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= New Features =
V.R. Technology's NES-on-a-chip consoles enhance the original NES/Famicom in several aspects. In this description, features are assigned to the earliest console type for which a datasheet is publicly available. The publicly-available datasheets are for the VT01, VT02, VT03, VT16 and VT18. Therefore, a feature described as VT16+ may have been available earlier on VT04 to VT15 consoles.

== VT02+ Features ==
* OneBus mode: PRG and CHR data come from the same address space. The cartridge connector's PPU Address lines are repurposed as higher-order Address lines.
* Integrated MMC3-compatible bankswitching by the console, active when in OneBus mode.
* Ability to use NTRAM as CHR-RAM.
* Choice of A12 and HBLANK as a source for clocking the scanline interrupt.
* Automatic X/Y light gun position determination.
* Integrated RS232 interface.
* Direct NTSC/PAL and 50/60 Hz identification.
* Automatic per-attribute-tile background and per-sprite sprite bankswitching.
* DMA can be used to transfer data to PPU memory (via $2007) in addition to the normal transferring of data to OAM memory (via $2004).
* A second APU doubling the number of sound channels.
* Raw PCM output using full eight bits of resolution.
* DMA-driven raw PCM output.
* Data for DMA-driven DPCM/PCM output can be placed anywhere in CPU address space, not just within the $C000-$FFFF range.
== VT03+ Features ==
* Sprites can be 16 pixels wide.
* Graphics can use four bits-per-pixel, so that together with two attribute data bits, sixty-four rather than 16 colors each for background and sprites may be chosen.
* Enhanced color palette with twelve bits rather than six bits per color.
== VT16+ Features ==
* Internal CPU RAM is 4 KiB rather than just 2 KiB.
* The CPU can be set to run at the same speed (5.37 MHz) as the PPU.
* The CPU can be set to retrieve interrupt vectors from RAM ($0FFx) rather than ROM ($FFFx).
* DMA-driven DPCM/PCM output can be set to use its own banking registers independent of normal PRG banking.
* Hardware random number generator.
= Memory Map =
== CPU Memory Map ==
CPU $0000-$07FF: 2 KiB of internal RAM
CPU $0800-$0FFF: VT16+: VT01-VT03: Mirror of CPU $0000-$07FF, VT16+: Further 2 KiB of internal RAM
CPU $1000-$1FFF: Mirror of CPU $0000-$0FFF
CPU $2000-$2007: RP2C02-compatible PPU registers
CPU $2010-$201F: New PPU registers
CPU $4000-$401F: RP2A03-compatible APU, DMA and I/O registers
CPU $4020-$403F: New APU, DMA and I/O registers
CPU $4100-$41FF: New miscellaneous registers
CPU $6000-$7FFF: Optional WRAM, if present on cartridge
CPU $8000-$FFFF (write): When forwarding is enabled (register $410B bit 3 "FWEN" =0): MMC3-compatible registers that are forwarded to $4101-$4108)
CPU $8000-$FFFF (read): Four 8 KiB PRG-ROM banks. See the section "PRG-ROM Bankswitching" for details.
== PPU Memory Map ==
PPU $0000-$1FFF: CHR-ROM, all modes: CHR pattern data, bit planes 0 and 1
PPU $2000-$2FFF: NTRAM (2 KiB, selectable mirroring)
PPU $3F00-$3F1F: CGRAM in 2bpp modes, entries $3F10/$3F14/$3F18/$3F01 mirrors of $3F00/$3F04/$3F08/$3F0C.
                  VT03+: Also CGRAM in 4bpp modes, bits 0 to 5, of colors 00-1F; same mirroring of address bit 4 applies.
PPU $3F20-$3F7F: VT03+: CGRAM in 4bpp modes, bits 0 to 5, of colors 20-7F; no mirroring of address bit 4.
PPU $3F80-$3FFF: VT03+: CGRAM in 4bpp modes, bits 6 to 11, of colors 00-7F; no mirroring of address bit 4.
PPU $4000-$5FFF: CHR-ROM, 4bpp modes: CHR pattern data, bit planes 2 and 3 (VT03+)
= PRG-ROM Bankswitching =
The bankswitching scheme is based on, and indeed backwards-compatible to, the Nintendo [[MMC3]]'s. The CPU address range is divided into four 8 KiB banks. For each of these four 8 KiB banks, the bank number is made up of four components:
* an Inner Bank that resembles the MMC3's bank registers,
* a Middle Bank that can replace zero to eight bits of the lower bank number,
* an Outer Bank that extend the address range up to 32 MiB.
* a Relative Bank that ''adds'' a fixed value to the previous three components (VT16+ only).
The final 8 KiB PRG-ROM bank number therefore is:
BankNumber = ((InnerBank &InnerBankMask) | (MiddleBank &~InnerBankMask) | (OuterBank <<8)) +RelativeBank;
== Inner PRG Bank number ==
The lower bits bits of the 8 KiB PRG-ROM bank number, constituting the Inner Bank number, are normally the only ones that are manipulated by individual games. By default, they resemble the MMC3's original bank registers; accordingly, two of the four banks are fixed. By setting bit 6 in register $410B (PQ2EN), the $C000-$DFFF bank may be turned into a selectable bank as well.
CPU $8000-$9FFF: Selected by register $4107 (PQ0), akin to MMC3 register 6.
CPU $A000-$BFFF: Selected by register $4108 (PQ1), akin to MMC3 register 7.
CPU $C000-$DFFF: If $410B bit 6 (PQ2EN)=0: Fixed to $FE, or second-to-last bank (within the Middle/Outer Bank), as on the MMC3.
                  If $410B bit 6 (PQ2EN)=1: Selected by register $4109 (PQ2), an enhancement over the MMC3.
CPU $E000-$FFFF: Fixed to $FF, or last bank (within the Middle/Outer Bank), as on the MMC3.
If $4105 bit 6 (COMR6) is 1, then the sources of the $8000-$9FFF/$A000-$BFFF bank numbers are swapped with the $C000-$DFFF/$E000-$FFFF banks', just as on the MMC3, or in other words, CPU A14 is inverted.
== Middle PRG Bank mask and number ==
The Middle Bank is normally only used on multicarts. It allows masking off and replacing bits of the Inner Bank number, so that several games may be put into one Outer Bank. Bits 0-2 of register $410B (PS) select the AND mask that is applied to the Inner Bank number. Only the bits that have been masked off that way are then replaced with the respective bits from register $410A (PQ3):
$410B    Inner Bank  Middle Bank Effective
bits 0-2  AND Mask    AND Mask    Inner Bank Size
--------  ----------  --------    ---------------
0        3F          C0          512 KiB
1        1F          E0          256 KiB
2        0F          F0          128 KiB
3        07          F8          64 KiB
4        03          FC          32 KiB
5        01          FE          16 KiB
6        00          FF          8 KiB
7        FF          00          2048 KiB
== Outer PRG Bank number ==
The Outer Bank number is used mostly by multicarts, but also by very large games for which the maximum Inner Bank size of 2 MiB is insufficient. On the VT02 and VT03, bits 4-7 of register $4100 simply select the 2 MiB Outer Bank number for all four banks. On the VT16+, if register $411C bit 5 (EXT2421EN) is set, each of the four 8 KiB banks in the CPU $8000-$FFFF address range can have its own Outer Bank number.
VT02, VT03; VT16+ with $411C bit 5 (EXT2421)=0:
CPU $8000-$FFFF: Selected by register $4100 bits 4-7 (PQ7).
VT16+ with $411C bit 6 (EXT2421)=1:
CPU $8000-$9FFF: Selected by register $4110 bits 0-3 (PQ4).
CPU $A000-$BFFF: Selected by register $4110 bits 4-7 (PQ5).
CPU $C000-$DFFF: If $410B bit 6 (PQ2EN)=0: Selected by $4100 bits 4-7 (PQ7), as on VT02/VT03.
                  If $410B bit 6 (PQ2EN)=1: Selected by $4111 bits 0-3 (PQ6).
CPU $E000-$FFFF: Selected by $4100 bits 4-7 (PQ7), as on VT02/VT03.
If $4105 bit 6 (COMR6) is 1, then the sources of the $8000-$9FFF/$A000-$BFFF bank numbers are swapped with the $C000-$DFFF/$E000-$FFFF banks', as was the case with the Inner Bank number.
== Relative Bank number ==
The Relative Bank only exists on the VT16 and later consoles. While Inner, Middle and Outer Bank numbers are combined with AND and OR operations, the Relative Bank is simply ''added'', yielding much greater flexibility. The Relative Bank Number is defined by registers $4127 (bits 0-7) and $4128 (bits 0-2), yielding 11 bits. Because the Relative Bank number has only eleven rather than the twelve bits of the combined Inner, Middle and Outer Bank numbers, it is guaranteed that final bank number does not overflow within the defined address space, guaranteeing forward-compatibility with future revisions of the console that may extend the address space.
= CHR-ROM Layout =
The layout of CHR-ROM, and by consequence the meaning of the CHR bank registers, is dependent on the current video mode. The concept of a video mode is rarely applied to the original NES/Famicom, as it would be considered to only have a single one. Things are more complex on the VTxx series: the VT02 has two, the VT03 has four, and the VT16+ have six video modes defined by the number of bits per pixel (bpp), whether Address Extension is used, and whether the Video Data Bus has eight or sixteen bits:
{| class="wikitable"
! rowspan=2 | Bits per pixel !! rowspan=2 | Address Extension !! colspan=2 | Video Data Bus Width
! 8 bit !! 16 bit
| rowspan=2 | 2 || off || RP2C02+ || -
|  on || VT02+ || -
| rowspan=2 | 4 || off || VT03 || VT16+
|  on || VT03+ || VT16+
== Bits per pixel ==
The number of bits per pixel (bpp) is selected separately for background and sprites. For background, the two additional bits are always used to form four-bit color numbers. For sprites in 4bpp modes, it can further be selected whether the second pair of bits is to be used to form a four-bit color number, or whether they are used to increase the number of horizontal pixels per sprite from eight to sixteen. For the background, the number of bits per pixel is selected by register $2010 bit 1 (BK16EN), for sprites by register $2010 bit 2 (SP16EN), with a cleared bit indicating 2bpp, and a set bit indicating 4bpp.
On the VT03, the choice between sixteen colors per sprite --- register $2010 bit 0 (PIX16EN) cleared --- and sixteen pixels per sprite  --- register $2010 bit 0 (PIX16EN) set --- applies to all sprites. On the VT16+, the same applies if register $2010 bit 5 (SPOPEN) is cleared; if register $2010 bit 2 (SP16EN) and bit 5 (SPOPEN) are both set, the choice can be made for each sprite individually by clearing (sixteen colors) or setting (sixteen pixels) bit 4 of [[PPU_OAM#Byte_2|byte 2]] of that sprite's OAM data.
== CHR Pattern Data Layout ==
In '''2bpp''' modes, each CHR data layout is the same as on the original NES/Famicom, with each tile's CHR data occupying sixteen bytes, and the two bitplanes' data stored sequentially:
Byte Bit Meaning                Byte Bit Meaning
----------------                ----------------
0    7  pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 0  8    7  pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 1
0    6  pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 0  8    6  pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 1
0    5  pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 0  8    5  pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 1
0    4  pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 0  8    4  pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 1
0    3  pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 0  8    3  pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 1
0    2  pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 0  8    2  pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 1
0    1  pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 0  8    1  pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 1
0    0  pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 0  8    0  pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 1
1    7  pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 0  9    7  pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 1
1    6  pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 0  9    6  pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 1
1    5  pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 0  9    5  pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 1
1    4  pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 0  9    4  pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 1
1    3  pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 0  9    3  pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 1
1    2  pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 0  9    2  pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 1
1    1  pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 0  9    1  pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 1
1    0  pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 0  9    0  pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 1
2    7  pixel Y=2 X=0, bit 0  A    7  pixel Y=2 X=0, bit 1
:    :  :                      :    :  :
7    7  pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 0  F    7  pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 1
All numbers hexadecimal.
In the '''4bpp with 8 bit data bus''' modes, the same plane-sequential system is expanded, so that each tile's CHR data now occupies thirty-two bytes:
Byte Bit Meaning                Byte Bit Meaning                Byte Bit Meaning                Byte Bit Meaning                       
----------------                ----------------                ----------------                ----------------               
00  7  pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 0  08  7  pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 1  10  7  pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 2    18  7  pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 3 
00  6  pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 0  08  6  pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 1  10  6  pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 2    18  6  pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 3 
00  5  pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 0  08  5  pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 1  10  5  pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 2    18  5  pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 3 
00  4  pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 0  08  4  pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 1  10  4  pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 2    18  4  pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 3 
00  3  pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 0  08  3  pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 1  10  3  pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 2    18  3  pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 3 
00  2  pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 0  08  2  pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 1  10  2  pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 2    18  2  pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 3 
00  1  pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 0  08  1  pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 1  10  1  pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 2    18  1  pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 3 
00  0  pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 0  08  0  pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 1  10  0  pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 2    18  0  pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 3 
01  7  pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 0  09  7  pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 1  11  7  pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 2    19  7  pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 3 
01  6  pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 0  09  6  pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 1  11  6  pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 2    19  6  pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 3 
01  5  pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 0  09  5  pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 1  11  5  pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 2    19  5  pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 3 
01  4  pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 0  09  4  pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 1  11  4  pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 2    19  4  pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 3 
01  3  pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 0  09  3  pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 1  11  3  pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 2    19  3  pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 3 
01  2  pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 0  09  2  pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 1  11  2  pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 2    19  2  pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 3 
01  1  pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 0  09  1  pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 1  11  1  pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 2    19  1  pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 3 
01  0  pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 0  09  0  pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 1  11  0  pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 2    19  0  pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 3 
02  7  pixel Y=2 X=0, bit 0  0A  7  pixel Y=2 X=0, bit 1  12  7  pixel Y=2 X=0, bit 2    1A  7  pixel Y=2 X=0, bit 3 
  :  :  :                      :  :  :                      :  :  :                        :  :  :                     
07  7  pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 0  0F  7  pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 1  17  7  pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 2    1F  7  pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 3 
All numbers hexadecimal.
In the '''4bpp with 16 bit data bus''' modes, the layout is changed towards a scheme that allows the second byte to be fetched in one 16 bit read operation:
Byte  Bit  Meaning                Byte  Bit  Meaning           
------------------                ------------------     
00/01 F    pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 2  10/11 F    pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 3
00/01 E    pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 2  10/11 E    pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 3
00/01 D    pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 2  10/11 D    pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 3
00/01 C    pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 2  10/11 C    pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 3
00/01 B    pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 2  10/11 B    pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 3
00/01 A    pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 2  10/11 A    pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 3
00/01 9    pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 2  10/11 9    pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 3
00/01 8    pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 2  10/11 8    pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 3
00/01 7    pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 0  10/11 7    pixel Y=0 X=0, bit 1
00/01 6    pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 0  10/11 6    pixel Y=0 X=1, bit 1
00/01 5    pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 0  10/11 5    pixel Y=0 X=2, bit 1
00/01 4    pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 0  10/11 4    pixel Y=0 X=3, bit 1
00/01 3    pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 0  10/11 3    pixel Y=0 X=4, bit 1
00/01 2    pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 0  10/11 2    pixel Y=0 X=5, bit 1
00/01 1    pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 0  10/11 1    pixel Y=0 X=6, bit 1
00/01 0    pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 0  10/11 0    pixel Y=0 X=7, bit 1
02/03 F    pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 2  12/13 F    pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 3
02/03 E    pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 2  12/13 E    pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 3
02/03 D    pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 2  12/13 D    pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 3
02/03 C    pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 2  12/13 C    pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 3
02/03 B    pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 2  12/13 B    pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 3
02/03 A    pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 2  12/13 A    pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 3
02/03 9    pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 2  12/13 9    pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 3
02/03 8    pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 2  12/13 8    pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 3
02/03 7    pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 0  12/13 7    pixel Y=1 X=0, bit 1
02/03 6    pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 0  12/13 6    pixel Y=1 X=1, bit 1
02/03 5    pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 0  12/13 5    pixel Y=1 X=2, bit 1
02/03 4    pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 0  12/13 4    pixel Y=1 X=3, bit 1
02/03 3    pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 0  12/13 3    pixel Y=1 X=4, bit 1
02/03 2    pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 0  12/13 2    pixel Y=1 X=5, bit 1
02/03 1    pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 0  12/13 1    pixel Y=1 X=6, bit 1
02/03 0    pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 0  12/13 0    pixel Y=1 X=7, bit 1
  :  :    :                        :  :    :
0E/0F 0    pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 0  1E/1F 8    pixel Y=7 X=7, bit 1
All numbers hexadecimal. Little-endian byte order.
= CHR-ROM Bankswitching =
CHR-ROM bankswitching is likewise an extended version of the MMC3's. The address range is divided into two 2 KiB and four 1 KiB banks, with the bank numbers always specified with 1 KiB granularity. The 1 KiB bank number is made up of six components:
* an Extended Address Bank if Address Extension is active,
* an Inner Bank that resembles the MMC3's bank registers,
* a Middle Bank that can replace zero to eight bits of the lower bank number,
* an Intermediate Bank if Address Extension if '''not''' active,
* an Outer Bank that extend the address range up to 32 MiB,
* the same Relative Bank that adds a fixed value to the previous three components, and that also applied to PRG-ROM banking (VT16+ only),
== Extended Video Address ==
On the original NES/Famicom, both background and sprite tiles are indexed by an eight-bit number taken from the [[PPU_nametables|nametable]] for backgrounds and [[PPU_OAM#Byte_1|byte 1]] of each sprites' OAM data. This concept is kept on the VTxx series if Address Extension is disabled. Address Extension can be enabled separately for background --- by setting register $2010 bit 4 (BKEXTEN) --- and sprite data --- by setting register $2010 bit 3 (SPEXTEN). Address Extension extends the tile number to eleven bits, which can be seen as performing an implicit bankswitch for each tile.
If Address Extension is enabled for '''background''' data while background data is being fetched --- register $2010 bit 4 (BKEXTEN) is set --- the three bits of the Extended Video Address are derived as follows:
Bit 210
    |++- Attribute data bits 0 and 1
    +--- If register $2011 bit 0 (EVA12S) =0: register $2018 bit 3 (BKPAGE)
          If register $2011 bit 0 (EVA12S) =1: register $4106 bit 0 (HV)
Since the two bits from the attribute table are now used as part of the tile number, they are forced to zero when forming the final palette index of each pixel. Since this effectively reduces the number of available background colors by a factor of four, background address extension is only used in games using 4bpp modes. VR Technology's VT03 Demonstration ROM image uses Background Address Extension to show off the use of many Chinese characters on a single page.
If Address Extension is enabled for '''sprite''' data while sprite pattern data is fetched --- register $2010 bit 3 (SPEXTEN) is set --- the three bits of the Extended Video Address are derived as follows:
Bit 210
    +++- Sprites' [[PPU OAM]] byte 1, bits 2-4
Note that on the VT16+ with register $2010 bit 2 (SP16EN) and bit 5 (SPOPEN) both set, each sprite's PPU OAM byte 2 bit 4 is also used to choose between sixteen colors and sixteen pixels.
While data is read or written via $2007, if either Background or Sprite Address Axtension is active, the three bits of the Extended Video Address are derived as follows:
Bit 210
    +++- Register $2018 bits 0-2 (VRWB)
If Background or Sprite Address Extension is ''not'' active while the respective pattern data are fetched, or neither is active while data is read or written via $2007, then the Inner CHR Bank number provides the lowest three bits of the 1 KiB CHR bank number, and the Intermediate Bank is used.
== Inner CHR Bank number ==
The lower bits bits of the 8 KiB PRG-ROM bank number, constituting the Inner Bank number, are normally the only ones that are manipulated by individual games.
PPU $0000-$03FF: Selected by register $2016 (RV4) AND $FE, akin to MMC3 register 0.
PPU $0400-$07FF: Selected by register $2016 (RV5) OR $01, akin to MMC3 register 0.
PPU $0800-$0BFF: Selected by register $2017 (RV5) AND $FE, akin to MMC3 register 1.
PPU $0C00-$0FFF: Selected by register $2017 (RV5) OR $01, akin to MMC3 register 1
PPU $1000-$13FF: Selected by register $2012 (RV0), akin to MMC3 register 2.
PPU $1400-$17FF: Selected by register $2013 (RV1), akin to MMC3 register 3.
PPU $1800-$1BFF: Selected by register $2014 (RV2), akin to MMC3 register 4.
PPU $1C00-$1FFF: Selected by register $2015 (RV3), akin to MMC3 register 5.
If $4105 bit 7 (COMR7) is 1, then the sources of the $0000-$0FFF bank numbers are swapped with the $1000-$1FFFbanks', just as on the MMC3, or in other words, PPU A12 is inverted.
== Middle CHR Bank number ==
The Middle Bank is normally only used on multicarts. It allows masking off and replacing bits of the Inner Bank number, so that several games may be put into one Outer Bank. Bits 0-2 of register $201A (VB0S) select the AND mask that is applied to the Inner Bank number. Only the bits that have been masked off that way are then replaced with the respective bits from register $201A bits 3-7 (RV6):
$201A    Inner Bank  Middle Bank Effective
bits 0-2  AND Mask    AND Mask    Inner Bank Size
--------  ----------  --------    ---------------
0        FF          00          256 KiB
1        7F          80          128 KiB
2        3F          C0          64 KiB
3        invalid
4        1F          E0          32 KiB
5        0F          F0          16 KiB
6        07          F8          8 KiB
7        invalid
== Intermediate CHR Bank number ==
If either Background or Sprite Address Extension is '''active''' while the respective pattern data are fetched, or either is active while data is read or written via $2007, the Extended Video Address (EVA) provides the lowest three bits of the 1 KiB CHR bank number, and the Intermediate Bank is '''not''' used.
If Background or Sprite Address Extension is '''not active''' while the respective pattern data are fetched, or neither is active while data is read or written via $2007, then the Intermediate Bank is used, providing three bits that go between the Middle and Outer CHR Bank number. A single Intermediate Bank number applies to all six CHR banks.
PPU $0000-$1FFF: Selected by register $2018 bits 4-6 (VA18-20).
== Outer CHR Bank number ==
The Outer Bank number is used mostly by multicarts, but also by very semi-large games for which the maximum Inner Bank size of 256 KiB is insufficient. A single Outer CHR Bank number applies to all six CHR banks.
PPU $0000-$1FFF: Selected by register $4100 bits 0-3 (VA21-24).
== Final CHR Bank Number ==
The final 1 KiB CHR Bank number therefore is:
If Address Extension not active:
BankNumber = ( ((InnerBank &InnerBankMask) | (MiddleBank &~InnerBankMask) | (IntermediateBank <<8)) | (OuterBank <<11) ) +RelativeBank;
If Address Extension is active:
BankNumber = (ExtendedVideoAddress | ( ((InnerBank &InnerBankMask) | (MiddleBank &~InnerBankMask)) <<3) | (OuterBank <<11) ) +RelativeBank;
This scheme implies that when Address Extension is active, the Inner and Middle Bank number registers must be loaded with values SHR 3 compared to the values they would have if Address Extension were inactive. It also shows that using only Background or Sprite Address Extension, but not both, becomes difficult to use if the Middle Bank is to be used. The Outer and Relative Banks are not affected by Address Extension.
== Final CHR Address per Tile ==
The actual CHR-ROM address being accessed depends on the number of bits per pixel and the data bis width:
With two bits per pixel:
Address = (BankNumber <<10) + ((TableAddress <<12) | (TileNumber <<4) | (BitPlaneNumber <<3) | Row);
With four bits per pixel and 8 bit data bus:
Address = (BankNumber <<11) + ((TableAddress <<13) | (TileNumber <<5) | (BitPlaneNumber <<4) | Row);
With four bits per pixel and 16 bit data bus:
Address = (BankNumber <<11) + ((TableAddress <<13) | (TileNumber <<5) | (BitPlaneNumber.bit0 <<5) | (Row <<1) | PlaneNumber.bit1);
"TableAddress" referring to [[PPU_registers#Controller_.28.242000.29_.3E_write|register $2000 bit 4]] for background pattern data fetches and [[PPU_registers#Controller_.28.242000.29_.3E_write|register $2000 bit 3]] for sprite pattern data fetches. This scheme implies that when 4bpp are used, all bank register numbers must be loaded with values SHR 1 compared to the values they would have if 2bpp were used. It also becomes clear that choosing bank numbers properly when using 4bpp only for background or sprites, but not both, becomes quite difficult and requires careful planning of one's CHR-ROM address map.
When addressing CHR space using $2006/$2007 in 4bpp modes, the addressing scheme is quite complicated, as a single CHR bank holding 256 background and 256 sprite tiles grows from 8 KiB to 16 KiB, which are spread across two address ranges from the CPU's point of view:
PPU $0000-$1FFF: CHR pattern data, bit planes 0 and 1
PPU $4000-$5FFF: CHR pattern data, bit planes 2 and 3
In other words, PPU A14 becomes BitPlaneNumber.bit1. The only known game to read data from CHR-ROM to verify its authenticity is ''Samuri Star Angel'', and maybe as a result of this complexity, it switches to 2bpp mode during those reads.
= The VT03 Palette =
On the VT03 and later consoles, CGRAM is extended from the original RP2C02's sixteen bytes (disregarding mirrored bytes) to 256 bytes.
Entries $3F10/$3F14/$3F18/$3F1C are still mirrors of $3F00/$3F04/$3F08/$3F0C, but all the others are not. Using a 4bpp video mode (bits 0 to 3), together with a bit selecting background or sprite index (bit 4) and two attribute bits (bits 5 and 6) yields a total of 128 palette indices, disregarding mirrored bytes.
== Regular 2C02 colors ==
If register $2010 bit 7 (COLCOMP) is cleared, the RP2C02's standard colors are available, even if 4bpp are used. The greater number of palette indices then allows for greater freedom in combining different colors. This method is used by Jungletac games. Only the 128 bytes from $3F00-$3F7F are used in this case. The color numbers have the same format as on the RP2C02:
7654 3210
---- ----
  || ++++- Hue number. 0=Bright gray (upper oscillation bound),
  ||                  1-12=Colored hues (blue->pink->red->yellow->green),
  ||                  13: Dark gray (lower oscillation bound),
  ||                  14-15: black.
  ++------ Combined luminance and saturation (0: darkest, 3: brightest).
            Colors are saturated for levels 0-2 and pastel-like for level 3.
== Extended colors ==
If register $2010 bit 7 (COLCOMP) is set, then an extended palette becomes available, where each color has twelve instead of six bits. $3F00-$3F7F hold the lower six bits of the color number, $3F80-$3FFF hold the upper six bits of the color number. These extended color numbers separate luminance and saturation each to four bits each:
BA98 7654 3210
---- ---- ----
|||| |||| ++++- Hue number. Same hues as when COLCOMP=0 (exceptions apply).
|||| ++++------ Luminance (0: darkest, F: brightest).
++++----------- Saturation (0: completely desaturated grays, F: maximum saturation).
For an unknown reason, this scheme is not completely uniform throughout the value range. As saturation increases, more and more luminance levels are affected by a strange kind of color number inversion:
Saturation Inverted Luminance Levels 0123456789ABCDEF
0 - ................
1 0                              X...............
2 0 F                            X..............X
3 0,1 F                          XX.............X
4 0,1 E,F                        XX............XX
5 0,1,2 E,F                      XXX...........XX
6 0,1,2 D,E,F                    XXX..........XXX
7 0,1,2,3 D,E,F                  XXXX.........XXX
8 0,1,2,3 C,D,E,F                XXXX........XXXX
9 0,1,2,3,4 C,D,E,F              XXXXX.......XXXX
A 0,1,2,3,4 B,C,D,E,F            XXXXX......XXXXX
B 0,1,2,3,4,5 B,C,D,E,F          XXXXXX.....XXXXX
C 0,1,2,3,4,5 A,B,C,D,E,F        XXXXXX....XXXXXX
D 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 A,B,C,D,E,F      XXXXXXX...XXXXXX
E 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 9,A,B,C,D,E,F    XXXXXXX..XXXXXXX
F 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,A,B,C,D,E,F  XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX
It is not known why this happens, but all VT03 games make use of these inverted color numbers. The pattern can be described as follows:
If (LumaValue < (SaturationValue+1) >>1 || LumaValue > 15 -(ChromaValue >>1)), then the color number is inverted.
Inversion means that
* the actual saturation value is replaced with 16 minus the original value;
* the actual luminance value is replaced with (LumaValue -8) AND $0F;
* the actual hue value is replaced with:
Original Hue  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
Replaced Hue  D  7  8  9  A  B  C  1  2  3  4  5  6  0  E  F
The following table shows the palette that is hard-coded into the EmuVT emulator, which it saves to HSL2RGB.TAB every time it is run:
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $0
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $1
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $2
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $3
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $4
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $5
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $6
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $7
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $8
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $9
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $A
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $B
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $C
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $D
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $E
! colspan=16 | Saturation level $F

Latest revision as of 15:49, 1 January 2018