INES Mapper 016

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iNES Mapper 016 represents a board used by Bandai with EPROM save. iNES Mapper 159 is the same thing with a different save type.

The following games using this mapper use a 24C02 256-byte serial EEPROM to store their save data:

  • Dragon Ball Z Gaiden - Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu Keikaku (J) [!]
  • Dragon Ball Z II - Gekishin Freeza!! (J) [!]
  • Dragon Ball Z III - Ressen Jinzou Ningen (J) [!]
  • Rokudenashi Blues (J)
  • SD Gundam Gaiden - Knight Gundam Monogatari 3 - Densetsu no Kishi Dan (J) [!]

Other games do not make use of save data at all:

  • Crayon Shin-Chan - Ora to Poi Poi (J)
  • Meimon! Dai San Yakyuu Bu (J)
  • Nishimura Kyoutarou Mystery - Blue Train Satsujin Jiken (J)
  • Sakigake!! Otoko Juku - Shippuu Ichi Gou Sei (J)
 Here are Disch's original notes:
 =  Mapper 016          =
 =       + 159          =
 Bandai (something or other)
 Example Games:
 Dragon Ball - Dai Maou Jukkatsu      (016)
 Dragon Ball Z Gaiden                 (016)
 Dragon Ball Z 2                      (016)
 Rokudenashi Blues                    (016)
 Akuma-kun - Makai no Wana            (016)
 Dragon Ball Z - Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin  (159)
 SD Gundam Gaiden                     (159)
 Magical Taruruuto Kun 1, 2           (159)
 Two Mappers:
 016 and 159 are mapped the exact same way.  Registers are all the same and whatnot.  And in fact, for a
 while, both mappers were assigned the same mapper number (016).  Therefore, you may come across mapper 159
 games that are still marked as mapper 016.
 The difference between the two is in the EPROM.  These mappers don't have traditional SRAM (I couldn't tell
 you why).  Instead, they have EPROM that has to be written to one bit at a time, with very strange register
 Mapper 016 has 256 bytes of EPROM, and is accessed high bit first
 Mapper 159 has 128 bytes of EPROM, and is accessed low bit first
 For further details, see the section at the bottom.
 Apart from EPROM, the mappers are 100% identical in function.
 Since there's EPROM, there's no SRAM (EPROM is used to save games).
 Range,Mask:   $6000-FFFF, $000F
 Note:  below regs are listed as $800x, but note they also exist at $6000-7FFF
   $8000-8007:   CHR Regs
   $8008:        PRG Reg (16k @ $8000)
   $8009:  [.... ..MM]   Mirroring:
     %00 = Vert
     %01 = Horz
     %10 = 1ScA
     %11 = 1ScB
   $800A:  [.... ...E]   IRQ Enable (0=disabled)
   $800B:                Low 8 bits of IRQ Counter
   $800C:                High 8 bits of IRQ Counter
   $800D:  EPROM I/O
 another note:   since PRG is mapped to $8000-FFFF, EPROM I/O reg can only be read via $6xxx or $7xxx.  To my
 knowledge no other registers are readable.  It also appears that reading from *ANY* address in $6xxx-7xxx
 will read the EPROM I/O reg.  Rokudenashi Blues will poll $7F00 and will wait for bit 4 to be 0 before
 continuing (so if you're giving open bus @ 7F00, the game will deadlock)
 CHR Setup:
       $0000   $0400   $0800   $0C00   $1000   $1400   $1800   $1C00 
     | $8000 | $8001 | $8002 | $8003 | $8004 | $8005 | $8006 | $8007 | 
 PRG Setup:
       $8000   $A000   $C000   $E000  
     |     $8008     |     { -1}     |
 IRQs are nice and simple.
 When enabled, the 16-bit IRQ counter counts down every CPU cycle, wrapping from $0000->FFFF.  When the
 counter makes the transition from $0001->$0000, an IRQ is generated.
 When disabled, the IRQ counter does not count.
 Any write to $800A will acknowledge the IRQ
 $800B and $800C change the IRQ counter directly -- not a reload value.
 EPROM is a real nightmare.  Nobody knows for sure exactly how it works -- but by examining the game code,
 patterns surface.  Games do a series of extremely cryptic writes to $800D, and occasionally read a single
 bit from $800D.  By examining some logs I made of the games I've noticed a small bit of patterns which I
 list below, along with my guess as to what the game is attempting to do by performing that pattern:
   write $00
   write $40
   write $60     Start I/O
   write $20
   write $00
   write $00
   write $20     Output '0' bit
   write $00
   write $00
   write $40
   write $60     Output '1' bit
   write $40
   write $00
   write $00
   write $20
   write $A0    I have absolutly no clue
   write $00
   write $60
   write $E0    Read a single bit
   write $40
   write $00
   write $20
   write $60    Stop I/O
   write $40
   write $C0
 These likely aren't the only patterns that games perform.  I recall seeing occasional writes of $80 and
 other stuff thrown in there in some games.  Also -- not all games follow this pattern, so looking for these
 specific writes will not work for at least one other game.
 It seems that only bits 5-7 of the written value are relevent (hereon, they will be referred to as D5 - D7).
 Bit 4 ($10) is the only significant bit when read.  Other bits are most likely open bus.
 When writing bytes to EPROM, games will generally perform 8 "output" patterns (either output 0 or output 1,
 depending on the bits it wants to write), followed by a 9th output pattern, which I would assume finalizes
 the write and/or possibly moves the 8 bits from a latch to EPROM.
 When reading bytes, games will generally perform 8 "read" patterns, followed by a single output pattern
 (which I would assume finalizes the read).
 Sometimes when the game is writing bits, it's writing data to be stored on EPROM, and other times it's
 setting the desired EPROM address and/or read/write mode.  Knowing which it's doing involves keeping track
 of the state it's currently it and what it has done last, etc, etc.
 But again -- nobody *really* knows how it works.  The method I've employed in my emu is outlined below -- and
 it appears to work for every game I've tried, but I *KNOW* it's not accurate.  But, short of some hardware
 guru acquiring a handful of these carts and doing a thorough RE job, that's about the best anyone can do.
 Emulating EPROM:
 SUPER FAT IMPORTANT NOTE:  This is just the method of EPROM emulation I employ in my emu.
 Do not use this as a final word or anything -- this is simply the product of lots of guesswork, speculation,
 and trial and error.
 D5 appears to be the "trigger" bit, and D6 appears to be the "signal" bit.  I have no clue what D7 does, and
 ignoring it completely has worked for me (though I'm sure it does have some purpose).  "Commands" are sent
 by toggling D5 (0->1->0).  Two states of D6 are observed -- one when D5 rises (0->1), and one when it falls
 (1->0).  Using these two observed states, you get 4 possible commands.  The command is sent when D5 falls.
          byte  D6 D5 
   write: $00    0 0
   write: $40    1 0
   write: $60    1 1  <--  D5 rise:    D6=1
   write: $40    1 0  <--  D5 fall:    D6=1, command "1,1" sent here
   write: $00    0 0
 The above sequence would issue a "1,1" command.
   Name     rise,fall       example write sequence
   Write 0     0,0          $00, $20, $00
   Write 1     1,1          $00, $40, $60, $40, $00
   Open        1,0          $00, $40, $60, $20, $00
   Close       0,1          $00, $20, $60, $40, $C0
 The unit can be in one of several modes:
   - Closed
   - Select
   - Address
   - Write
   - Read
 I also use an 8-bit temporary value, an 8-bit address (or 7-bit address, if 128 byte EPROM) and 9-step bit
 I would assume the unit is Closed on startup (and possibly reset).
 Basic Concept overview:
   "Write 0" and "Write 1" commands advance the 9-step bit counter.  The first 8 writes fill the appropriate
 bit in the temporary value.  The 9th write will take the temp value and move it to either the address (if in
 Address mode), or to the desired area in EPROM (if in Write mode), and the mode will update accordingly.
 Basically the first 8 writes fill the temp value and the 9th moves it to where it needs to go.
   Reads operate similarly... but the temp buffer isn't affected by the writes, and the 9th step doesn't copy
 the temp value anywhere.  Note however that games will perform a write between each bit read (presumably to
 advance it to the next bit) -- so you should do nothing but return the appropriate bit when the game reads
 the EPROM I/O Reg (do not advance it to the next bit on read).
   "Select" mode exists on 256 byte EPROM only (mapper 016).  It is used to select between read/write mode.
 Bit 0 of the 8-bit value written when in Select mode determines read/write mode.  On 128 byte EPROM (mapper
 159), the high bit of the address selects read/write mode.  In both cases, 1=read mode, 0=write mode.
   Remember that on 128 byte, values are written low bit first... but on 256 byte, they're written high bit
 first.  Bits are read the same order they're written.
   Doing anything but opening when the unit is closed has no effect.
 Logic Flow Details (256-byte ... mapper 016)
 Opening from Closed Mode:
   a) Enter Select Mode
 Opening from non-Closed Mode:
   a) if in Select Mode, increment address by 1
   b) enter Select Mode.
   c) Reset bit counter (next write is the first write in the 9-write sequence)
 Writing in Select Mode:
   a) If low bit of written value = 1
      -) Enter Read Mode
   b) otherwise...
      -) Enter Address Mode
 Writing in Address Mode:
   a) written value becomes address
   b) Enter Write mode
 Writing in Write Mode:
   a) written value moves to current address of EPROM
   b) mode is not changed
 Writing in Read Mode:
   a) Enter Select Mode
 Logic Flow Details (128-byte ... mapper 159)
 Opening from Closed Mode:
   a) Enter Address Mode
 Opening from non-Closed Mode:
   a) increment address by 1 (wrap $7F->00)
   b) do not change mode
   c) Reset bit counter (next write is the first write in the 9-write sequence)
 Writing in Address Mode:
   a) written value becomes address (low 7 bits only)
   b) if high bit of written value is set...
      -) Enter Read Mode
   c) otherwise...
      -) Enter Write Mode
 Writing in Write Mode:
   a) written value moves to current address of EPROM
   b) Enter Address mode
 Writing in Read Mode:
   a) Enter Address Mode