved, but further VBlanks are disabled.
| $e7bb || VRAMStructWrite || Pointer to VRAM buffer to be written || || A, X, Y, $00, $01, $ff || Set VRAM increment to 1 (clear $2000/$ff bit 2), and write a VRAM buffer to VRAM. Read below for information on the structure.
| $e844 || FetchDirectPtr || || $00, $01 = pointer fetched || A, X, Y, $05, $06 || Fetch a direct pointer from the stack (the pointer should be placed after the return address of the routine that calls this one (see "important notes" above)), save the pointer at ($00) and fix the return address.
| $e86a || WriteVRAMBuffer || || || A, X, Y, $301, $302 || Write the VRAM Buffer at $302 to VRAM. Read below for information on the structure.
| $e8b3 || ReadVRAMBuffer || X = start address in buffer, Y = # of bytes to read || || A, X, Y || Read individual bytes from VRAM to the VRAMBuffer. Apparently this routine has been made so that, when combined to WriteVRAMBuffer, it can easily do read-modify-write operations to individual VRAM bytes.
| $e8d2 || PrepareVRAMString || A = High VRAM address, X = Low VRAM address, Y = string length, Direct Pointer = data to be written to VRAM || A = $ff : no error, A = $01 : string didn't fit in buffer || A, X, Y, $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06 || This routine copies pointed data into the VRAM buffer.
| $e8e1 || PrepareVRAMStrings || A = High VRAM address, X = Low VRAM address, Direct pointer = data to be written to VRAM || A = $ff : no error, A = $01 : data didn't fit in buffer || A, X, Y, $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06 || This routine copies a 2D string into the VRAM buffer. The first byte of the data determines the width and height of the following string (in tiles): Upper nybble = height, lower nybble = width.
| $e94f || GetVRAMBufferByte || X = starting index, Y = # of byte to read in buffer (starting at 1), $00, $01 = address to read from || carry clear : a byte was read, carry set : no byte was read || A, X, Y || This routine is somewhat obscure, and was probably meant to be used in pair with ReadVRAMBuffer. First the index is calculated as x+3*(y-1). Then the address stored at that index is compared with the address in ($00). If match, the third byte is read and the routine exit with c clear. If not match, the address is overwritten by the address in ($00) and the routine exit with c set. Exact details in how this could be any useful is under analysis.
| $e97d || Pixel2NamConv || $02 = Pixel X cord, $03 = Pixel Y cord || $00 = High nametable address, $01 = Low nametable address || A || This routine convert pixel screen coordinates to corresponding nametable address (assumes no scrolling, and points to first nametable at $2000-$23ff).
| $e997 || Nam2PixelConv || $00 = High nametable address, $01 = low nametable address || $02 = Pixel X cord, $03 = Pixel Y cord || A || This routine convert a nametable address to corresponding pixel coordinates (assume no scrolling).
| $e9b1 || Random || X = Zero Page address where the random bytes are placed, Y = # of shift register bytes (normally $02) || || A, X, Y, $00 || This is a shift-register based random number generator, normally takes 2 bytes (using more won't affect random sequence). On reset you are supposed to write some non-zero values here (BIOS uses writes $d0, $d0), and call this routine several times before the data is actually random. Each call of this routine will shift the bytes ''right''.
| $e9c8 || SpriteDMA || || || A || This routine does sprite DMA from RAM $200-$2ff
| $e9d3 || CounterLogic || A, Y = end Zeropage address of counters, X = start zeropage address of counters || || A, X, $00 || This decrements several counters in Zeropage. The first counter is a decimal counter 9 -> 8 -> 7 -> ... -> 1 -> 0 -> 9 -> ... Counters 1...A are simply decremented and stays at 0. Counters A+1...Y are decremented when the first counter does a 0 -> 9 transition, and stays at 0.
| $e9eb || ReadPads || || $f5 = Joypad #1 data, $f6 = Joypad #2 data || A, X, $00, $01, || This read hardwired famicom joypads.
| $ea1a || ReadDownPads || || $f5 = Joypad #1 up->down transitions, $f6 = Joypad #2 up->down transitions $f7 = Joypad #1 data, $f8 = Joypad #2 data || A, X, $00, $01 || This reads hardwired famicom joypads, and detect up->down button transitions
| $ea1f || ReadOrDownPads || || $f5 = Joypad #1 up->down transitions, $f6 = Joypad #2 up->down transitions $f7 = Joypad #1 data, $f8 = Joypad #2 data || A, X, $00, $01 || This read both hardwired famicom and expansion port joypads and detect up->down button transitions.
| $ea36 || ReadDownVerifyPads || || $f5 = Joypad #1 up->down transitions, $f6 = Joypad #2 up->down transitions $f7 = Joypad #1 data, $f8 = Joypad #2 data || A, X, $00, $01 || This reads hardwired Famicom joypads, and detect up->down button transitions. Data is read until two consecutive read matches to work around the DMC reading glitches.
| $ea4c || ReadOrDownVerifyPads || || $f5 = Joypad #1 up->down transitions, $f6 = Joypad #2 up->down transitions $f7 = Joypad #1 data, $f8 = Joypad #2 data || A, X, $00, $01 || This read both hardwired famicom and expansion port joypads and detect up->down button transitions. Data is read until two consecutive read matches to work around the DMC reading glitches.
| $ea68 || ReadDownExpPads || $f1-$f4 = up->down transitions, $f5-$f8 = Joypad data in the order : Pad1, Pad2, Expansion1, Expansion2 || || A, X, $00, $01 || This read both hardwired famicom and expansion port joypad, but stores their data separately instead of ORing them together like the other routines does. This routine is NOT DMC fortified.
| $ea84 || VRAMFill || A = High VRAM Address (aka tile row #), X = Fill value, Y = # of tile rows OR attribute fill data || || A, X, Y, $00, $01, $02 || This routine does 2 things : If A < $20, it fills pattern table data with the value in X for 16 * Y tiles. If A >= $20, it fills the corresponding nametable with the value in X and attribute table with the value in Y.
| $ead2 || MemFill || A = fill value, X = first page #, Y = last page # || || A, X, Y, $00, $01 || This routines fills RAM pages with specified value.
| $eaea || SetScroll || || || A || This routine set scroll registers according to values in $fc, $fd and $ff. Should typically be called in VBlank after VRAM updates
| $eafd || JumpEngine || A = Jump table entry || || A, X, Y, $00, $01 || The instruction calling this is supposed to be followed by a jump table (16-bit pointers little endian, up to 128 pointers). A is the entry # to jump to, return address on stack is used to get jump table entries.
| $eb13 || ReadKeyboard || || || || Read Family Basic Keyboard expansion (detail is under analysis)
| $eb66 || LoadTileset || A = Low VRAM Address & Flags, Y = Hi VRAM Address, X = # of tiles to transfer to/from VRAM || || A, X, Y, $00, $01, $02, $03, $04 || This routine can read and write 2BP and 1BP tilesets to/from VRAM. See appendix below about the flags.
=== VRAM Buffer Structure ===
The structure of VRAM buffers are as follows:
2      VRAM Address (big endian)
1      bit 0-5 length of data ($0 means a length of 64)
        bit 6 : 0 = copy, 1 = fill
        bit 7 : 0 = increment by 1, 1 = increment by 32
n      Data to copy to VRAM
.....  repeated as many times as needed
1      $ff
* The main structure is terminated by a $ff byte (High address is always supposed to be in $00..$3f range)
* $4c is a "call" command. The 2 bytes that follow is the address of a sub-VRAM structure. The sub-structure can call another sub-structure and so on.
* $60 is a "return" command. It will terminate a sub-structure.
* If Fill mode is used, the routine takes only 1 byte of data which is repeated.
=== VRAM Buffer notes ===
The VRAM buffer is located at $300-$3xx. $300 holds the size of the buffer (maximum), and $301 holds the end index of the buffer. The actual buffer lies at $302-$3xx.
* $300 is initialized to the value $7d, effectively making the buffer lie at $300-$37f. It's possible to change the value here to make it bigger or smaller, but the biggest possible value is $fd, making the buffer lie at $300-$3ff.
* Format of the buffer is equivalent to the VRAM structure above, except that there are no sub-structures, no increment by 32 flag and no fill flag.
* For this reason, the VRAM buffer at $302 can be used as a sub-structure.
* A call to WriteVRAMBuffer will execute faster than a call to VRAMStructWrite with $302 as an argument, but both will have the same effect.
* Read routines are still obscure and analyzed at the moment

=== Load Tileset notes ===
[[Category:Mappers using $4020-$5FFF]][[Category:Mappers with cycle IRQs]]
The ''flags'' parameters are as follows:
7  bit  0
|||| ||||
|||| |||+- Fill bit
|||| ||+-- Transfer direction (0 = Write tiles, 1 = Read tiles)
|||| ++--- Bitplane type (see below)
++++------ Low VRAM Address (aka tile # within a row)
        1st bitplane 2nd bitplane    Description
        ----------- -----------      -----------
    0:  data         data+8          Normal 2-bitplane graphics
    1:  data         fill bit        Single bitplane graphics. Fill bit clear : Use colors 0&1  Fill bit set : Use colors 2&3
    2:  fill bit      data            Single bitplane graphics. Fill bit clear : Use color 0&2  Fill bit set : Use colors 1&3
    3:  data^fill bit data            Single bitplane graphics. Fill bit clear : Use colors 0&3  Fill bit set : Use colors 1&2
This makes it possible for single bitplane tiles to take all possible color schemes when they end up in VRAM.
However, it is not possible to (natively) load single bitplane graphics directly from the disk into VRAM; you have to load them into RAM before transferring the data into VRAM.
In read mode, all non "data" bitplanes are replaced by dummy reads.
== References ==
* [ FDS Lister by ccovell]

Latest revision as of 02:12, 18 August 2024

Famicom, FDS RAM adapter, and FDS disk drive
Company Nintendo
Complexity ASIC
Pinout RP2C33 pinout
PRG RAM capacity 32K
CHR capacity 8K
Disk capacity ~64K per side
Mirroring H or V, switchable
Bus conflicts No
Audio Yes

The Famicom Disk System is a Japan-exclusive storage device for the Famicom, designed to reduce Nintendo's cost of making copies of games by switching from mask ROM chips to a storage medium based on Mitsumi's Quick Disk. Unfortunately for Nintendo, it also reduced the pirates' cost of making copies of games. Games are stored on one or multiple disk sides. The FDS BIOS is used to load data from disks to PRG RAM or VRAM, and games can execute from there. Additional hardware features include a timer IRQ and a wavetable channel.


The Famicom disk system comes in two parts: The disk drive and the RAM adapter.

The RAM adapter is a special shaped cartridge that contains the RAM chips and an ASIC with DRAM controller, IRQ hardware, sound generation hardware, serial interface for the disk drive, and parallel port. The Disk Drive has to be powered separately and is only connected to the Famicom/NES via a serial cable to the RAM adapter.

Most disk drives contain two motors: a spindle motor that spins the disk at a specific speed, and a stepper motor which moves the read/write head between each circular data track. By comparison, the FDS only contains a single motor that does both at once, so it instead stores the data in a single spiral-shaped track. There is a mechanism that detects when the head reaches the end of the disc and makes it return to the start (making an audible click). Because of this limitation, random access to the disc is impossible, making FDS disk drive data access behave similarly to a reel of tape (but much faster). Data can only be accessed by spinning the disc, waiting for the head to reach the inner edge of the disc, then waiting again until the desired data file is reached. A complete cycle through the entire disc takes about 7 seconds.

The disc drive only contains basic electronics, there is no "intelligence" in it; therefore, the serial interface almost directly represents what is stored on the disc.


The FDS disk is a modified version of the Mitsumi Quick Disk.



All Banks are fixed

  • PPU $0000-$1FFF: 8k CHR RAM
  • CPU $6000-$DFFF: 32k PRG RAM
  • CPU $E000-$FFFF: 8k BIOS PRG ROM


$402x registers are write-only, $403x registers are read-only

Timer IRQ reload value low ($4020)

7  bit  0
|||| ||||
++++-++++- 8 LSB of timer IRQ reload value

Timer IRQ reload value high ($4021)

7  bit  0
|||| ||||
++++-++++- 8 MSB of timer IRQ reload value

Unlike $4022, $4020 and $4021 are not affected by the $4023.0 (disk registers enabled) flag - the reload value can be altered even when disk registers are disabled.

Timer IRQ control ($4022)

7  bit  0
xxxx xxER
       |-- Timer IRQ Repeat Flag
       +-- Timer IRQ Enabled

When $4022 is written to with bit 1 (IRQ enabled) set, the reload value is copied into the IRQ's counter. Each CPU clock cycle the counter is decremented by one if the enable flag is set.

When the counter's value is 0 and the IRQ enable flag is on, the following happens on every CPU cycle:

  • An IRQ is generated.
  • The IRQ counter is reset to its reload value (contained in $4020+$4021)
  • If the IRQ repeat flag is NOT set, the IRQ enabled flag is cleared and the counter stops.


  • This register is affected by the $4023.0 (Enable disk I/O registers) flag - if disk registers are disabled, it is impossible to start the IRQ counter (writing to $4022 has no effect).
  • Clearing $4023.0 will immediately stop the IRQ counter and acknowledge any pending timer IRQs.
  • Writing to $4022 with bit 1 (IRQ enabled) cleared will stop the IRQ counter and acknowledge any pending timer IRQs.
  • Enabling timer IRQs when the reload value is set to 0 will cause an IRQ immediately. Doing this with the repeat flag enabled will cause an infinite loop of IRQs on every CPU cycle.
  • Since the disk transfer routine also uses IRQs, it's very important to disable timer IRQs before doing any access to the disk.

There are only 3 known ways to acknowledge the timer IRQ:

  • Read $4030
  • Disable timer IRQs by writing to $4022
  • Disable disk registers by writing to $4023

Master I/O enable ($4023)

7  bit  0
xxxx xxSD
       |+- Enable disk I/O registers
       +-- Enable sound I/O registers

The FDS BIOS writes $00, then $83 to it during reset. The purpose of bit 7 is unknown.

Disabling disk registers disables both disk and timer IRQs.

Write data register ($4024)

The data that this register is programmed with will be the next 8-bit quantity to load into the shift register (next time the byte transfer flag raises), and to be shifted out and appear on pin 5 of the RAM adapter cable (2C33 pin 52).

Writing to this register acknowledges disk IRQs.[citation needed]

FDS Control ($4025)

7  bit  0
|||| ||||
|||| |||+- Transfer Reset
|||| |||     0: Reset transfer timing to the initial state.
|||| ||+-- Drive Motor Control (0: start, 1: stop)
|||| |+--- Transfer Mode (0: write; 1: read)
|||| +---- Mirroring (0: vertical; 1: horizontal)
|||+------ CRC Transfer Control (1: transfer CRC value)
||+------- Unknown, always set to '1'
|+-------- CRC Enabled (0: disable/reset, 1: enable)
+--------- Interrupt Enabled
             1: Generate an IRQ every time the byte transfer flag is raised.


  • Disabling the CRC resets its state. The FDS BIOS disables the CRC between file blocks, then enables it before accessing each file block to calculate/verify their CRC values.
  • To change the mirroring on the fly, a read-modify-write of its mirror should be done to prevent altering unrelated bits.

Writing to this register acknowledges disk IRQ.

External connector ($4026)

Output of expansion terminal where there's a shutter on the back of the ram card. The outputs of $4026 (open-collector with 4.7K ohm pull-ups (except on bit 7)), are shared with the inputs on $4033.

Disk Status register ($4030)

7  bit  0
|| |   ||
|| |   |+- Timer Interrupt (1: an IRQ occurred)
|| |   +-- Byte transfer flag. Set every time 8 bits have been transferred between the RAM adaptor & disk drive (service $4024/$4031). 
|| |       Reset when $4024, $4031, or $4030 has been serviced.
|| +------ CRC control (0: CRC passed; 1: CRC error)
|+-------- End of Head (1 when disk head is on the most inner track)
+--------- Disk Data Read/Write Enable (1 when disk is readable/writeable)

Reading this register acknowledges timer and disk IRQs.

Read data register ($4031)

This register is loaded with the contents of an internal shift register every time the byte transfer flag raises. The shift register receives its serial data via pin 9 of the RAM adapter cable (2C33 pin 51).

Reading this register acknowledges disk IRQs.

Disk drive status register ($4032)

7  bit  0
xxxx xPRS
      ||+- Disk flag  (0: Disk inserted; 1: Disk not inserted)
      |+-- Ready flag (0: Disk readу; 1: Disk not ready)
      +--- Protect flag (0: Not write protected; 1: Write protected or disk ejected)


  • The Ready flag corresponds to the drive head's position. It is set to 1 when the head reaches the end of the disk, and cleared once it returns to the beginning of the disk.
  • The Protect flag corresponds to the write protect tab present on the upper-left corner of the inserted disk side. It is set to 1 if the tab is broken.

Reading this register acknowledges disk IRQs.[citation needed]

External connector read ($4033)

7  bit  0
|||| ||||
|+++-++++- Input from expansion terminal where there's a shutter on the back of the ram card.
+--------- Battery status (0: Voltage is low; 1: Good).

When a bit is clear in $4026 port it will read back as '0' here (including battery bit) because of how open collector input works. Battery bit should be checked when the motor is on, otherwise it always will be read as 0.

Sound ($4040-$4092)

For details on sound information, see FDS audio.


The FDS contains a fixed 8KB BIOS at $E000-FFFF. This controls the Famicom at power-on and reset, dispatches the NMI and IRQ, and offers an API for accessing the data on disk. Routines for common tasks including controller reading and PPU handling are also provided for programmer convenience.


See Also
