1993 Super 50 in 1 Game

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The cartridge is a multigames cartridge dated from 1993.

Versions known :

  • 1993 Super 50 in 1 Game : NES version (72-pin)


NES PCB (Front mirrored picture) NES PCB (Bottom picture)
50 in 1 NES PCB (Front mirrored picture)
50 in 1 NES PCB (Bottom picture)

Datas chips
Chips Description
Usual fonctionnal chips
Chips Description
74LS161A - 6.70 BCD Decade counters / 4-bit binary counters
GD74LS00 - 9223 - GoldStar NAND Gate, LS Series, 4-Func, 2-Input, TTL, PDIP14

50 in 1 Schematic


The 50 in 1 rom contains 64 KB of PRG and 32 KB of CHR.

The rom has been dumped and assigned to the INES Mapper 200.

It contains 4 different games that can be beginned at different levels.

Dumping method

This script can dump the cartridge with the INLretro-prog dumper (Device firmware version: 2.3.x) :

-- create the module's table
local dumpmg109 = {}

-- import required modules
local dict = require "scripts.app.dict"
local nes = require "scripts.app.nes"
local dump = require "scripts.app.dump"
local flash = require "scripts.app.flash"
local time = require "scripts.app.time"
local files = require "scripts.app.files"
local swim = require "scripts.app.swim"
local buffers = require "scripts.app.buffers"

-- local functions
local function create_header( file, prgKB, chrKB )
	-- Mapper : 200 ; Mirroring : 0 (Horizontal)

	nes.write_header( file, prgKB, chrKB, 200, 0)

--dump the PRG ROM
local function dump_prgrom( file, rom_size_KB, debug )

	--PRG-ROM dump 16KB at a time
	local KB_per_read = 16
	local num_reads = rom_size_KB / KB_per_read
	local read_count = 0
	local addr_base = 0x80	-- $8000

print("CPU dump :")

	while ( read_count < num_reads )
		if debug then print( "dump PRG part ", read_count, " of ", num_reads) end

		-- pause of 1 second to take care about the chips
		local time=os.clock()+1
		while time>os.clock()

		local nobusconflicts = dict.nes("NES_CPU_RD", 0x8000 | read_count);
		dict.nes("NES_CPU_WR", 0x8000 | read_count , nobusconflicts)

		dump.dumptofile( file, KB_per_read, addr_base, "NESCPU_PAGE", false )

		read_count = read_count + 1

--dump the CHR ROM
local function dump_chrrom( file, rom_size_KB, debug )

	local KB_per_read = 8	--dump both PT at once
	local num_reads = rom_size_KB / KB_per_read
	local read_count = 0
	local addr_base = 0x00	-- $0000

print("PPU dump :")

	while ( read_count < num_reads ) do

		if debug then print( "dump CHR part ", read_count, " of ", num_reads) end

		local time=os.clock()+1
		while time>os.clock()

		local nobusconflicts = dict.nes("NES_CPU_RD", 0x8000 | read_count);
		dict.nes("NES_CPU_WR", 0x8000 | read_count , nobusconflicts)

		dump.dumptofile( file, KB_per_read, addr_base, "NESPPU_PAGE", false )

		read_count = read_count + 1

--Cart should be in reset state upon calling this function
--this function processes all user requests for this specific board/mapper
--local function process( test, read, erase, program, verify, dumpfile, flashfile, verifyfile)
local function process(process_opts, console_opts)
	local test = process_opts["test"]
	local read = process_opts["read"]
	local erase = process_opts["erase"]
	local program = process_opts["program"]
	local verify = process_opts["verify"]
	local dumpfile = process_opts["dump_filename"]
	local flashfile = process_opts["flash_filename"]
	local verifyfile = process_opts["verify_filename"]

	local rv = nil
	local file
	local prg_size = console_opts["prg_rom_size_kb"]
	local chr_size = console_opts["chr_rom_size_kb"]
	local wram_size = console_opts["wram_size_kb"]

--initialize device i/o for NES

print("\nRunning dumpMG109.lua")

--dump the cart to dumpfile
	if read then
		print("\nDumping ROM...")

		file = assert(io.open(dumpfile, "wb"))

		--create header: pass open & empty file & rom sizes
		create_header(file, prg_size, chr_size)

		--TODO find bank table to avoid bus conflicts!
		--dump cart into file
		--dump cart into file
		dump_prgrom(file, prg_size, false)
		dump_chrrom(file, chr_size, false)

		--close file
		print("DONE Dumping ROM")


-- functions other modules are able to call
dumpmg109.process = process

-- return the module's table
return dumpmg109

Under UNIX, the commands to run are :

./inlretro -s scripts/inlretro3.lua -c NES -m dumpmg109 -x 64 -y 32 -d 50in1-1993.nes

The NES header of the rom is to set to

Games Menu

There are 4 unique games and the same games at different levels :

  • Duck Hunt
  • Wild Gunman
  • Battle City
  • Mario Bros (Arcade / 1983)
Cartridge Menu
Game Name Original Game Name Level
001 CONTRA Contra Stage 1
007 GALAXIAN Galaxian Flag 1
008 FIAME CONTRA Contra Stage 1
120 SUPER MARIO 8 Super Mario Bros 1 (Platforms / 1986) World 8-1