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You have reached the user page for TakuikaNinja. Please leave messages on a different platform.
These will mostly be drafts for future articles.
- User:TakuikaNinja/Code snippets
- User:TakuikaNinja/Binary-coded decimal
- User:TakuikaNinja/Microphone games
- User:TakuikaNinja/Game saves
NESdev Projects
It has become pretty apparent that I like the FDS a bit more than others...
- FDS-BIOS-Dumper - Disk program to dump the FDS BIOS.
- asm6f-fds-example - Demonstration of using asm6f for FDS development, analogous to Rainwarrior's CA65 example
- dr-mario-fds - Proof-of-Concept port of Dr. Mario.
- TetrisFDS - PoC port of Tetris (Nintendo).
- Ikki-FDS - PoC port of いっき (Ikki).
- FC-DiskBASIC - Port of Family BASIC v2.1A (aka Disk BASIC), originally documented in hacking magazines during its commercial life.
Namco IPL Interface
These relate to an Initial Program Loader (IPL.MAIN
) found in FDS games developed by Namco:
- IPL-MAIN - Ongoing research/analysis of the IPL and its interface hardware.
- IPL-demo - Demo program to be loaded using the IPL.
- IPL-BattleCity - Battle City ported to the FDS via the IPL.
- smb1-bugfix - Super Mario Bros. with bugfixes, Quality-of-Life improvements & more.
- dr-mario-input-fixes - Dr. Mario with its controller polling routine fixed to avoid input corruption and game crashes.
- TetrisNESBugFix - Tetris (Nintendo) with bugfixes, including an optimised scoring routine to avoid game crashes.