Random number generator/Linear feedback shift register (advanced)

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Revision as of 20:06, 11 July 2016 by Rainwarrior (talk | contribs) (→‎24 and 32 bit LFSR: My 32-bit search completed: $AF is the lowest for 32 bits but it's crowded, sticking with $C5 and making a note.)
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Further commentary on the linear feedback shift register example at random number generator.

Basic version

	ldx #8     ; iteration count
	lda seed+0
	asl        ; shift the register
	rol seed+1
	bcc :+
	eor #$2D   ; apply XOR feedback whenever a 1 bit is shifted out
	bne :--
	sta seed+0
	cmp #0     ; reload flags

Sacrifice entropy for speed

The iteration count stored in X can be reduced to speed up the generator, at the expense of quality of randomness. Each iteration effectively generators one more bit of entropy, so 8 iterations are needed for an 8-bit random number. If you intend to use fewer bits of the result (e.g. use AND to mask the result), or if you are satisfied with less randomness, you can reduce X, or even parameterize it:

; X as a parameter specifies number of random bits to generate (1 to 8)
	lda seed+0
	rol seed+1
	bcc :+
	eor #$2D
	bne @bitloop
	sta seed+0
	cmp #0

Alternatively this loop could be unrolled with 8 entry points, saving the need to use X or load it as a parameter.

Because the 16-bit LFSR has a repeating cycle of 65535 values, groups of 6, 5, or 3 bits will reduce the length of its output sequence. This should be avoided, if possible.

24 and 32 bit LFSR

By adding an extra byte or two to the seed variable, and choosing an appropriate polynomial to XOR with, we can extend the sequence length significantly with only one additonal ROL per byte (+40 cycles).

This 24-bit version has a sequence length of 16777215:

seed: .res 3 ; 24-bit

	ldx #8
	lda seed+0
	rol seed+1
	rol seed+2
	bcc :+
	eor #$1B
	bne :--
	sta seed+0
	cmp #0

This 32-bit version has a sequence length of 4294967295:

seed: .res 4 ; 32-bit

	ldx #8
	lda seed+0
	rol seed+1
	rol seed+2
	rol seed+3
	bcc :+
	eor #$C5
	bne :--
	sta seed+0
	cmp #0

Even longer sequences are possible, but it's not likely to be practical, as it would already take approximately 7 days for an NTSC NES to complete this 32 bit LFSR cycle.

A note about the chosen polynomials, $2D, and $1B are the lowest 1-byte polynomials that give a maximal sequence for 16 and 24-bit generators. $AF is the lowest for a 32-bit generator, but $C5 was preferred because it has less crowded taps (i.e. "better" behaviour if you're lowering the iteration count). There are other maximal sequence polynomials that can be used for all of these, the choice is somewhat arbitrary.