Sunsoft 1 pinout
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Sunsoft-1: 16 pin 0.3" PDIP (canonically mapper 184)
.---\/---. (f) PPU A12 -> |01 16| -- +5V (f) M2 -> |02 15| -> CHR A12 (r) (fr) /ROMSEL -> |03 14| -> CHR A14 (r) (fr) CPU A13 -> |04 13| -> CHR A13 (r) (fr) CPU A14 -> |05 12| <- CPU RnW (f) (fr) CPU D5 -> |06 11| <- CPU D0 (fr) (fr) CPU D4 -> |07 10| <- CPU D1 (fr) GND -- |08 09| <- CPU D2 (fr) `--------'
NOTE: D6 is NOT connected. Games simply always write to the mapper with D6 set. The wiring for Fantasy Zone implies the virtual D6 is treated as though it were connected to +5V always.
Alternative wiring for Fantasy Zone:
.---\/---. (f) CPU A14 -> |01 16| -- +5V (f) M2 -> |02 15| -> PRG A14 (r) (fr) /ROMSEL -> |03 14| -> PRG A16 (r) (fr) CPU A13 -> |04 13| -> PRG A15 (r) (f) CPU A14 -> |05 12| <- CPU RnW (f) +5V -> |06 11| <- CPU D0 (fr) +5V -> |07 10| <- CPU D1 (fr) GND -- |08 09| <- CPU D2 (fr) `--------'