6502 assembly optimisations

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This page is about optimisations that are possible in assembly language, or various things one programmer has to keep in mind to make his code as optimal as possible.

There is two major kind of optimisations: Optimisation for speed (code executes in fewer cycles) and optimisation for size (the code takes fewer bytes).

There is also some other kinds of optimisations, such as constant-executing-time optimisation (code execute in a constant number of cycle no matter what it has to do), or RAM usage optimisation (use as few variables as possible). Because those optimisations have more to do with the algorithm than with its implementation in assembly, only speed and size optimisations will be discussed in this article.

Optimise both speed and size of the code

Avoid a jsr + rts chain

A tail call occurs when a subroutine finishes by calling another subroutine. This can be optimised into a JMP instruction:

<source lang="6502"> MySubroutine

 lda Foo
 sta Bar
 jsr SomeRandomRoutine


becomes :

<source lang="6502"> MySubroutine

 lda Foo
 sta Bar
 jmp SomeRandomRoutine


Savings : 9 cycles, 1 byte

Split word tables in high and low components

This optimisation is not human friendly, makes the source code much bigger, but still makes the compiled[1] size smaller and faster:

<source lang="6502"> Example

 lda FooBar
 asl A
 lda PointerTable,X
 sta Temp
 lda PointerTable+1,X
 sta Temp+1


 .dw Pointer1, Pointer2, ....


Becomes :

<source lang="6502"> Example

 ldx FooBar
 lda PointerTableL,X
 sta Temp
 lda PointerTableH,X
 sta Temp+1


 .byt <Pointer1, <Pointer2, ....


 .byt >Pointer1, >Pointer2, ....


Some assemblers may have a way to implement a macro to automatically make the table coded like this (Unofficial MagicKit Assembler is one such program).

Savings : 2 bytes, 4 cycles

Use Jump tables with RTS instruction instead of JMP indirect instruction

The so-called RTS Trick is a method of implementing jump tables by pushing a subroutine's entry point to the stack.

<source lang="6502">

 ldx JumpEntry
 lda PointerTableL,X
 sta Temp
 lda PointerTableH,X
 sta Temp+1
 jmp [Temp]
becomes this
 ldx JumpEntry
 lda PointerTableH,X
 lda PointerTableL,X


Note that PointerTable entries must point to one byte before the intended target when the RTS trick is used, because RTS will add 1 to the offset.

Savings : 4 bytes, 1 cycle.

To squeeze slightly more, it's possible to combine this with the tail call optimization:

<source lang="6502">

 jsr SomeOtherFunction  ; MUST NOT modify JumpEntry
 ldx JumpEntry
 lda PointerTableH,X
 lda PointerTableL,X
Becomes this
 ldx JumpEntry
 lda PointerTableH,X
 lda PointerTableL,X
 jmp SomeOtherFunction

</source> Here, the CPU runs SomeOtherFunction, then returns to the function from the jump table, then returns to what called this dispatcher.

Use a macro instead of a subroutine which is only called once

What is the point to call a subroutine if you only call it at a single place? It would be more optimal to just insert the code where the subroutine is called. However this makes the code less structured and harder to understand. Inline expansion of a subroutine into another subroutine can be done with a macro. One drawback is that if the subroutine is called in a loop, it may require some JMPing to work around the 128-byte limit on branch length.

How macros are used depends on the assembler so no code examples will be placed here to avoid further confusion. In C, the static inline keyword acts as a hint to expand a function as a macro.

Savings : 4 bytes, 12 cycles.

Arithmetic shift right

Compact way to divide a variable by 2 but keep its sign:

<source lang="6502">

  cmp #$80
  ror A


Easily test 2 upper bits of a variable

<source lang="6502">

   lda FooBar
   asl A         ;C = b7, N = b6



<source lang="6502">

   bit Foobar    ;N = b7, V = b6, regardless of the value of A.


This can be e.g. used to poll the sprite-0-hit flag in $2002.

Negating a value without temporaries

<source lang="6502">

  eor #$FF
  adc #1


Avoiding the need for CLC/SEC with ADC/SBC

If you are using ADC #imm, and you know your carry is already cleared, you do not need to do CLC. However, if you know that carry is set (for example, your code is located in a branch that is only ever entered with a BCS instruction), you can still avoid using CLC by just doing ADC #(value-1). The PLOT subroutine in the Apple II Monitor uses this.

Similarly for SBC #imm: If you know know that carry is clear, you can still avoid using SEC by just doing SBC #(value+1).

Test bits in decreasing order

<source lang="6502">

  lda foobar 
  bmi bit7_set 
  cmp #$40  ; we know that bit 7 wasn't set 
  bcs bit6_set 
  cmp #$20 
  bcs bit5_set 
            ; and so on


Or if you do not need to preserve the value of A:

<source lang="6502">

  lda foobar 
  bcs bit7_set 
  bcs bit6_set 
  bcs bit5_set 
            ; and so on


This saves one byte per comparison, but 2 cycles more are used because of the extra ASL.

Test bits in increasing order

<source lang="6502">

  lda foobar 
  bcs bit0_set
  bcs bit1_set
  bcs bit2_set
            ; and so on


Note: This does not preserve the value of A.

Test bits without destroying the accumulator

The AND instruction can be used to test bits, but this destroy the value in the accumulator. The BIT can do this but it has no immediate adressing mode. A way to do it is to look for an opcode that has the bits you want to test, and use bit $xxxx on this opcode.

<source lang="6502"> Example

  lda foobar
  and #$30
  beq bits_clear
  lda foobar


  lda foobar


becomes :

<source lang="6502"> Example

  lda foobar
  bit _bmi_instruction ;equivalent to and #$30 but preserves A
  beq bits_clear





_bmi_instruction ;The BMI opcode = $30

   bmi somewhere


Savings : 2 cycles, 3 bytes

Use opposite rotate instead of a great number of shifts

To retrieve the 3 highest bits of a value in the low positions, you might be tempted to do 5 LSRs in a row. However, if you do not need the 5 top bits to be cleared, this is more efficient: <source lang="6502">

 lda value   ; got: 76543210 c
 rol         ; got: 6543210c 7
 rol         ; got: 543210c7 6 
 rol         ; got: 43210c76 5
 rol         ; got: 3210c765 4
 ; Only care about these ^^^


It works the same for replacing 5 ASLs with 4 RORs.

To replace 6 ASLs you can use 3 RORs: <source lang="6502">

 lda value   ; got: 76453210 c
 ror         ; got: c7654321 0
 ror         ; got: 0c765432 1
 ror         ; got: 10c76543 2
 and #$C0    ; got: 10------


Optimise speed at the expense of size

Those optimisations will make code faster to execute, but use more ROM. Therefore, it is useful in NMI routines and other things that need to run fast.

Use identity look-up table instead of temp variable

<source lang="6502"> Example

   ldx Foo
   lda Bar
   stx Temp
   adc Temp    ;A = Foo + Bar


becomes :

<source lang="6502"> Example

   ldx Foo
   lda Bar
   adc Identity,X    ;A = Foo + Bar


   .byt $00, $01, $02, $03, .....


If your program is very large, it is possible that this way uses slightly less ROM; also, it might save one byte of RAM in some circumstances.

Savings : 2 cycles

Use look-up table to shift left 4 times

Provided that the high nibble is already cleared, you can shift left by 4 by making a multiplication look-up table. <source lang="6502"> Example:

 lda rownum
 asl A
 asl A
 asl A
 asl A



<source lang="6502"> Example:

 ldx rownum
 lda times_sixteen,x


 .byt $00, $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $60, $70
 .byt $80, $90, $A0, $B0, $C0, $D0, $E0, $F0


In very large programs, this might save some ROM space. However, it will use up the X register, so it might not be ideal.

Savings: 4 cycles

Optimise code size at the expense of cycles

Those optimisations will produce code that is smaller but takes more cycles to execute. Therefore, it can be used in the parts of the program that do not have to be fast.

Use the stack instead of a temp variable

<source lang="6502"> Example

  lda Foo
  sta Temp
  lda Bar
  lda Temp   ;Restores Foo



<source lang="6502"> Example

  lda Foo
  lda Bar
  pla   ;Restores Foo


Savings : 2 bytes.

Use an "intelligent" argument system

Each time a routine needs multiple bytes of arguments (>3) it's hard to code it without wasting a lot of bytes.

<source lang="6502"> Example

  lda Argument1
  sta Temp
  lda Argument2
  ldx Argument3
  ldy Argument4
  jsr RoutineWhichNeeds4Args


Becomes something like:

<source lang="6502"> Example

  jsr PassArguments
  .dw RoutineWhichNeeds4Args
  .db Argument1, Argument2, Argument3, Argument4
  .db $00


  pha                    ; put the high byte back 
  sta pointer+1 
  ldx #$00 
  beq SKIP 


  sta parameters,x 


  iny                    ; pointing one short first pass here fixes that 
  lda (pointer),y 
  bne LOOP      
  lda (pointer),y 
  beq LOOP
  dey                    ; fix the return address guess we can't return to a 
                        ;  break        
  jmp (parameters)


Syscalls in Apple ProDOS[2] and FDS BIOS work this way.

Savings : Complicated to estimate - only saves bytes if the trick is used fairly often across the program, in order to compensate for the size of the PassArguments routine.

Using relative branch instruction instead of absolute

If the state of one of the processor flags is already known at this point and the branch target is not too far away, then you can use a condition branch instruction.

Savings : 1 byte.

See also


  1. Pedants may complain that "compile" is incorrect terminology for "translate a program written in assembly language into object code". But it is the most familiar term meaning "translate a program, no matter the language, into object code", and the same issues apply to code generators within a compiler that targets the 6502 as to programs written in 6502 assembly language.
  2. ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual