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The NES APU's delta modulation channel (DMC) can output 1-bit delta-encoded samples or can have its 7-bit counter directly loaded, allowing flexible manual sample playback.

The DMC channel contains the following: memory reader, interrupt flag, sample buffer, timer, output unit, 7-bit counter.

Reader ---> Buffer ---> Output ---> Counter ---> (to the mixer)
$4010 IL--.FFFF Flags and frequency (write)
bit 7 I--- ---- IRQ enabled flag. If clear, the interrupt flag is cleared.
bit 6 -L-- ---- Loop flag
bits 3-0 ---- RRRR Rate index
Rate   $0   $1   $2   $3   $4   $5   $6   $7   $8   $9   $A   $B   $C   $D   $E   $F
NTSC  428, 380, 340, 320, 286, 254, 226, 214, 190, 160, 142, 128, 106,  84,  72,  54
PAL   398, 354, 316, 298, 276, 236, 210, 198, 176, 148, 132, 118,  98,  78,  66,  50
$4011 -DDD.DDDD Direct load (write)
bits 6-0 -DDD DDDD The counter is loaded with D. If a sample is currently playing, the counter is occasionally not changed properly.
$4012 AAAA.AAAA Sample address (write)
bits 7-0 AAAA AAAA Sample address = %11AAAAAA.AA000000
$4013 LLLL.LLLL Sample length (write)
bits 7-0 LLLL LLLL Sample length = %LLLL.LLLL0001

The counter's value is sent to the mixer. It is loaded with 0 on power-up.

Automatic 1-bit delta-encoded sample playback is carried out by a combination of three units. The memory reader fills the 8-bit sample buffer whenever it is emptied by the sample output unit. The status register is used to start and stop automatic sample playback.

The sample buffer either holds a single 8-bit sample byte or is empty. It is filled by the reader and can only be emptied by the output unit; once loaded with a sample byte it will be played back.

Pitch table


$4010 Period Frequency Note
$0 $1AC 4181.71 Hz C8 -1.78 cents
$1 $17C 4709.93 Hz D8 +4.16 cents
$2 $154 5264.04 Hz E8 -3.29 cents
$3 $140 5593.04 Hz F8 +1.67 cents
$4 $11E 6257.95 Hz G8 -3.86 cents
$5 $0FE 7046.35 Hz A8 +1.56 cents
$6 $0E2 7919.35 Hz B8 +3.77 cents
$7 $0D6 8363.42 Hz C9 -1.78 cents
$8 $0BE 9419.86 Hz D9 +4.16 cents
$9 $0A0 11,186.08 Hz F9 +1.67 cents
$A $08E 12,604.03 Hz G9 +8.29 cents
$B $080 13,982.60 Hz A9 -12.02 cents
$C $06A 16,884.65 Hz C10 +14.48 cents
$D $054 21,306.82 Hz E10 +17.20 cents
$E $048 24,857.95 Hz G10 -15.93 cents
$F $036 33,143.94 Hz C11 -17.88 cents

(A "cent" is 1/100 of a semitone or 1/1200 of an octave.)

Memory reader

When the sample buffer is emptied, the memory reader fills the sample buffer with the next byte from the currently playing sample. It has an address counter and a bytes remaining counter.

When a sample is (re)started, the current address is set to the sample address, and bytes remaining is set to the sample length.

Any time the sample buffer is in an empty state and bytes remaining is not zero, the following occur:

  • The CPU is suspend for up to four clock cycles.
  • The sample buffer is filled with the next sample byte read from the current address, subject to whatever mapping hardware present.
  • The address is incremented; if it exceeds $FFFF, it is wrapped around to $8000.
  • The bytes remaining counter is decremented; if it becomes zero and the loop flag is set, the sample is restarted (see above); otherwise, if the bytes remaining counter becomes zero and the IRQ enabled flag is set, the interrupt flag is set.

At any time, if the interrupt flag is set, the CPU's IRQ line is continuously asserted until the interrupt flag is cleared.

Output unit

The output unit continuously outputs a 7-bit value to the mixer. It contains an 8-bit right shift register, a bits-remaining counter, a 7-bit delta-counter, and a silence flag.

When an output cycle ends, a new cycle is started as follows:

  • The bits-remaining counter is loaded with 8.
  • If the sample buffer is empty, then the silence flag is set; otherwise, the silence flag is cleared and the sample buffer is emptied into the shift register.

When the timer outputs a clock, the following actions occur in order:

  1. If the silence flag is clear, bit 0 of the shift register is applied to the counter as follows: if bit 0 is clear and the delta-counter is greater than 1, the counter is decremented by 2; otherwise, if bit 0 is set and the delta-counter is less than 126, the counter is incremented by 2.
  2. The right shift register is clocked.
  3. The bits-remaining counter is decremented. If it becomes zero, a new cycle is started.

Nothing can interrupt a cycle; every cycle runs to completion before a new cycle is started.

Likely internal implementation of the read

The following is speculation, and thus not necessarily 100% accurate. It does accurately predict observed behavior.

The 6502 cannot be pulled off of the bus normally. The 2A03 DMC gets around this by pulling RDY low internally. This causes the CPU to pause during the next read cycle, until RDY goes high again. The DMC unit holds RDY low for 4 cycles. The first three cycles it idles, as the CPU could have just started an interrupt cycle, and thus be writing for 3 consecutive cycles (and thus ignoring RDY). On the fourth cycle, the DMC unit drives the next sample address onto the address lines, and reads that byte from memory. It then drives RDY high again, and the CPU picks up where it left off.

This matters, because it can interfere with the expected operation of any register where reads have a side effect: the controller registers ($4016 and $4017), reads of the PPU status register ($2002), and reads of VRAM/VROM data ($2007) if they happen to occur in the same cycle that the DMC unit pulls RDY low.

For the controller registers, this can cause an extra rising clock edge to occur, and thus shift an extra bit out. For the others, the PPU will see multiple reads, which will cause extra increments of the address latches, or clear the vblank flag.

Usage of DMC for syncing to video


The NES hardware only has limited tools for syncing the code with video rendering. The VBlank NMI and sprite zero hit are the only two really reliable flags that can be used, so only 2 synchronizations per frame are doable easily. In addition to that only the VBlank NMI can trigger an interrupt, the sprite zero flag has to be polled, potentially wasting a lot of CPU resources.

It is however possible to use the DMC channel for syncing with video instead of using it for sound. Unfortunately it's a bit complicated, but it can proof to be a life saver when one wants to do complex graphical effects without using an advanced mapper.

The DMC timing itself is completely unsynced with the video, and starting a sample has an effect that jitters over more than one scanline. In order to use this for stable timing one should :

  • First trigger an IRQ as quickly as possible (use a single-byte sample at rate $F) from a stable syncronisation (VBlank NMI or sprite zero hit), and count how much time it took for the IRQ to trigger. This process takes between 4 and 8 scanlines.
  • The second step is to actually trigger the second IRQ that will be used for the timing.
  • When this second IRQ happens, you have to wait some amount of time that is complementary to the amount of time measured in A).

That way the time ellapsed in the first and last point will add in an (almost) constant time, and since the lenght of the sample itself is constant, you get perfect control on the timing, allowing to sync with the video while the main program does something else than polling a register or being in a carefully timed idle loop.

It is no problem to do it more than once per frame - it is only required to do the "measurement" part one single time. The second IRQ (for the first split) will have to play a new DMC sample that will trigger a third IRQ (for the second split) and so on. The second variable waiting part has to be done for all split-points though.

This is only viable for splitpoints which are far apart enough so that triggering another IRQ is worth it - if the splitpoints are close, timed code is the best (or even only) solution.

To avoid anything being audible, it's recommended to use samples only made of NULL $00 bytes.

Timing table

This table converts sample lenght in scanline lenght (all values are rounded to the higher integer).

NTSC               Rate 
Length              $0    $1   $2   $3   $4   $5   $6   $7   $8   $9   $a   $b   $c   $d   $e   $f 
1-byte (8 bits)     31    27   24   23   21   18   16   16   14   12   10   10   8    6    6    4 
17-byte (136 bits)  **    **   **   **   **   **   **   **   228  192  170  154  127  101  87   65 
33-byte (264 bits)  **    **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   196  168  126 
49-byte (392 bits)  **    **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   187 
PAL                Rate 
Length              $0    $1   $2   $3   $4   $5   $6   $7   $8   $9   $a   $b   $c   $d   $e   $f 
1-byte (8 bits)     30    27   24   23   21   18   16   15   14   12   10   9    8    6    5    4 
17-byte (136 bits)  **    **   **   **   **   **   **   **   225  189  169  151  126  100  85   64 
33-byte (264 bits)  **    **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   194  164  124 
49-byte (392 bits)  **    **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   **   184

Number of scanlines to wait table

This table gives the best sample lenght and frequency combinations for all possible scanlines interval to wait. They are best because they are where the CPU will have to kill the less time. However it's still possible to use options to wait for fewer lines and kill more time during the interrupt before the video effect.

Because a PAL interrupt will always happen about the same time or a bit sooner than a NTSC interrupt, the NTSC table will be used to set the "best" setting here :

Scanlines  Best opt. for IRQ 

1-3        Timed code 
4-5        Length $0, rate $f 
6-7        Lenght $0, rate $d 
8-9        Length $0, rate $c 
10-11      Length $0, rate $a 
12-13      Length $0, rate $9 
14-15      Length $0, rate $8 
16-17      Length $0, rate $6 
18-20      Length $0, rate $5 
21-22      Length $0, rate $4 
23         Lenght $0, rate $3 
24-26      Length $0, rate $2 
27-30      Length $0, rate $1 
31-64      Length $0, rate $0 
65-86      Length $1, rate $f 
87-100     Length $1, rate $e 
101-125    Lenght $1, rate $d 
126        Lenght $2, rate $f 
127-153    Length $1, rate $c 
154-167    Lenght $1, rate $b 
168-169    Lenght $2, rate $e 
170-186    Length $1, rate $a 
187-191    Length $3, rate $f 
192-195    Length $1, rate $9 
196-227    Length $2, rate $d 
228-239    Length $1, rate $8